Weight Loss Exercise

10 Simple Tips On The Road To Fitness Success

Getting fit is on the minds of most people.  However, many people are not consistent and fail in the first three months of an exercise program.  But if it becomes a habit and they stick to it, something magical happens after four months.  You are finally getting the results you expect and chances are you will continue with the exercise program.

Here a 10 simple tips to help you with your fitness success.

1.   Get Moving.  Resolve to be active in a variety of physical activities on a regular basis that will develop strength, cardiovascular capacity and flexibility.

2.   Prime the Pump.  Resolve to participate in physical activities that involve the large muscle groups of the body.

3.   Let Your Muscles do the Work.  Resolve to lift or use resistant exercises to place demands and challenge your muscles.

4.   Loosen Up.  Resolve to stretch regularly before and after or during exercise.  Remember to move your muscles through their full range of motion on a regular basis.

5.   Win the Losing Game.  Resolve to maintain your at an appropriate level.  If you need to lose , a general rule to follow is to eat less and exercise more (both in moderation).

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6.   Watch What You Eat.  Resolve to eat a healthy diet.  Good nutrition equates to good health.  Good nutrition involves providing your body with the required nutrients in appropriate amounts.

7.   Chill Out.  Resolve to keep matters of your life in proper perspective.  Know what factors you can and cannot control in your life.  Don’t ‘stress out’ over those things beyond your control.  See change as an opportunity, not a threat.

8.   Get Plenty of Rest.  Resolve to get enough sleep.  The basic guideline concerning how much sleep you need is whatever enables you to feel refreshed, alert and in relative good spirits the next day.  Sleep helps to rest and restore your body both physically and mentally.

9.   Keep Your Focus on the Task at Hand.  Resolve to make time to exercise on a regular basis.  Consistency gets results.  Focus on the muscle you are exercising.  Don’t just go through the motions.

10. Keep in Mind that ‘There is no Free Lunch.’  Resolve to commit to sound lifestyle choices.  For example, don’t smoke.  Maintain an appropriate level of body fat.  Avoid the latest fitness and diet fads, magic potions and exercise gadgets that seem too good to be true (they always are).

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Weight Loss Exercise

How Meditation Helps to Reduce Stress

Whenever you have just 10 minutes of free time, you can lower your level of anxiety, reduce stress and enjoy a much more relaxed state of being.

That is all the time that is needed for the Relaxation Response meditation technique to calm you down, and it also improves your cardiovascular health.

Created by Harvard physician and bestselling author Doctor Herbert Benson in the 1970’s in the United States, the Relaxation Response delivers the exact opposite physical reaction to your natural “fight or flight” response.

When your mind perceives some type of stress or threat, you receive an adrenaline rush, your blood pressure, pulse and breathing rate increase rapidly, as does blood flow to your muscles.

How To Do The Relaxation Response Meditation

meditationThe Relaxation Response meditation method helps to reduce stress by slowing down your breathing, blood pressure, metabolism and pulse rate.

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  1. You sit quietly with your eyes closed in a quiet environment for 10 to 20 minutes.
  2. Visualize your muscles relaxing, beginning at your feet and moving up through the top of your head.
  3. You silently repeat a word or phrase, or have a particular sound repeated, that triggers a relaxing response in your body.

By continually training your mind to deliver this sense of calm and peacefulness when a particular word is repeated, you can easily access this stress-relieving tactic anytime and anywhere.

Develop a phrase or word which has special meaning to you, or one that sounds relaxing, such as “peace” or “restful”.

This works because your brain switches conscious efforts to unconscious habit after several repetitions.

Your mind is an amazing machine, and when it notices a certain behavior accompanied by a particular response happening on a regular basis, it does not spend any time thinking about possibly delivering a different response.

Your mind automatically and unconsciously does what it has been taught to do.

When you are first training yourself to benefit from meditation and the Relaxation Response, understand that this takes time. It takes multiple repetitions before this becomes an automatic behavior.

You should also wait at least 2 hours after eating a meal before trying this process, as your digestive system can interfere with your success.

Do not set an alarm. The harsh sound of an alarm bell could undo all of the stress-relieving, anxiety-cleansing benefits you are enjoying.

It is acceptable to open your eyes and check a clock to see how long you have been meditating. Practice twice a day for 3 to 4 weeks and you will find it easier and easier to drain the stress and anxiousness out of your hectic lifestyle.

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