Weight Loss Products


Losing weight just became easier with specially formulated Garcinia Cambodia extract designed to help suppress appetite and inhibit fat production.

While it is certainly true that miracle drugs do not exist and people don’t lose weight overnight, Garcinia Cambogia Burn may be the closest imitation of the dream miracle drugs. Covering all the essential bases of losing weight- appetite suppression, increased fat loss and reduced food cravings, the Garcinia Cambogia supplement is certainly the best option for females looking to lose excess body fat and stay in shape. Excess body fat is a major risk factor for heart diseases, hypertension, stroke, diabetes and many other diseases. Garcinia burn is specially formulated and clinically reviewed to efficiently burn excess fat, keeping you healthy with very mild to no side effects.

Garcinia Cambogia Burn’s major active ingredient is Garcinia cambogia extract. The extract has been scientifically proven to prevent fat storage, suppress appetite and increase exercise endurance making it an ideal weight loss candidate. The extract has also been proven by studies to be very safe over long and short-term use. Endorsed by leading weight-loss experts, the formula in Garcinia Cambogia Burn allows users to burn stored fat and sheds excess pounds quickly and efficiently.

Garcinia Cambogia works by increasing the amount of serotonin- the ‘feel good’ hormone in the body. Serotonin controls the appetite and reduces stress and feelings of depression, two of the leading causes of gorging. Serotonin also improves mood and sleep, serving as an added bonus. As shown by a recent study, people taking Garcinia Cambogia Burn experience an increase in resting metabolism, feel less hungry and lose weight with no change in diet. The results obtained from regular Garcinia Burn use is 2 to 3 times better than the result from diet and exercise alone.

With an uncomplicated dosing schedule of one pill before breakfast and another before lunch, Garcinia burn makes compliance very easy, leading to even greater effectiveness. Each bottle contains sixty pills, representing a thirty-day supply. The company promises 100% money back guarantee and will fully refund any buyer that is not satisfied with the product. Positive reviews by individuals that have tested the product abound.

Garcinia Cambogia Burn is available on Amazon and can be shipped within 24hours of order.

Made For Her Nutrition
Victor Gaona
PO Box 844
Phoenix, AZ 85001


Weight Loss Products

Did a Cornell Student Cut 37 Pounds Using Apple Cider Vinegar and Supplements?


CNN aired a story about a university student who discovered a “diet hack” involving apple cider vinegar.





In April 2017, an advertisement for a diet product called “Refresh Garcinia Cambogia” or “Garicinia Slim” was disguised as a genuine news report and published on web sites such as Running and The Platinum Beard

Student from Cornell University Cuts 31lbs On University Budget!

Amanda Haughman, a student at Cornell University, was able to drop 31lbs off her waist in 1 month without ever using a dime of her own money. Amanda is studying nutrition sciences at Cornell, and for a required research project Amanda thought it would be perfect to use university funds to find out how to ‘hack’ her weight loss. According to Amanda, “the most expensive piece of it all was actually finding what worked. But the actual solution only cost about $5.”

“I had struggled with my weight my whole life. I tried things like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, which just didn’t work as good as they promised. I am a single Mom with a kid at home and I am also working towards my degree, so I don’t have any time to be at the gym. When I was assigned this big research project, I saw it as a perfect opportunity to get a deeper look at the natural weight loss opportunities that are out there, and that is when I found out about combining Refresh Garcinia Cambogia and apple cider vinegar. The best part of it all, I can tell that my daughter is proud of me.” – Amanda Haughman

These reports included a number of false and misleading claims. For instance, the lead photograph purportedly showing Amanda Haughman’s tremendous weight loss is actually Rachel Graham, who lost nearly 100 pounds in a year. Graham told Today in 2016 that she credited her weight loss to exercise and a healthy diet. Graham did not mention the alleged magic formula of apple cider vinegar and garcinia cambogia:

Ask Rachel Graham how she’s managed to lose almost 100 pounds in one year and the formula is simple: Healthy food and exercise. No secrets. No gimmicks. No quick fixes.

She’s also honest about the impact of going from 235 pounds to 144 pounds, especially the loose skin on her stomach, thighs and arms. 


