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What The Heck Is The 10 Day Miracle Diet?

I am not too sure how good a 10 day diet is but thought I would post this diet that seems to be making it’s rounds on the internet. What do you think?

Has this or anything like it worked for you in the past?

Just a note from me is that I think that this is a very short term diet, very high in veggie type vitamins and high water foods and very low calories.

As they say in the end this is more like fasting more often then not and one more thing, I am not sure about so much coffee. Coffee screws with your metabolism.

The 10 Day Diet

Here, is the fastest safe weight loss program that is scientifically sound-a 10 day diet that wages lightning warfare against fat in true blitzkrieg fashion. It is a low-calorie, high-protein diet with enough carbohydrate to burn up fat but it contains an absolute minimum of foods containing fat calories since your object is to consume these from your fat reserve.

Lose 10 pounds in 10 days

10 day diet

The fatter you are, the more you can expect to lose on this diet. The average over person who is reasonably active physically can anticipate an actual fat loss of about 5 pounds in 10 days.

Total loss of should be even greater and immensely gratifying. An average loss of a pound a day, or a total of 10 pounds at the end of the 1o day period is not too much to hope for as the readjusting tissues begin to eliminate surplus water.

Your actual loss will depend upon physical activity, previous caloric diet level, rate of metabolism, tendency of tissues to retain water, and other factors.

In rare cases of extreme water retention it may take four or five more days to show the most weight loss, but when it does show up it often does so with some suddenness.

If you don’t get results on this 10 day diet -we hate to say it -the suspicion is in order that you’re doing between-meal “piecing” or sneaking in an extra snack here and there. At its level of approximately 750 calories, loss is inevitable. Well until of course your metabolism comes crashing down.

Take as much water, black coffee or clear tea as you wish. Restrict salt, though this is unnecessary unless there is actual water retention

  • Use lemon or orange in tea.
  • Use salt, pepper and vinegar in salad dressings.
  • Take a daily teaspoon of baking soda in water to guard against possible acidosis.
  • Take a daily tablespoon of calcium phosphate for mineral values if your doctor approves.
  • Change the order of foods within the day. Use the milk allowance in coffee or tea.
  • Add white of a second egg to egg portions for greater satisfaction, few calories.
  • Change the order of a day’s complete menu from one day to another if it helps you better to utilize cans of opened foods. Substitute one meat for another (but retain the two servings of liver). Use buttermilk instead of skim milk.

On the 10 Day Diet You Must:

Boil or poach eggs (any method except frying). Broil, boil, bake or roast meats, never fry them. Use water-packed apricots, peaches, etc., or drain off the heavy syrup. Eat only the lean portion of meats.

On the 10 Day Diet You Must Not

  • Use mayonnaise or oil dressings (mineral oil is permissible but may prevent Vitamin A absorption from vegetables; Vitamin Cocktail guards against this).
    Use sugar or butter, cream or fats in foods or their preparation.
    Omit items (except coffee or tea) or eat less food than is allowed per day.
    Continue the diet beyond ten days without your doctor’s permission, or begin it if he advises against rapid reduction (the diet is perfectly safe for anyone in normal health).

10 Day Diet Vitamin Cocktail

This tasty and vitamin-packed little drink is a valuable accessory to any reducing diet-splendid even if you aren’t reducing, for that matter.

It is rich in Vitamins A, C, the B complex, and D, and guards against deficiency of these essentials in restricted diets. The calorie value is negligible considering its vitamin richness. Mix fresh daily and serve chilled.

Mix a tablespoon of dried brewer’s yeast with five drops of haliver oil with viosterol (or other A and D concentrate) in ½ glass of tomato juice. Substitute other fruit juices if you prefer; some persons find milk a more pleasing vehicle than juices.

Or you may prefer to munch brewer’s yeast tablets, take one haliver oil capsule per day, and include citrus juices for all-around vitamin protection.


6 halves canned or stewed apricots
Black coffee


Broiled hamburger, 2 patties
Generous lettuce, tomato and cucumber salad
2 glass whole milk
Coffee or tea


Vitamin Cocktail or grapefruit juice
Lean steak, broiled
½ cup string beans
Raw celery, 4 stalks
Coffee or tea



1 egg, boiled or poached
1 slice whole wheat bread or toast


1 egg, boiled or poached
Asparagus, 8-10 stalks
2 glass skim milk or buttermilk
Coffee or tea


1 cup clear consomme
Liver, beef or calf, large serving, pan broiled
½ cup cauliflower
½ sliced tomato
Coffee or tea



Vitamin Cocktail or tomato juice


Lean broiled steak
½ cup string beans
½ glass whole milk
Coffee or tea


1 cup bouillon
2 pork chops, broiled, lean meat only
½ cup stewed celery
Mixed green salad: endive, onion, lettuce, green pepper, radish, cucumber, to suit
Coffee or tea



1 egg, boiled or poached
1 slice whole wheat bread or toast


1 egg boiled or poached
½ cup spinach, broccoli or beet greens
Raw celery, 4 stalks
½ glass skim milk


1 cup bouillon
Broiled chicken (lean meat of ½ broiler)
Tossed salad: lettuce, tomato, cucumber,
radish, chopped parsley 1 sliced orange Coffee or tea



1 egg, boiled or poached
1 slice whole wheat toast or bread


Poached egg on spinach
½ cup cauliflower
½ glass skim milk
Coffee or tea


1 cup clear consomme
Liberal serving of fish with lemon
(Haddock, sole, halibut, cod, whitefish, etc., but not oily fishes such as salmon or tuna)
Raw salad: shredded cabbage, grated carrot, chopped parsley and green pepper
Coffee or tea



