Weight Loss Exercise

New Health and Fitness website

I have started a new fitness website as some of my fitness weblog has gotten out of control You can find information on diet, exercise, health and other issues that assist your well being.

Don’t worry though as at this point the website is a bit of a mirror of this weblog. My plan now is to just ad health and fitness infomation that I find in articles to this weblog and use the website for any long article type posts

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Weight Loss Exercise

Intro, Hello and lets see what we can do in 30 days

This is a weblog about feeling better, not just in the summer but all year round. I have been exercising and interested in diet and fitness for 20 years and have read far to much for myself not to be vane.

I will go through 30 days of trying to have you improve your fitness by concentrating on improving your diet, your exercise and your attitude so that after 30 hopefully mostly pain free days you will have a much better and helthy body and mind.

I will be trying to follow myself and be better than I am now. I am in decent fitness and my diet as I joke with my wife is really goo but I add a bunch of unhealthy food as well.

I am married to Michelle, with a two year old boy Jaiden and a five year old daughter Taylor so there are many reasons for me to improve my fitness and improve my diet as well as exercise more. Lets do this together and if you are joining this weblog late please try to do it over 30 days.

Good luck


General Weight Loss Tips

If you have more muscle, Did you also burn more fat?

I finished high school some time ago and I'm now college. Here's a lil background for my question. I fought for my high school and No. 1 with us was weight control. I was good to stay on the weight and keeping toned. But now that I left school it seems that I gain more weight. I still work, but more than anything else cardiovasuclar. I was just thinking about the question I posted, if you have more muscle and more weight do you also burn more calories to allow muscles to speak or eat? If so, I'll start doing weight training. Thank you any help or response would be greatly appreciated.

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