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5 Reasons to Use Home Remedies to Treat Eczema

When it comes to treating and managing eczema, sufferers have many choices. You may have heard that home remedies work, but do they?

Although our bodies are all different, they have proven effective for many.

That is just one of many reasons why home remedies are recommended for the treatment of eczema, continue reading on for five more.

Why Use Home Remedies to Treat Eczema?

Eczema Trigger Factors

Eczema Trigger Factors

Affordability – When using home remedies to treat eczema, you may need to purchase a few supplies, but they are pretty affordable when compared to prescription medications.

Moreover, you may already have what you need inside your home. In that case, no additional money is needed to seek relief.

No Doctor’s Visits – Not only does avoiding the doctor save you money, but it also eliminates a major hassle. If you work outside of the home or are a parent, you must arrange time off from work or childcare.

Don’t lose money or time with your kids. Home remedies enable you to treat your eczema from home and with ease.

Many Choices – Home remedies are treatment options you can do at home. For eczema, you have many choices. Something as simple as locking in moisture with lotion after a bath is considered a home remedy, as is drinking plenty of water.

Other home remedies include wet wraps, oatmeal baths, oatmeal pastes, and diet changes.

With many home remedies to choose from, you are sure to find an easy to implement remedy that works.

Fewer Risks – Home remedies for eczema are used as alternatives for prescription medications and some over-the-counter products. Many sufferers opt for home remedies because they are safer. There are fewer risks and side effects.

Your goal is to seek treatment, not have other medical issues and complications to deal with too.

You Have Nothing to Lose – As previously stated, most home remedies for eczema are affordable, safe, and you have many choices. Most importantly, you are able to avoid the hassle of regular doctor’s appointments. With these benefits and a high rate of success in many eczema patients, what do you have to lose? Nothing.

If you haven’t already tried home remedies to manage and treat your eczema, try them. Chances are you will like the end result.


Eczema cure “It’s Possible to Rid Yourself of the Irritation and the Embarrassment! You Don’t Have to Live with Eczema Any Longer!”
In a great book a previous lifetime Eczema suffer wrote down her experience in a new guide called “Eczema Free Forever”. It contains everything you need to know to clear up eczema – from the inside out! Plus, these are changes that ANYONE can do — you don’t need to be a doctor or a “nutrition nut”.You just need to have a strong desire to be rid of long-sleeve-loving eczema, once and for all. But don’t just take my word for it, read for yourself what just some of the many satisfied customers have to say about “Eczema Free Forever

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Eight Week Fitness Plan

An eight week fitness plan would be great right now.

Well Spring is here in Calgary and the weather is getting better by the day so I thought it would be a nice day to give a little primer on how to start getting ready for Summer fun, fitness and other activities.

We are all used to seeing runners on the streets in Spring and maybe this will be the year that you join them. The nice thing about running is that all you need is a pair of shoes.

No Gym, membership, no equipment (except maybe an ipod) and just some roads or pathways.

Starting a Fitness Plan

Eight Week Fitness Plan

Eight Week Fitness Plan

OK, so let’s say you are now in crappy shape, then you will truly need an eight week fitness plan.

There is a light at the end of the next few weeks and we should all be aware that you can get out there and improve your fitness in just a few weeks if you plan it properly.

The first step is to plan what you want over the next eight weeks. there is a sample slimming plan at but I would like to just look at an eight week fitness plan of better cardio instead that will make you feel better in the shorter term.

I found this 8 Week Program from Runners World

  • Week 1: Run one min, walk 90 seconds. Repeat eight times. Do three times a week.
  • Week 2: Run two mins, walk one min. Repeat seven times. Do three times a week.
  • Week 3: Run three mins walk one mins. Repeat six times. Do three times a week.
  • Week 4: Run five mins, walk two mins. Repeat four times. Do three times a week.
  • Week 5: Run eight mins, walk two mins. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.
  • Week 6: Run 12 mins, walk one min. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.
  • Week 7: Run 15 mins, walk one min, Run fifteen mins. Do three times a week
  • Week 8: Run 30 mins continuously.

