Weight Loss Exercise

Spring Into Fitness Week – Day 4

Today is all about Spring exercise tips. I find that there are two kinds of people when it comes to exercise. There are people that like to exercise and do it regularly and the other group are the people that know they should probably exercise but never get around to it. Well with the weather turning nice it is time to start thinking of exercise as a fun thing to do outdoors.

Spring Exercise Tips

Again I am going to give you a few tips that should help you out and at the same time hopefully inspire the non exercisers to see that it is easy to get started. I have also written a post on an 8 week Spring Fitness Program that you can check out.

1. Start slowly – No matter if you have been working out indoors for the Winter or not, it is important to start out slowly. I think that it is important to start walking, riding, or running (whatever you can do) for at least 15 minutes and you can work this up to 45 minutes a day or so. Any more than this and you will be working to long I believe. As soon as you can pick up the pace and the time but remember not to push too hard or it will take to long to heal and not be sore. You should be doing some kind of exercise 5 or 6 days a week.

2. Be Careful – As you are start doing whatever Spring exercise you are doing and this includes weightlifting you have to watch your form. I have sidelined myself many times by pushing too fast and not listening to my body only to be left a couple weeks in with swollen and really sore knees. Know your limits.

3. The Pain will be gone quick, I promise – No matter what you start for exercise you will have sore legs, arms, back, calves, all sorts of pain that you are not used to. As long as the pain is muscle stiffness you can work through it. Remember to drink lots of water for the muscle stiffness and know that the pain will go away fairly quickly. After two weeks or so your muscle stiffness will be gone and you will be fine

4. Change it up lots – Remember that your body is very adaptable. If you do the same kind of exercise or eat the same foods consistently your body will get used to it. So you have to change it up a lot. Move between all the things you can think of, sports, bowling, running, walking, riding, skateboarding, surfing, whatever you can do to keep everything changing around.

Good for today. I will have one more post to pull things together. I hope that you have liked these spring exercise tips and I will try to add to the list as I think of more.


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What I Couldn’t Do Two Weeks Ago

There is something to be said about trying something you know you can’t do.  Every time I go to the gym I stare down the hanging leg raise. Have you seen it?

Basically you have to hold your body up while pulling your legs up to your chest. For those that can do it, they make it look easy. For the rest of us, well, it’s kind of sad (and kind of funny) to watch. I decided I was okay with making a fool of myself January 20th and get on.

I couldn’t even hold myself up to hang. It was truly painful, so I got off and decided that this would be a progress point for me.

Two weeks later, back at the gym I decided to get on again. I knew in my mind that holding my weight up with my arms would be hard, but I wanted to try again. This time, not only could I support my weight, I was able to lift my knees up to my chest not once, not twice, not three times…but four times.

I was so shocked that I stopped. Am I really doing this? I couldn’t even hold myself up two weeks ago! And sure enough I think I could have done a couple more had I not been so freakin’ excited.

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Today begins week four of the Insanity workout training and I have to say that working out every day has gotten easier mentally. I know what to expect and I’ve accepted that 45 minutes of my day will be spent exercising. I’ve never worked out this hard in my life on a consistent basis. Not even during couch to 5k training. It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve exercised all but three (I take sundays off) days in the past three weeks.

We’ve got more plans. As the weather gets warmer and our stamina increases, we’re going to add running back to our schedule three days a week.

Right now the exercise schedule looks like this:

Monday-Wednesday : Insanity workout

Thursday: yoga and strength training

Friday- Saturday: Insanity workout

Sunday: Off

In about a month it will look like this:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Insanity workout + running

Tuesday, Saturday: Insanity workout

Thursday: yoga and strength

Sunday: Off day

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