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Monthly Dreamboard – Or Fun List?

One of the things that happens when you have kids is that often you just go from season to season and as much as you sign the kids up for stuff and do things, the mundane of the regular schedule seems to just fill up all of your time if you aren’t careful.

Monthly Dreamboard   Or Fun List?One of the things that we do every year on new years eve is create a dreamboard. In past years we have sometimes done it right and put pictures on there and done a lot of research into what would be great but this year (11 months ago now) we just made one at 8:00 new years eve. You can see it here. It seems to have worked out well so far mostly. But there are always things that sometimes get missed anyway.

Well I was looking back at some twitter posts earlier tonight and I ran across an even better idea that Carla at MizFitOnline posted about at the end of Summer. She and her kids had a Summer list of things they wanted to do and she was lamenting about how Summer is ending and the list was ending too, how about a new list, maybe even a monthly list?

Here we are in the middle of November and we are already apparently prepping for Christmas. I think that Winter really did start a couple of weeks ago and now I am thinking that I had better start to make some plans for these last 6 weeks of the year or they will just slip by in the business of the season.

I think we are going to have to make one of these “Fun Lists” not goals, not drams, just fun stuff to do so that we don’t go crazy. Stuff to let off steam and to have fun.

How about you? Do you have plans? What are you going to be doing these last few weeks of the year?

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Being Intrinsically Motivated

Motivation can be as diverse as people themselves.  Causes and effects of motivation are also multi-faceted.  What motivates you may be totally opposite to what motivates others.
When we finally achieve motivation at times it’s short lived because it’s the wrong stimulus to produce lasing results.  Stimuli can come from deep inside the mind and soul or be strictly the possibility of being rewarded.

Being Intrinsically MotivatedIntrinsic motivation comes from inside a person rather than from an external source.  He or she is motivated by the sheer pleasure of a task or the sense of satisfaction of working on a task and its eventual completion.  It doesn’t matter if there is no monetary or other physical reward.

What Does It Mean To Be Intrinsically Motivated

If a person is intrinsically motivated he works on a problem or job simply because it’s enjoyable.  He works to seek a solution but enjoys the trip not necessarily the destination.  The work is not done for payment or reward.

Some students are intrinsically motivated and enjoy the research and homework for the love of learning and not for the grade they’ll receive.  Such motivation usually results in excellent grades.

In everyday life, a good example is a person who works a crossword puzzle, a word jumble or a jigsaw puzzle.  They enjoy the challenge of learning and achieving knowing that when the puzzle is complete there will be no reward other than self-satisfaction, which is enough.

There are cases where intrinsically motivated people do seek rewards in order to make a living or finish a class but external rewards are not enough to keep them interested.  It takes a challenge for a person to pursue money or good grades because reward alone is not satisfying. It’s apparent that intrinsic motivation is very desirable, but few fall into this category.  Most students, teachers and others need external rewards to keep them motivated.

How to Become More Intrinsically Motivated

Factors that promote intrinsic motivation are basically challenge, control, curiosity, fantasy, cooperation, competition and recognition.  Challenge allows a person to work toward a meaningful goal.  Control allows one to control what happens to them.  Curiosity stimulates the desire to learn about something.

Fantasy turns learning into a game by using mental images rather than things actually present.  Competition lets a person feel satisfaction by comparing their performance to others.  Cooperation and recognition bring satisfaction and appreciation from others to the motivator.

Extensive research has shown that intrinsic motivation is merely described as what people will do just for the love of doing it.  They’re not working on the task or job to receive any form of external inducement.

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Motivational Quotes Can Create Change

We become what we think.  Motivational quotes like this have been proven over and over again. If we perceive something bad is going to happen to us, many times it does.  On the contrary, if we believe something good is going to happen this often becomes true as well.  Science has affirmed the link between positive effect and its impact on an individual’s motivation and performance.

If we expect the best or we expect the worst, we’re usually not disappointed.  Each time we perceive a positive thought it increases our own perceptions of positive expectancy.

For motivation to last it requires constant thinking with daily positive reinforcement.

How Do Motivational Quotes Create Change?

Motivational Quotes Can Create ChangeIn the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is says great teachers have taught us that the law of attraction is the most powerful law in the universe.  Like attracts like and whatever you’re thinking, the law requires that like thoughts are attracted back to you.  In other words, you get what you expect as your thoughts become real so take care to expose yourself only to positive thoughts.

Surround yourself with positive affirmations and you will initiate change in yourself, in your life and in the lives of others.  Positive thoughts enable you to achieve self-confidence and self esteem.  With these qualities you can motivate and inspire yourself.

Believe in yourself and others will believe in you and you in them.

Most motivational quotes come from learned and successful people and they’re useful in the work place and at home today and throughout the rest of your life.  Just as happiness is contagious as you surround yourself with happy people, positive thinking is derived from surrounding yourself with positive quotes.

Many find it helpful to print up several of their favorite motivational sayings and place them where they’ll be seen frequently each day such as on your desk, your computer or on your mirror.  What you see each day contributes to what your mind thinks and if you’re thinking it, you are consciously or subconsciously working toward that end.

Quotes To Change Your Life By

View motivational quotes day after day, night after night.  Lucretius said, “Constant dripping hollows out a stone.”  If we persist each day in some small way to achieve our goals then some measure of success will be ours.  An old Chinese proverb cautions too, that, “Talk doesn’t cook rice.”  Too many times we’re all talk and no action.

St. Clement taught, “If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.”

We must hope and dream but we must also work toward our goal. Constant reminders such as these ever-visible quotes steer us on an unwavering path to completion.

Perhaps one of the strongest motivators and risk takers ever was General George S. Patton who said, “Take calculated risks.  That is quite different from being rash.”  Quotes to motivate deliver the mental fuel to improve your life’s implementation.  Expose yourself to these thought daily.  What touches you becomes a part of you.


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