Weight Loss Exercise

Speed Up Your Weight Loss With Herbs And Spices

The results of that research were so extensive, that it could be the basis in itself for a complete publication, and much more detailed therefore, than I could possibly include in this short article.

However I have been able to include a fair amount of information below about various herbs and spices which are known to particularly help to speed up loss, and that is also in addition to their excellent overall health benefits by the way.

You should find that you will be able to purchase these herbs from any good Herbalist supplier.

Garcinia: (Garcinia cambogia) is a herb which is sold primarily for enhancing loss and boosting the amount of lean muscle. This is also known as hila or brindell berry. One of the major benfits of Garcinia is that it acts as an appetite suppressant and stops the body from storing fat.

Pysillium: (Plantago spp.) This cheeky little herb has quite a few health benefits. Physillium is known to help lower cholesterol, and another major benefit is that it also helps to prevent constipation. If you use it as part of your loss program, it can help you to eat less calories and yet still feel really full.

This is because of the amount of fiber that it contains.

I mentioned earlier that it does help in preventing constipation, but in order to achieve this you should make sure that you drink plenty of water.

Siberian Gingsing: (Eleutherococcus senticosus) If you are going to start regular exercise as part of your health and loss routine, which is normally to be highly recommended, then this is a really useful herb.

It can help your body adapt to the stress of unaccustomed changes, and it will help to make you feel less tired even when you are doing simple exercises like walking for example.

So in turn therefore you are more likely to stick to your exercise routine.

Little Known Secrets In Your Larder

Cayenne: (also known as Capsicum, hot pepper, chilli pepper, tabasco pepper). The majority of us have cayenne in our larders, and it is very commonly used in many food dishes. Cayenne can be found in many forms such as ground spices, teas, and would you believe it, topical creams.

It is well known for its antitoxidant action, and greatly helps with osteoathritis and rhumatoid athritis, shingles, and diabetic neuropathy.

A note of caution however: Cayenne may act with anticoagulant drugs so be sure to consult with your doctor. Excessive use may also irritate the intestinal tract.

Manufactured topical capsacin creams can cause a burning sensation, so test first on a small area of the skin, remembering to wash hands thoroughly after applying the cream. This will avoid it spreading to the eyes nose or other sensitive areas.

Fennel: is native to the Mediterranean and is widely utilized throughout the world. You will find it in teas, capsules, tinctures and lozenges. Fennel can be used to help with bloating, flatulence, mild digestive spasms, catarrh, and coughs. It also has antimicrobal, antispadmodic, and anti inflammatory properties.

A note of caution here: Fennel can sometimes cause rare allergic skin and respiratory tract reactions. Fennel is also a potential source of synthetic oestrogens and should be avoided if you are pregnant.

Garlic: you can buy this fresh, or the one you will most probably have in your larder will be dried. The downside of garlic is the odour which it leaves on your breath, but chewing some parsley after eating will soon sort out that problem.

Speed Up Your Weight Loss With Herbs And Spices

Garlic is also known to help stimulate the immune system,and to help in fighting cancer. Well documented health benefits include lowering cholesterol, fighting infections, and reducing blood pressure.

Again a note of caution: garlic may also interact with anticoaglant drugs, so do be sure to check with your doctor if in any doubt. Rare cases of allergic reactions are known, and some people might possibly experience heartburn or even flatulence.

These are just a few of the herbs you can use in cooking, but do remember that there are many many more, and the benefits in using them frequently can be quite remarkable.

You will realize of course that when using them as part of any dish to use them sparingly, as to add too much would just spoil the meal.

As with everything in life one should try and strike a balance, after all you know what they say “all things in moderation”.

About the Author
Marie Gordon is Author and Publisher of “Your Fastest Way To Permanent Weight Loss” the complete solution to all your loss problems. You can find out more by visiting

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Weight Loss Exercise

Weight loss plan – Getting started

Type 2 Diabetes
Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) is the most common type of diabetes in the United States. Type 2 diabetes reduces your body’s ability to control your blood sugar. It is a major cause of early death, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and blindness. Over people are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as people who are not over. You can reduce your risk of developing this type of diabetes by losing and by increasing your physical activity.

Controlling Diabetes with Weight Loss
If you have type 2 diabetes, losing and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. If you use medicine to control your blood sugar, loss and physical activity may make it possible for your doctor to decrease the amount of medication you need.

Several types of cancer are associated with being over. In women, these include cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, cervix, ovary, breast, and colon. Over men are at greater risk for developing cancer of the colon, rectum, and prostate. For some types of cancer, such as colon or breast, it is not clear whether the increased risk is due to the extra or to a high-fat and high-calorie diet.

Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that is closely associated with being over. Sleep apnea can cause a person to stop breathing for short periods during sleep and to snore heavily. Sleep apnea may cause daytime sleepiness and even heart failure. The risk for sleep apnea increases with higher body weights. Weight loss usually improves sleep apnea.

Controlling Diabetes with Weight Loss
If you have type 2 diabetes, losing and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. If you use medicine to control your blood sugar, loss and physical activity may make it possible for your doctor to decrease the amount of medication you need.


Osteoarthritis is a common joint disorder that most often affects the joints in your knees, hips, and lower back. Extra appears to increase the risk of osteoarthritis by placing extra pressure on these joints and wearing away the cartilage (tissue that cushions the joints) that normally protects them. Weight loss can decrease stress on the knees, hips, and lower back and may improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Gout is a joint disease caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid sometimes forms into solid stone or crystal masses that become deposited in the joints. Gout is more common in over people and the risk of developing the disorder increases with higher body weights.

Gout notes:
Over the short term, some diets may lead to an attack of gout in people who have high levels of uric acid or who have had gout before. If you have a history of gout, check with your doctor or other health professional before trying to lose weight.

