Weight Loss Exercise

Can You Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days?

Have you ever thought that you could lose 25 pounds in 25 days? I am listening to an interview right now by Joel Marion, John Romaniello and Vince Del Monte. These guys are three of the top experts in getting fit and losing weight today.

Can You Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days?

What these three guys are talking about is really wide ranging but mostly it is around the idea of one of the guys sisters losing 25 pounds in 25 days ahead of her wedding. This interview is really cool for no other reason than it is full of rambling and stories. Here is what is being covered.

How to Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days

Intermittent fasting – taking a day off of eating one every few days.

Taking a cheat day once every 5 days – Cheating means that you can eat mostly anything that you want for a day.

Working out on a fasting day – I have never worked out on an empty stomach and these guys are saying that it is really great and the workouts are really good.

How to Lose 25 Pounds fast – There is no way it seems that you can lose a pound a day for any length of time.

Depleting Glycogen – This is the energy sitting in your liver and muscles and this should help you lose weight by not retaining fat on your cheat days.

Cycled Eating – You eat for a few days and then cheat. They have added the fasting day after though.

Well the reason that these guys are talking about this is because Joel Marion is going to be launching a new weight loss program called The Extreme Fat Loss Diet – That is a link to a free ebook. I am always intrigued by these diets as they come out so watching the run up to the diet and it seems like doing the intermittent fasting, cycled eating, workouts on fasting days and more stuff is really great.

I will do a full review of the program sometime in the next few days but this really looks like something interesting. Whether you lose 25 pounds in 25 days is up to you.

Weight Loss Exercise

Yeast infections and Emotional Eating Stop Weight Loss

I found this great article from a woman’s point of view about the links between emotional eating and how yeast infections can stop proper weight loss. Do you suffer from yeast infections? Maybe this is a reason why you have trouble losing weight.

There are many important weight loss discoveries to lose weight. Weight loss can be achieved with the right knowledge. In this article I will offer you that knowledge. When I was trying to lose weight, I had no one to guide me and hence I made some mistakes along the way. I hope you don’t make those same mistakes like me.

The first mistake I made was to choose a fad weight loss program like the Weight Watchers for my weight loss. I failed to realize, until after it was too late, that fad diet plans come with their own shortcomings.

The second was not noticing what my body was doing and why I was suffering so many yeast infections.

It went like this: the Weight Watchers program worked perfectly for the first few weeks. It helped me lose weight with the kind of speed I wanted. However, it fell flat after a few months. I soon discovered that I wasn’t losing weight as rapidly as before.

I discussed it with my friends, and they said that maybe I am not sticking to my diet plan and ‘straying’ too much. It was of no use convincing them that such was not the case. At last they suggested that I should record all my eating and other habits in a weight loss diary.

Emotional Eating and Yeast Infections

1. First discovery – Emotional eating: I finally realized that my friends were not all wrong when they said I was ‘straying’. I just didn’t realize it myself. I would eat a few packets of chips, a bowl of chocolate soup, some pastries etc. every day. They had formed such integral parts of my daily life that I just couldn’t get over them. And that was partially responsible for the failure of my diet plan.

2. Second discovery – Yeast infection: If you take antibiotics over a prolonged period of time, it will destroy the probiotics present in your digestive system – the good bacteria that help you with digestion. Slowly the yeast infections would engulf your entire intestine in such a way that you will feel drowsy and fatigued all the time, have cravings for sweet foods, and experience abdominal acidity right after eating. Well, that was what had happened with me. This was yet another stumbling block that I had to remove.

How to stop Yeast Infections

The yeast infections problem can be eradicated by eating foods that are rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, etc. Don’t ignore this problem as it can wreck havoc with your weight loss plan.

Once you eliminate those two stumbling blocks from your life, weight loss is inevitable. Click Here to find a good natural yeast infections cure.

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Succeed With Weight Loss

Succeed With Weight Loss

Motivation is the problem that most people have when attempting to lose weight. While you may be all for losing weight at first, once the going gets tough, many people find that they have a hard time maintaining that motivation. Finding the best ways to maintain motivation is essential to sticking with a weight loss program.

How to Succeed With A Weight Loss Program

Here are some suggestions to help you stay motivated and continue losing weight. These can help you stay motivated. Some of these may even encourage you to push beyond your initial weight loss goals and into leaner weight classes.

1. Write down your goals. All too often, people do not write down their goals and then begin to falter in their resolves. Write down what weight you want to be at and how much weight you want to lose a week or a month.

2. Reward yourself every time you reach a goal. This reward should not be a food reward, but rather a gift reward, such as new shoes or new clothing. Something small for hitting small goals, something big when you hit milestone goals.

3. Track your progress. Be sure to draw up charts and write down your weight loss progression. Also consider writing down the number of inches lost as this can change even if the weight numbers do not change.

4. Track your portions and calories. Many times people will follow a diet plan, but will not follow the portion controls the entire time. This will cause you to gain weight, rather than lose it.

5. Keep a journal. Emotional eating is one of the most prevalent reasons that people gain weight. By keeping a journal, you can get your emotions out and not contributing to the desire to eat.

6. Keep a record of your exercise routine. All too often people forget to increase the weights used or change the exercise plan. This will cause you to stop losing weight and lose motivation.

7. Take stock as to why you want to lose weight. If it is just appearance sake, you might find you lose motivation quicker than if it is also about your health and the way you feel.

8. Put up mantras around the house and work place. These are small phrases that will remind you of your goals and how you are going to reach these goals.

With these 8 tips, you will be able to keep the motivation that you need to continue to lose weight. These tips will help you to reach your weight goals and maybe even surpass them as you get yourself into a routine.