Weight Loss Exercise

Brittany Lang – Pro Golfer Workout Regimen

I am always on the lookout as to what makes some people really standout in sport and what those differences are that we can incorporate into our lives.

Today I found a great short video where Britanny Lang shows us what she does to physically prepare for her pro golf events.

Brittany Lang is a pro golfer in her 9th year as a pro and the LPGA site has a video of her workout philosophy and regimen.

Britanny Lang Workout Plan

britanny langIn the video Brittany was pretty open with her view that a pro or even amateur golfer needs to be very aware of their fitness and she talks about how she likes to do weights but has not done quite as much as early in her career.

Also it is nice to hear that Brittany Lang has a great workout schedule plan which concentrates on weights ad exercising her core early in the week and as she gets closer to tournament playing days transitions to a lot of stretching to make sure that she is loose for playing.

She also demonstrates a few core exercises:

  • Single leg bridge for glutes
  • Side Plank
  • Superman for low back

Britanny really proves not only in her words but in her career how critical it is to build core strength and keep flexibility to have a long career in pro sports.

Weight Loss Exercise

Things To Consider Before Joining A Gym

Joining a gym is probably the best thing you could do for your health. Sure, you could go the ‘self-help’ way by picking up and doing random workouts, but you would go only so far with this ‘self-help’ approach. A time will come when you would need guidance of an expert.

Keep in mind that there is a reason why fitness trainers charge such astronomical amounts and are well paid by their clients as well.

gymHaving said that, gyms are not within everyone’s budget. Not many pockets could afford to join a premier gym, and the situation has worsened with the new tide of recession which is taking over the economy in a negative way.

Also most gyms would make you sign a contract before you could get started, this to ensure that you don’t cancel your membership midway. As such, you should spend some good time on research before choosing the best gym for yourself and investing in it.

What to Consider Before Joining a Gym

Let me tell you about the top three things you should consider before joining a gym.

Eligibility: You should join a gym only if you are interested in doing intense workouts such as training or interval training.

If you are simply interested in cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, jogging, etc., you don’t need to join a gym.

Gyms are best suited for those who have outgrown the cardio and taken to intense workouts because those workouts offer better and quicker results compared to cardio.

Also make sure that the gym you join has plenty of exercise equipments and workout plans for you; the last thing you want is to get bored of doing the same workout using the same equipment repeatedly, day after day.

Location: Ideally you should join a gym near your work or home. If the gym is located at a place you hardly visit ever, you are very likely to stop attending your fitness classes after the first few days.

Plus, having a gym at the proximity of a place you live in or frequent to would also save you fuel costs.

Viability: For me, seeing is believing. No matter how popular a gym is, no matter how many times a gym is endorsed by top celebrities, it may not suit you.

That is why it is a good strategy to try out the membership for the first few days before joining on full scale. Most gyms offer “trial” or “guest” memberships whereby you could try out the equipments for free for the first few days. If your preferred gym doesn’t offer such plans, join the one which does.

Credibility: In this day and age of fraudsters, you need to be very cautious about the fitness trainers you would be working with. If the trainers are amateurs, you would receive very little benefit from your fitness training; worse, you could end up injuring your body badly.

Unless you are a fitness pro yourself, you would want to work only with professional trainers who know their stuff. If in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask the staff or the existing clients of the gym about the credentials of the trainers.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Plan Execute and Reflect

We need to all become more aware of this process and see where we fail. Plan, Execute, and Reflect. This three step process is very important so that you are not stuck just making the same mistakes over and over again.

Plan for Success

So what do you know about your next event, what do you need to do to make sure that you succeed? If your next even is a marathon or even a 10k or to lose 20 pounds then what can you glean from the past? What were your failings and strengths last time around and how can you leverage those strengths and minimize the effects of your weaknesses. Make sure that you have a plan and that you have a fallback in case you struggle with the plan.

Execute for Success

If your plan is a good one then you will be able to just run through it and the less you have to think about it the better. If you go back to Leo’s marathon, he knew that weather would be an issue so he needed a certain pace, he knew that he would need liquids late not early. So if the plan is good then your just have to run through the execution and just deal with the unforseen problems instead.

reflectionReflect on Success

Reflecting after achievement is the only way in which we can get better. Whether you succeed or fail in your goal you will have a lot more insight on how you perform and the next time you will be able to plan and execute much better with this knowledge.

I find that too often we have one goal in mind that once we do we never have to go back to hopefully. People decide that they want to lose 20 pounds but once they have done it they never have to do it again so long as they do not gain the back, so the best thing to do is make other goals that are repeatable and once you have achieved these then you do not have to try again you just re-execute the way you did before.

Success in all parts of your life

If you look at successful athletes there is a lot of this Plan, Execute, and reflect. What an athlete, let’s use Tiger Woods for example will do is not try to win every Golf tournament but instead will execute on every part of his game, improve anything that to him is lagging and when he puts his head up to see what he has done the execution has lead to winning hte tournament. You can do the same.

Instead of trying to lose the 10 or 20 pounds why not plan, execute and reflect on each part of your life that causes problems and improve those. You can concentrate on better eating, less snacking, wider variety of food, being a better cook, being a better shopper. There are probably a lot more her but just think, this is just looking at the eating side of the equation how about the cardio, exercise and other places in which you have strengths and weaknesses that you can fix or improve.

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