“I want people to know that it is 110 percent possible,” Graham told TODAY.

“I used to feel as though it wasn’t. That I didn’t have ‘what it takes,’ and that it was just too far out of reach… If you want to make changes, it is completely possible with healthy food and exercise.”

This weight loss advertisement also fabricated an interview with CNN and claimed that the network ran a segment on this Cornell student’s “amazing discovery”:

We sat down with Amanda to ask her more about how she found out about Refresh Garcinia Cambogia and whether or not that is all that she used to lose 31lbs so quickly.

CNN: Tell us, how did you know where to start?

Amanda: To be honest, I really didn’t. I was given a budget for the project by the university, and I spent nearly all of it researching everything under the sun. I looked into other previous research, case studies, and even successful weight loss stories of others.


This story never appeared on CNN.  

Not surprisingly the Platinum Beard post links to a site selling Garcinia Cambogia. The Running Evolutions article links instead to what is apparently borrowed content from Barry’s Boot Camp, a personal training program. We reached out to Barry’s Boot Camp for comment, but have not yet received a reply. 

Although we can’t speak to the effectiveness of drinking apple cider vinegar with Refresh Garcinia Cambogia, we can say that this text did not originate in a genuine news article. This is an advertisement that used a fabricated interview, falsified claims, and an unrelated photograph to sell a diet product.


Pawlowski, A.   “Mom gets real about weight loss: Here’s how she shed 90 pounds in a year.”
    Today   3 October 2016.

Weight Loss Products

Garcinia Cambogia: IS Safe for Weight Loss preview

Gharkinia Kambogia, also called Malabar Tamarind, is a sweet, small Indonesian AMAZON fruit popping up in the late 1960s when scientists discovered acid that contains a very similar citric acid found in fruits such as oranges and lemon. Acid, called Hidroxitrik acid (Heka), has built a controversial reputation since then as a miracle weight loss supplement.

Lawyers claim that Heka prevents fat by discouraging a major enzyme called Lias Sitrat, which needs the body to make fat from carbohydrates. It also ydaion that appetite can be suppressed by strengthening serotonin levels, where low levels are associated with depression and excessive emotional or interactive eating. The final result is the supposed reduction in belly fat and the transformation of body composition by strengthening the lean muscle mass.

Garcinia Cambogia Studies have shown weak or inconclusive results. Many have been carried out using animals, which cannot fully support the same effects in humans, and the doses that show success in animals are usually unrealistic to repeat in people. In one study of the supplement, guinea pigs showed a high cholesterol diet due to different gharkinia types called Atriverdis low levels of fat and deposition of the aortic artery. Another study rats decided that they lowered the body weight gain and accumulation of fat alhashoet thanks to a drop in eating.

A study on people published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 involved 135 topics divided into imaginary and gharkinia kambogia groups that both groups lost weight, but there was no big difference. Although the topics were given food recommendations, the commitment was not monitored outside the food magazine. The results showed to show that the weight loss was based on awareness rather than dietary supplements dietary supplements. (Don’t forget to also include these dietary supplements on your not buying a list.)

The researchers published the results in the Obesity magazine in 2011 that the detection of Gharkinia Kambogia may increase weight loss only 1.2 pounds on average. The team compared the people who took Gharkinia Kambogia extract for those who did, found very little weight loss difference.

Marissa Moore says the registered nutrition and nutrition specialist: “There is no credible evidence to support Algharkinia claims for weight loss”, noting that there have been no large-scale experiments comparing Gharkinia Kamboghia with Blasibos or other supplements, and therefore there are no objective data to be taken into account. She says: “This is not something I recommend,” hostess: “Not only research is not there, but there are concerns about her safety.”

In fact, the 2005 study in Food and chemical toxicology found that high doses of extraction of gharkinia Kambogia caused testicular atrophy and toxicity in mice. Again, not everything translates from animal studies to people, but why take risks?

Then there is a concern of transparency behind Blues marketing, since most brands of Gharkinia Kambogia extract diet pills have failed the quality of the independent lab and test quantity, and many contain much less heka than listed in the bottle.