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How to Get Rid of Gallstones

How to get rid of gallstones probably is easiest with a simple gall bladder flush.

Yes simple – not the nicest way to spend a Saturday perhaps but for most people who want to know how to get rid of gallstones it is better than needing surgery somewhere down the line.

What are Gallstones?

gallstonesGallstones are pieces of solid material that form in the gallbladder. These stones develop because cholesterol and pigments in bile sometimes form hard particles.

The two main types of gallstones are:

Cholesterol stones: Usually yellow-green in color, approximately 80% of gallstones are cholesterol stones.
Pigment stones: These stones are smaller and darker and are made up of bilirubin.

Gall Bladder Flush To Get Rid of Gallstones

How to get rid of gallstones – First, loosen the stones by drinking an 8 oz glass of apple juice morning and evening for 4-6 weeks. This is a very important step and you should not skip it and try to do the flush right away, it just will not work.

If you want to check out another Gallstone cure try this method

The best kind of apple juice for a Gall Bladder flush is home made by putting organic apples through a juicer. Next best, buy organic apple juice from a health food store.

It must be made from whole apples, not concentrate, with no added sugar or other additives, and not the kind that will keep for months.

Try to eat healthy foods during these 4-6 weeks. In particular, make sure you are getting enough fiber so that your digestive system and bowels are working well before your gall bladder flush. This may mean increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables above the famous ‘5 a day’.

Gall Bladder Flush for One Day

Then you will need to set aside a day when you are home with no commitments. You are going to need to be in or near a bathroom most of the day.

The day before, you will do a short semi-fast. You will not eat any solid food this day. Drink your apple juice in the morning as usual and you can have another glass at lunchtime if you want.

How To Get Rid Of Gallstones – Juice Fast

If you have not done a juice fast before, do not worry, it is not as difficult as it may sound. Any time you feel yourself tempted to eat other foods, just remind yourself that it is only for one day and it needs to be done for the sake of your health.

A lot of people do juice-only fasts of 1 to 7 days as a regular thing. In fact, there is even a fashion right now of 90 day ‘juice feasting’ where no solid food is eaten for 3 months. So you can do it for just one day, right?

In the evening, before going to bed, drink 8 oz of organic extra virgin olive oil mixed with 4 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice from actual whole lemons. This mixture tastes something like salad dressing.

You will probably need about 4 lemons, depending on size and juiciness. Do not use bottled lemon juice.

Gall Bladder Flush Using a Laxative

In the morning (at least 8 hours later) take a fast-acting natural laxative (as your gall bladder flush), either epsom salts or 10 oz citrate of magnesia (not milk of magnesia). You should then expect to need the bathroom often for several hours because you are going to have diarrhea.

If you want to check out another Gallstone cure try this method

In with the diarrhea you should find that you pass many little green stones like small peas. These are the gall stones.

Congratulations, you have successfully done a Gall Bladder Flush!

This process may be helpful for healthy adults but is not recommended for anybody needing medical attention. If you have any health issues consult your doctor before using this Gall bladder flush or other natural remedies. If you want to know how to get rid of gallstones then a gall bladder flush is your best answer.

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Our 2015 Flu Shots

Every year we have a new flu shot. Flu shots are nothing like regular vqaccinationas as the shot is created to fight a few flu viruses that are expected to be popular in a given year and then likely these same flu strains will never really come back.

So getting a flu shot every year is pretty important.

I know that there are a few people out there, more than a few actually that are against flu shots for a number of reasons. Lets see if we can debunk a few myths today to try and save you and those around you some trouble this Winter.

Flu Shot Myths

flu shot 2015I got the flu shot and it gave me a flu – This never happens anymore. Once upon a time there was a live virus used to try and kick the bodys defence into creating antibodies against the flu. But the practice is not followed anymore. There are a couple reasons for this.

First, having to create flu vaccines from a live virus would mean that you would need a lot of live virus to create all of those flu shots.

Second of all, giving people a live virus can be risky to people that have a weakened immune system, this means the people that really need the protection would be most at risk.

In fact flu shots are created using antigens. These are the virus fighters themselves that your body can replicate and strengthen your defences.

I don’t get the flu anyway – It would be incredibly rare for someone to have all the antibodies against all of the flu scenarios and possibilities so someone thinking that they are just magically immune from the flu is a little non-sensical.

