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There are different types of migraines that people suffer from. While most involve headaches and throbbing pain or nausea, there are still other with their own symptoms which are classified as migraines. Knowing the types of migraines and their symptoms can help you get a better diagnosis and the proper medical care.
Types of Migraines
We can start of by discussing the two basic types of migraines, Migraines without Aura and Migraines with Aura. The common symptoms of both types of migraines are headaches or pain on one side of the head. This is usually accompanied by dull throbbing pain at the side of the head or the temples, neck pain and nausea.
Migraines with Aura differ in that those who suffer from it experience sensory phenomenon such as seeing jagged or wavy lines or lights in front of them. Tunnel or impaired vision is also observed. Some also perceive funny or unusual odors. This symptom gradually diminishes and is replaced by the usual symptoms of a migraine.
Most of the other types of migraines usually fall under either of these two main groups. Some migraines may have different kind of pain such as in the location or duration and intensity of the migraine attack. Some types of migraines do not have headaches at all, only the other symptoms are experienced.
Other Types of Migraines
Silent Migraine ? this type of migraine is associated mostly with the occurrence of aura but the absence of headaches as a symptom. Common indicators are mostly the observation of waves, lines and colors in what we see. Nausea and other physical illness may also be felt.
Basilar-Type Migraines ? usually characterized by loss of vision or partial blindness while the migraine attack is occurring, it differs as there isn’t any motor loss that occurs with the migraine attack.
Hemiplegic Migraines ? characterized by occurrence of aura, nausea, vomiting and loss of motor functions or paralysis. Episodes are rather severe and are prolonged.
Retinal Migraines ? characterized by temporary loss of vision, usually in one eye. Lights, spots and other visual disturbances are also felt.
Ocular Migraines ? migraine symptoms include increased sensitivity to light, vision problems and hearing difficulty. Disorientation and confusion as well as slurred speech have also been included as symptoms.
Status Migrainosus ? a migraine type without aura. The headaches are very severe and can last for well over a day or two. Dilation of blood vessels inside the brain is the main culprit and should be addressed immediately to prevent the occurrence of stroke.
Transformed migraines ? these are described as migraine attacks that get worse in frequency and intensity over time. It is suspected that the cause would be overuse of typical medication for headaches and migraines.
Getting Treatment
To better treat your migraine you should definitely consult a physician. Describe in detail what your symptoms are as well as how often and what you were doing. Migraines can be first treated using analgesic medicine such as NSAIDs, aspirin and other pain relievers, these can usually take care of the pain symptom. However there are some migraine types that need to be addressed directly and specific medication should be administered.
Ask your doctor for more information about the types of migraines and how you can get treatment for your specific case.
You may find that natural cures for migraines can work as well if not better than pharmaceutical products. Natural cures for migraines involve physical, psychological as well as nutritional aspects. While typical medicine does work, people are starting to give more interest to alternative cures and medicine. These may work in conjunction with the medicine you are currently taking for headaches.
Natural cures also work mostly in the prevention of migraines. They help reduce both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.
Natural Cures for Migraines, Of Diets, Herbs and Therapies
* Biofeedback
Biofeedback is essentially a procedure where you are made aware of the different processes going on inside your body. Different equipment and sensors are placed on your body. Measurements such as brain activity, temperature, heart rate and blood pressure are all displayed for you to see. The theory is you can control these parameters since you are aware of the different levels they are in. Relaxation techniques along with focusing can bring pain levels down when you suffer from migraines.
* Spa and Physical Therapies
Breathing exercises and spas all aim to relax the body and help in proper circulation of blood. They can relieve you of the pain caused by migraines as well as prevent them from occurring. Acupuncture and acupressure work to apply pressure or stimulus at pressure points in the body. While they are not steeped in medical research, these treatments have been documented to provide symptomatic relief of migraines and headaches.
Overall these natural cures for migraines can greatly reduce stress and tension which can be one of the triggers of migraines.
* Herbal Cures
Feverfew and butterbur are considered as analgesics and natural cures for migraines which are effective in treating headaches. They have shown promise in migraines as well. Food and vegetables which are rich in magnesium and calcium such as kale and spinach have also been found to be effective in migraine prevention.
Aromatherapy using essential oils such as mint, peppermint and eucalyptus also relax the body and can aid in the reduction of migraine intensity.
* Migraine Diet/Log Book
A natural way to prevent migraine is to determine what causes migraines in the first place. Specific foods and stress events can cause migraines. These can differ from person to person. When a migraine attack happens try to think of what you were doing and what you were eating at the time. This can help you link your own migraine triggers. Once you know what causes migraines, you can work to avoid these.
Natural Cures for Migraines: Safety and Efficacy
It is best to consult a medical professional before undertaking any therapy for migraines. Adverse reactions are a concern, especially if you are allergic to a certain substance. There are also side effects associated with some herbs, but sticking to recommended dosages can help you avoid these problems. Ask your doctor as well so you can be cleared to undergo or take these natural cures.
With proper guidance these natural cures for migraines can help you get rid of your headaches for good.