1 sliced orange


Lean steak, broiled
½ cup string beans
½ glass whole milk
Coffee or tea


Vitamin Cocktail or tomato juice
2 lamb chops or 2 small pork chops, broiled, lean meat only
Asparagus, 8-10 stalks Coffee or tea



Vitamin Cocktail or grapefruit juice
1 egg boiled or poached


1 cup consomme
Serving lean roast beef, or ½ breast of chicken
½ cup broccoli or beet greens Sliced tomato on lettuce
Coffee or tea


2 slices lean beef from Sunday roast
½ cup string beans
½ glass whole milk
2 halves canned peaches (or 1 fresh)
Coffee or tea



1 egg, boiled or poached
1 slice whole wheat bread or toast


1 egg, boiled or poached
½ cup stewed tomatoes
1 cup shredded cabbage with chopped parsley and green pepper
½ glass skim milk
Coffee or tea


Vitamin Cocktail or orange juice
2 broiled veal chops, lean meat only
½ cup stewed celery
½ grapefruit
Coffee or tea



Sliced tomato on green lettuce leaves


Broiled hamburger, 2 patties
1 cup boiled cabbage
½ glass whole milk


Vitamin Cocktail or tomato juice
Liver, beef or calf, large serving, pan broiled
½ cup spinach, or beet greens Raw celery, 4 stalks
Coffee or tea



½ grapefruit


2 boiled or poached eggs
½ cup stewed tomatoes ½ glass skim milk

Coffee or tea

1 cup clear consomme
2 slices lean roast beef or lamb
Salad: lettuce, cucumber and tomato with chopped parsley Coffee or tea and weigh yourself tomorrow morning!

Over a pretty short time, the Miracle Diet should drop your weight just as fast as out-and-out fasting. And you’ll be much happier about the whole thing.

When the body is completely starved for longer than a brief period, it slows down its metabolism in order to conserve its substance-whereas your object, as a reducer, is to use up that substance.

Eventually, of course, a starved body must begin to pull calories from fat stores and the breakdown of these fats results in an accumulation of acids which do not have sufficient minerals and buffers to neutralize them because you have been eating so little food.

It is unlikely that a one-day fast could injure you, if you are in normal health and the idea has any appeal, but the benefits (aside from psychological ones) are dubious from any long-term point of view and physicians who favor rapid reducing diets do not prescribe fasts.

As you can  imagine I did not create this Miracle 10 Day Diet but if you try it why not send me a tweet or a note on Facebook?

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Weight Loss Tips for Women over 40

I know that weight loss tips for women over 40 is a very popular topic. If you are over 40 and trying to lose weight here are some great tips that should help you out

Weight Loss Tips for Women over 40

1. Make sure that you are eating well – When you are trying to lose it is very important for you to make sure that you are eating correctly.

When I talk about eating correctly, most women have a low metabolism and need to speed up their metabolism. So make sure that you are eating lots of times, at least 5 times a day and small meals.

2. Give yourself lots of exercise – When I talk about exercise I mean that you again need to raise your metabolism, and the best way to do this is through high intensity weight based workouts.

Try to keep a good schedule of doing cardio to keep your metabolism up as well as trying to get workouts in. You may wonder why weight workouts?

Well anytime you are working the big muscle groups, back, chest, and especially legs, you will force your body to raise your metabolism.

weight loss tips for women over 40

3. Eat a low GI Type Diet – A diet with low GI foods will help you a lot.

The idea of low GI, or low glycemic index, foods is that these foods will burn more slowly and stop your blood sugar from fluctuating so much and will keep you healthier, raise your metabolism and is a great weight loss strategy as far as eating goes.

4. Get Exercise all the Time Anytime – This means that if you have a choice to walk do it. If you have the opportunity to take stairs instead of an elevator do that.

I find that those extra few hundred steps that you can get in a day make the biggest difference

So now that you have the basics of loss tips for women probably of any age but mostly for those over 40 it is time for you to do the work of getting yourself in better shape and losing weight.

Look around the articles below and see if there is more that can help you on this blog.

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What Is The Correlation Between Exercise And Weight Loss?

If you are serious about improving your current physical condition then you will need to combine exercise and weight loss.

Combining these two elements and sticking to a regimen of dieting and exercise can provide long term physical conditioning. You need to be dedicated to a program, and to yourself, in order to see serious results.

Combination of Exercise and Dieting

Naturally any combination of exercise and dieting that is done on a regular basis will provide an improvement in your physical condition. The idea is to consume less and burn more in order to lose weight.

This concept works in theory and will work in realty to a certain degree; the fact is that you will need to know that there may be times when this combination does not seem to be working.

What you need to realize is that there is a correlation between exercise and weight loss. In order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume, it really is that simple.

But in order for it to be affective you need to get a control on your diet. Exercise will not do this alone. You can work out for 30 minutes three times a week, but if you do not watch what you eat then you will not see the best possible results.

Benefits of Getting Exercise

Certainly any amount of exercise is better than none, and while you may not be seeing a connection between exercise and loss, you are improving your physical condition.



Exercise is healthy for you regardless of whether it results in losing . Your blood pressure and your heart condition are directly affected by partaking in some form of exercise.

It is actually a good idea to get a handle on your daily diet and then beef up your exercise program. This does not mean that you shouldn’t start some type of exercise right away, but rather that you should work your way into it.

You will actually need to ease your body and mind into a regular routine.

To get the best results out of exercise and weight loss you need to be able to undo all the bad habits that got you to the point you are now.

Change You Eating Habits Now

This may include cutting out deserts or extra servings, it will also include reducing the amounts of saturated fats you consume.

And especially cutting back on sugar. Eating too much sugar will cause the pancreas to create extra insulin which makes you gain fat.

A program that gradually increases your activity and decreases your calorie intake and fat consumption will result in a noticeable correlation between exercise and loss.

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