5% to 20% of the population gets influenza every year and it is estimated that 30% of carriers at any time do not even realize they are infecting others.

I don’t mind getting a couple days off work sick – I have to admit that I used to say this until I learned better. Influenza which is what the flu shot is designed to fight is not the same thing as the 24 hour flu. The 24 hour flu is actually noronvirus or some other virus and not Influneza. Influenza is terrible and lasts for weeks.

Influenza is actually deadly – Knowing this alone makes me wish people would call the common flu something different to identify the difference.

The flu shot never works – This is not true but at least it is based on some fact. Early every year researchers forecast what strains of influenza will be popular in the coming flu season. Using this info they will create a shot that will works against 3 or 4 strains of flu. Sometimes these guesses work out well (as is expected this year) and sometimes they miscalculate (like last year).

The flu shot is dangerous and people die from it – Really? I get angry seeing these articles. Right around the time that flu shots come out there is also crazy consiracy theories as well as fear from alternative media. I can not think of any real story of someone dying from a flu vaccine.

Also the number of people hospitalized for the flu every year is around 200,000 people. With numbers like that it only makes sense to get a flu shot

This year is expected to be a very heavy flu season. The flu shot will cover the following three viruses

  • an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus
  • an A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2)-like virus
  • a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus. (This is a B/Yamagata lineage virus)

Early this week our whole family went to get our Flu shots. Here in Alberta Canada you can get flu shots for free at the pharmacy, not sure about other jurisdictions. None of us was hurt by our flu shots although my wife and daughter had a sore arm in the evening after getting our vaccinations.

There are many things that we do as a family to protect ourselves from viruses, bacteria and diseases. We stay clean, we try to eat and exercise well, and every year we get a flu shot. It doesn’t hurt and is a bit of insurance to make sure that you are doing just one more thing to protect yourself.

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Thiamine – B Complex Vitamins

When they use the term “B complex,” scientists are tacitly admitting that they do not know all the vitamins that compose it. Yet experiments with animals indicate that the B vitamins may turn out to be the most remarkable treasure house of human health thus far discovered.

The entire B complex (not the individual and better known B vitamins) appears to be a preventive o£ baldness and of gray hair, at least in animals, as we shall later see.

Vitamin B niacin

Vitamin B niacin

Greater B intake in animals is believed by many researchers to encourage greater resistance to infantile paralysis.

Also, in very recent experiments, it has proved remarkably effective in preventing the development of liver cancers in laboratory rats. Right now there is a lot of activity to relate these startling findings to human beings.

B Complex Sources

Two practical and potent sources of the entire B complex in human diets are liver and yeast. Liver is a veritable hoarder of vitamins, known and unknown among the unknown elements being the factor that prevents anemia.

Thiamine B1 Vitamin

Early experiments were performed with calves’ liver, leading to exaggerated demand and high prices for this particular variety. Beef liver, pork liver, and chicken livers are considerably cheaper and just as important nutritionally as the organ of the aristocratic calf.

Baker’s or brewer’s yeast is a good source of the B complex, since the living plants of yeast have the ability to synthesize vitamins. Best known of the B vitamins are Bi, G, and nicotinic acid, which have had a good deal to do with making you what you are todayor, just as important, what you aren’t.

Vitamin B1 Thiamine

Once upon a time there was a wife who often fought with her husband. She resented his mild suggestions that they go to a movie or listen to the radio or do this or that. She was continually on edge, fretful, jumpy and contentious, and constantly tired out.

Having a poor appetite, she usually breakfasted on a cup of black coffee and was satisfied with a slice of white bread and a bit of jelly for lunch.

The harried husband finally got her to a doctor who checked up on her symptoms and concluded that she was a victim of vitamin starvation, with particular shortage of Vitamin B1 A vitamin-rich diet of properly balanced foods restored happiness to the household.

It is not difficult for a doctor to diagnose acute vitamin deficiencies.

But mild shortages the kinds that are surprisingly common in this supposedly well-nourished country of ours are often confusing because the symptoms can originate from many different causes, many of them having nothing to do with vitamins. Moreover, vitamin deficiencies rarely exist singlyshortages of one vitamin usually indicate that the intake of other vitamins is also inadequate.

Thiamine Deficiency

The first signs of B1 deficiency are usually “that tired feeling” and a loss of appetite. Constipation, “nervousness,” digestive disturbances, headache, dizziness, loss of , rapid heartbeat, irritabilitythe frequency of these complaints reflects common deficiencies of thiamine in the average American diet. Sometimes all the victim complains of is no zest for life, which he probably attributes to his poor appetite.

