Weight Loss Exercise

Ab Workout – Parts of Your Abs

An ab workout is a workout where you are working all parts of your abs. Most people after they have dropped their down to a good level are interested in getting 6 pack abs and there are two things that will control whether you have a 6 pack or not.

1. Your diet and fat level – You need to make sure that your diet is good and no matter what you do if you have even a fairly thin layer of fat on your midsection then you will not be able to see those awesome ab muscles.

2. Your Ab Workout – You ab workout will consist of the exercises to the upper and lower abdominal muscles as well as the sides or oblique muscles

In this post I wanted to concentrate on the ab workout and what kinds of exercises are important to do to make those abdominal muscles stronger, bigger and show through more.

Ab Workout Parts

ab workoutUpper ab workout – To work the upper abs you need to lift the upper part of the body. Common ab work out for the upper abdominal muscles would be the crunch or any other exercise where you are lifting you upper body off of the ground from lying down position. Do three sets of 20-30 reps twice a week.

Lower ab workout – To work the lower abdominal muscles you should do some kind of leg raises including alternating bicycle type raises which have you lying on the ground and then alternating bringing your knees up toward your stomach. Do three sets of 20-30 reps twice a week.

Oblique workout – Your obliques are on your sides right beside your stomach. To work the obliques, the best exercise that I have found is to stand straight up with your feet shoulder length apart and your hands behind your head and then just do a side bend with your legs straight.

If you do this correctly you will find that you are moving your body at the hips. Do this for three sets of 15 reps for each side and as you get stronger you can work out oblique muscles with a little more .

Be careful as strong obliques will make your waist wider which is something most people want to avoid.

What else for an ab workout?

So there you have it. Although there are some other minor things like working your traverse abdominals and cardio for supporting muscles I think you have a good core here of Ab workout ideas.

An ab workout is not difficult and you will get stronger abs quite quickly but be aware that to really get a six pack abs you will need to do your ab workout as well as get your bodyfat very very low.

Weight Loss Exercise

Omega 3 Supplement Benefits

Margaret Tye has this interesting article about the value of Omega 3 Supplement. I have written before about how I do take this supplement and my wife actually calls them heart pills because Omegas are supposed to be good for your heart and circulation.

In recent years research has highlighted the benefits of omega 3 fish oil, whether it is taken naturally by eating oily fish, or by taking daily supplements. Fish oil has been shown to help keep the cardiovascular system healthy, reducing the risk of heart disease and eventual heart attack.

Omega 3 Supplement

Omega 3 Supplement

Omega 3 Supplement

Many people take fish oil to help joint movement. Arthritic patients can suffer a great deal of pain and omega 3 fatty acid may reduce wear and tear on the joints and reduce the pain of inflammation.

You should always tell your doctor if you are taking fish oil supplements, particularly if you are on any prescribed medication.

In the UK, research showed dramatic improvements in reading skills in children given omega 3 over a period of three months.

Both over and under-achievers were seen to improve. Sixteen year old students given omega 3 in the period before taking exams achieved better results than those not taking supplements.

Omega 3 Supplement for ADHD?

Many parents with children suffering from ADHD prefer to give their children omega 3 fish oil supplements rather than treating with Ritalin.

In a pre-trial assessment of students at the Greenfield Community Arts College, students given blended fish oil supplements over a three month period showed improvement in both severe impulsiveness and severe inattention.

For many years children who suffered with ADHD/ADD were just considered naughty and never received any form of treatment. Now, as adults,they realise that they may be ADHD/ADD sufferers. Taking omega 3 fish oil could improve their general health and may benefit their ADHD.

Omega 3 Supplement for Depression?

Some doctors recommend taking omega 3 fish oil to help reduce depression and research is showing that patients can benefit. In countries like Japan, where consumption of fish is higher than in other nations, statistics show lower incidences of adult depression than areas where less fish is eaten.

However no-one should stop taking prescribed medication for depression without consulting their doctor. Nor should anyone take large doses of cod liver oil or fish oil. Their doctor will advise on safe dosages.