In the past I have always pushed myself too hard and this is something that you should be very aware of.

Our brains are hard wired to think that our bodies are hardier than they really are. In starting this running schedule you should be aware of your bodies limitations and healing needs.

Try to stretch really well after you are warmed up or after your workout and then make sure that a few hours after your workout that you slowly stretch to try and get rid of that lactic acid buildup and loosen up you recovering muscles.

Working Up The Fitness Plan Pace

As you get your endurance and body in shape you can definitely pick up the pace here.

I believe that it is not to much to run 6 days a week instead of the three that are mentioned here. Your body will be strong enough after the eight weeks, if not sooner and then you will be able to pick up the endurance and mileage really quickly.

Consecutive days are really important. Every day you will be stronger until it is time for a rest day and then after the rest day you will not be quite as strong as you were the day that you stopped I find.

It is critical though that you work a rest day or two into the week though as your body needs time to recover from these pounding workouts.

I never run often myself because my knees seem to go after just a few weeks, not sure if this is caused by pushing to hard to fast or if it just from bad knees in the first place.

Spring Fitness Plan With No Running

I try to make sure that my favored method of exercise, biking is always recommended as well. Here is a plan for that.

All you have to do is follow the above plan by thinking about the intensity that you are riding. Casual riding can be thought of as 10% of your max and riding hard uphill could be thought of as 100% intensity.

Always be aware of your intensity for a biking training session and also look at how the different gearing as well as road / path / dirt conditions will affect your ride.

After this eight week fitness plan you will feel like you are indeed in great shape and will then probably want to get started with some more sports or activities.

Start today and by the end of June you will be good for anything that summer throws at you.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Fitness Boot camps hit the mainstream

I have been seeing a lot of ads and seeing people around me joining short term fitness bootcamps.

The fitness bootcamp idea is generally 5 weeks, 2 to 3 times a week workouts with a trainer in a small group for a couple of hours a session. A couple of nights ago Desperate Housewives (the TV show) brought a fitness boot camp to TV.

What Are Fitness Bootcamps?

Have you tried these group workouts out? The idea is great. You learn a lot of new exercises so that your workouts are not as stale and boring and you have this very immediate feedback loop as to whether the workouts are working or not.

In practice though sometimes I wonder whether the fitness bootcamp is a great new idea or just a fad that will go the way of strippercize. After watching them continue on the last few Springs though it seems to be a workout with some staying power.

fitness boot camp

Here are the plusses of fitness boot camps. You learn how hard you can push yourself, you get a really good idea of what you are missing from your current workout schedule (from muscle pain the next day), and you get to potentially meet future workout partners.

The real problem with the fitness boot camp concept is the same as any other workout plan. There is no force to continue after you are done.

We all know that is good for us and we all know that we need to continue to workout but after a very intense few weeks it is really easy to just walk away and look at he boot camp as being just another experience in exercise.

How Are Fitness Bootcamps Structured?

There is a better way. I just watched someone go through a five week fitness bootcamp and she found it really tough.

It is hard for most people to find a couple of hours a night to workout so the best thing to do is find 30 minutes or so every night or most days during the week anyway and workout in those times following parts of your bootcamp workout.

Do weights one day, running or cardio the next and work through this schedule. Purposely mix up your workouts to keep them fun and add or subtract what you did not like about the bootcamp but not the intensity.

There are several thinigs you can change, the music, what you ate before and after, the breaks (still keep them short) and even the partners. Maybe you can get together with the same people in the morning or evening.

If you can mix up your workouts and have a few buddies to workout with then you have a much better chance to continue.

This spring I am sure the biggest story in fitness will be fitness bootcamps. Shop around and see what trainers are doing for bootcamps and what the schedules are.

I am sure some of these bootcamps will be better than others but realistically you will get our whatever you put back in to it.

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