Long continued thiamine shortage brings such signs as pain and heaviness in the legs, cramps in the calf muscles, burning feet, numbness of fingers and toes, and, in extreme cases, the serious disease of beriberi which if not arrested usually results in death from heart failure.

Vitamin B1 has been called the pepper-upper, the nerve vitamin, and lack of it does result in conspicuous damage to the nerve fibers. But that isn’t the half of it.

The “horrible example” who used to decorate the platform of the temperance lecturer was undoubtedly a casualty of Barleycorn. It has just been learned, however, that the old soak was less a victim of what alcohol did to him than of what it didn’t do for him.

Specifically, alcohol cuts down one’s all-important intake of thiamine in two ways: it furnishes calories that increase the need for thiamine; at the same time it not only fails to provide the vitamin but it decreases the intake by diminishing the normal appetite for food. This applies to heavy drinkers who, notoriously, are poor eaters.

Continued thiamine deprivation, moreover, causes the appetite to dwindle to the vanishing point.

The victim of alcoholism who is carried to the hospital in a straitjacket, flailing about to keep from being trodden upon by polychrome elephants, is partly a victim of poisoning but mostly a victim of starvation. His nerves, heart, digestion, and appetite show effects of lack of thiamine.

Dramatically, an injection or two of pure thiamine will frequently bring a delirium tremens patient back to normal in a day’s time. He loses his jitters and hallucinations and starts eating like a truck horse. The ability of revolutionary forefathers to consume huge amounts of hard liquor has been attributed to their heavy thiamine intakes from the whole-grain, unrefined foods of older diets.

It has also been proposed that whiskey be fortified with thiamine tablets to prevent hangovers. The remedy would theoretically work, but alcohol can hardly be recommended as a food. Life is not lived on thiamine alone.

You need B1 for sound digestion; recently it has been shown that rats deprived of the vitamin develop peptic ulcers which are cured when intake is increased. You need it for normal intestinal activity. It is profoundly important to the heart and circulatory system, a builder of morale.

All of these jobs are performed through thiamine’s ability to help your cells to take up oxygen in a sense, to enable your whole body to breathe. Energy-yielding carbohydrates require thiamine to set fire to them. In fact, the fewer carbohydrates you eat, the less thiamine you need, which is why thiamine requirements are relatively low in reducing diets.

However, if you go out and play a few fast games of tennis, or cram 36 holes of golf into a sunny Saturday, up zooms your need for thiamine. The more energy you burn, the more thiamine you need for efficient combustion.

Sources of Thiamine

Practically all common foods contain thiamine; it is essential to every living thing, plant or animal. Deficiencies, then, ought to be very rare. The trouble is that thiamine is a rough, shirt-sleeved worker who is repelled by the sissy notion of refinement.

The vitamin prefers to live in the coarse, outer portions of foodstuffs the husks and skins and tough integuments exactly the portions we throw away or have discarded for us by modern refining processes.

Cereals are a case in point. Ordinary white flour is poor in thiamine because the wheat germ and bran layers of the kernel are removed. Diets built around polished rice, stripped of the outer coats of the grain, are responsible for the scourge of beriberi that plagues Oriental countries.

On the other hand, whole-grain flours and cereals are good sources. So are the fortified flours and white breads that have recently, with government persuasion, been put upon the market.

Breakfast cereals are likewise available in vitamin-fortified forms. Nevertheless, if you can tolerate whole-grain products, they are preferable to the fortified refined varieties because of other values not supplied by addition o£ thiamine alone.

Nuts and legumes, peanuts, peas, and beans are “whole grain” products and good sources of thiamine. So are meats, fish, fowl and milk, since they are usually used in substantial quantities. Among meats, pork is an unusually rich source, and gland meats such as liver and kidney rate high.

Thiamine intake can be bolstered rather easily by the use of a few spoons of granulated or flaked wheat germ every day. Drug stores can supply wheat germ at reasonable prices, and the pure vitamin at slightly higher cost. Yeast is also an excellent source.

Unhappily, your capacity to store thiamine is very limited, which means that you must get adequate amounts every day. Since it is soluble in water, you can help to assure your supply if the liquids in which foods are cooked are served in soups and gravies.

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