The author accepts no liability for the accuracy of information in this article. No treatment should be undertaken without consulting a doctor and the author accepts no liability for any action taken.

Margaret Tye runs the Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil website.

Omega 3 supplement as you can see is good for more than your heart it can also help fight ADHD and depression

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Weight Loss Exercise

Hip Arthritis Exercises

Hip Arthritis Exercises are a very important part of pain management for anybody with arthritis in the hips. It is also probably the best way to limit the development or worsening of arthritis in all joints.

Many hip arthritis exercises will also strengthen the knees which is important because arthritis in these joints is often linked. A person with stiff and painful hips will tend to put stress on the knees when walking to reduce their pain, and this stress can often produce problems of its own including causing arthritis to develop in the knees too. The same is true in reverse, when someone causes problems in their hips because they were trying to ‘save’ their arthritic knee joints.

There are three types hip arthritis exercises: stretching, strengthening and reduced-impact aerobic exercise. Try to do a variety including all three types, spread over several days. It is fine to do a longer exercise period some days and a shorter one other days, but it is best to take some form of hip arthritis exercises every day.

Stretching Hip Exercises

Try to do some stretching every day, because these hip arthritis exercises should help you with important daily activities such as sitting, getting in and out of a car and putting on shoes. Never force a stretch further than is comfortable. Keep in mind too that you may need help getting up off the floor.

1. Bent Leg Raise

Lying on your back, slowly raise one knee, sliding your foot along the floor. Bring your foot as close to your buttocks as you comfortably can. Then lift your foot and bring your knee up towards your chest. If this is difficult you can pull with either your hands around your thigh (not around the knee) or a belt.

Hold for a count of 5 then return the foot to the floor and slide it back until it is stretched out again and relaxed. Repeat with the other leg. (5 times)

2. Bent Leg Raise With Rotation

hip arthritis exercises

Hip Arthritis Exercises

Repeat the leg raise but while the knee is in the air, rotate it inward (toward the other hip) and back to an upright position. Again you can support the thigh if that helps. Rotate the knee slowly 5 times, then do the other leg.

Strengthening Hip Exercises

Strengthening using hip arthritis exercises will do a lot to build the stability of your hips and all of the muscles that are supporting your body. Do these hip arthritis exercises as often as possible (every 2 days)

1. Straight Leg Raise

Lie on your back with knees up and feet flat on the floor. Tighten muscles in your right thigh and raise the right foot, straightening the right knee as far as you comfortably can. Keep the foot 1-2 feet off the ground, not more, and do not arch the back. Hold for a count of 10, relax and repeat with the other leg. (2-5 times)

2. Foot Roll

Stand 1-2 feet from a counter with legs apart and hands leaning on the counter. Standing on your heels, lift the toes and slowly turn them so they point first inward, then outward. This should cause the whole leg to rotate inside the hip joint. (5-10 times)

3. Backward Leg Raise

Still supported by the counter, raise one leg up and back. Keep the knee straight. Hold for a count of 5. Repeat with the other leg. (5 times)

Reduced Impact Aerobic Hip Arthritis Exercises

Avoid high impact aerobic exercises like running, skipping etc if you have even mild arthritis. The impact of the body hitting the ground can be very stressful for the joints. If you like walking, walk on a softer surface such as grass rather than on the street wherever possible. Better still, go for low impact aerobic exercise such as swimming or stationary cycling.

Do not stress your hips. Stop if you feel any sharp pain or if your hips or other joints begin to ache differently than your normal resting pain. Do not expect to see improvement in a very short time but begin gently and increase gradually.

What can you expect from your Hip Arthritis Exercises

Many people will have a reduction in their pain within a week or two. If you do not feel any better, you may need to see a physiotherapist who has access to your radiography results so that they can pinpoint where your problems lie. In some cases where the arthritis is worsening, exercise may not relieve pain but it will prevent it getting worse.

Do not neglect to consult with your doctor before starting any hip arthritis exercises program if you suffer from arthritis or other medical conditions.

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