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Life After the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet

Finally you have decided that Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet has done wonders for your fat loss.
  Where to from here?
  On the one hand, experience fat loss 4 Idiots Diet you would have learned that making healthy food choices and nutrition smart you can reduce body fat. She can enjoy food, both good and bad in moderation.
  Also if you eat in controlled portions and eat more during the day, you'll reduce cravings and keep body fat away.
  Showing 4 Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Tips to always bare in mind with —
  1. Eat less bad fats. For all people, even if you are at a healthy weight, reduce the amount of trans and saturated fats in your diet, and watch without butter or polyunsaturated fat as saturated mono or canola oil spray of Olive. You can also reduce the saturated fat by eating lean meats, remove chicken skin, the choice of reduced dairy products low in fat and limiting to win, cakes, cookies and pastries.
  2. Eat the right carbs – refined carbohydrates such as high sugar drinks drinks, cakes, biscuits and pastries lack of nutrition. Limiting these foods once a week and not the refined carbohydrates such as whole grains, oatmeal, whole grain breads, pastas, fruits, vegetables and legumes.
  3. Slim Down on comfort food. To increase your intake of vegetables and cut calories without really realizing it, add spinach and squash pasta and casseroles. The vegetables add flavor and fiber, so you end
  eat fewer calories and less fat. So – when it comes to snacks, many of us with 300 or more calories when 100 or 200 is all it takes to ward off hunger. The next time you are craving terrible, opt for fruits like banana, a handful of nuts or just go running away from you for the food.
  4. Eat to live. Starvation diets are like poison for your metabolism. When the body thinks it is in a crisis of food shortages, it conserves energy. From there you can burn calories more slowly to compensate
  eat less. The net effect you suffer from this – is nothing. I hate it – a waste of time and effort for zero result. So eat and eat smart – it's the best way to fuel your body.
  5. Be active. Play your favorite sport or go to the gym – and make it difficult. Push the body to stimulate the metabolism of fat burning.