Gallbladder Disease
Gallbladder disease and gallstones are more common if you are over. Your risk of disease increases as your increases. It is not clear how being over may cause gallbladder disease.

Not Too Fast
Weight loss itself, particularly rapid loss or loss of a large amount of , can actually increase your chances of developing gallstones. Modest, slow loss of about 1 pound a week is less likely to cause gallstones.

Slow and Steady
Slow and steady loss of no more than 1 pound per week is the safest way to lose weight. Very rapid loss can cause you to lose muscle rather than fat. It also increases your chances of developing other problems, such as gallstones, gout, and nutrient deficiencies. Making long-term changes in your eating and physical activity habits is the best way to lose and keep it off over time.

Eat Better
Whether you are trying to lose or maintain your , you should take a look at your eating habits and try to improve them. Try to eat a variety of foods, especially pasta, rice, bread, and other whole-grain foods. You should also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods will fill you up and are lower in calories than foods full of oils or fats.

Little Loss – Big Benefit
If you are over, losing as little as 5 to 10 percent of your body may improve many of the problems linked to being over, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds and are considered over on the -for-height chart, you would need to lose 10 to 20 pounds. Even a small loss can improve your health.

About Bill


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Weight Loss Products

5 erbe brucia grassi per dimagrire velocemente

NewTuscia – Per chi spera di trovare la formula magica per dimagrire senza sforzi, ho brutte notizie da darvi: non esiste. Alla base di ogni perdita di peso deve necessariamente esserci un’alimentazione sana ed equilibrata unita ad attività fisica costante.

Esistono però delle sostanze naturali che possono aiutare molto nel processo di dimagrimento. Si tratta delle ormai famose erbe brucia grassi, le quali agiscono direttamente sul metabolismo, favorendo l’ossidazione dei grassi ed eliminando le tossine in eccesso.

Le erbe brucia grassi che vengono generalmente utilizzate per la composizione dei supplementi erboristici si distinguono in quattro categorie:

– le erbe diuretiche, che permettono di eliminare le tossine e depurare l’organismo;

– le erbe stimolanti, le quali aumentano la termogenesi ed il metabolismo, sono energizzanti ed aiutano a ridurre il senso di fame (Queste erbe sono disponibili anche come integratori. Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui;

– gli integratori di fibre e mucillagini, che permettono di aumentare il senso di sazietà e rallentano l’assorbimento dei nutrienti, aiutando cosí a mantenere stabile la glicemia;

– le erbe che accelerano il metabolismo, tra le quali troviamo principalmente alcune alghe in quanto ricche di iodio, vitamine, minerali e fibre e sono indispensabili per mantenere il metabolismo corporeo.

Vediamo ora quali sono le 5 principali erbe brucia grassi.


  1. Tè verde

Il tè verde è l’erba brucia grassi per eccellenza, ottima se bevuta in infusione da sola o in abbinamento con altri ingredienti, rappresenta un vero e proprio toccasana per l’organismo.

Vediamo insieme le sue proprietà:

– ricco di antiossidanti,

– è un antibatterico naturale;

– stimola il metabolismo, permettendo di eliminare il grasso in eccesso;

– protegge la pelle, in quanto ricco di vitamine B, C, E e betacarotene;

– aiuta nel trattamento del diabete, in quanto tiene sotto controllo il livello di zuccheri nel sangue.


  1. Alghe

Riscoperte anche nella cultura occidentale, le alghe sono da sempre utilizzate in Oriente sia nell’alimentazione, sia in ambito cosmetico, in quanto ricchissime di sostanze nutrienti.

Ne esistono di vario genere, ma generalmente presentano proprietà comuni:

– disintossicanti;

– favoriscono la digestione ed aiutano ad eliminare le scorie tossiche dall’organismo;

– antinfiammatorie e antibiotiche, grazie alla presenza di acidi grassi;

– accelerano il metabolismo basale in quanto ricche di iodio, il quale ripristina il corretto funzionamento della tiroide;

– combattono i radicali liberi.


  1. Garcinia Cambogia

La Garcinia Cambogia è un’erba brucia grassi ormai famosa in quanto ricca di acido idrossicitrico, indispensabile per inibire l’azione dell’enzima ATP citratoliasi, fondamentale nella metabolizzazione dei grassi. Viene spesso prescritta in caso di obesità o diabete in quanto previene la formazione di tessuto adiposo.

Vediamo nello specifico le sue proprietà:

– dimagrante, grazie all’acido idrossicitrico (HCA), favorisce l’eliminazione dei tessuti adiposi e ne previene la formazione;

– riduce l’appetito;

– velocizza il transito del cibo nell’intestino, limitando l’assorbimento di zuccheri e carboidrati;

– abbassa trigliceridi e colesterolo;

– aumenta la serotonina, la quale favorisce il buonumore e aiuta a tenere a bada la fame;

– digestiva, soprattutto se utilizzata sotto forma di decotto;

– depurante, in quanto libera l’organismo dalle impurità grazie alle sue proprietà lievemente lassative.


  1. Coleus Forskholii

Il Coleus Forskholii è un’erba spesso utilizzata per i suoi effetti benefici sul sistema cardiocircolatorio. Utilizza il principio attivo della forskolina, contenuta principalmente nelle radici della pianta e viene solitamente impiegata come rimedio per coadiuvare le diete ipocaloriche e in abbinamento con la Garcinia Cambogia.

Vediamo ora le sue proprietà:

– abbassa la pressione, difatti viene spesso consigliata ai soggetti che soffrono di ipertensione;

– è antinfiammatoria e un ottimo antiaggregante piastrinico;

– stimola la produzione degli ormoni tiroidei, i quali aiutano a regolarizzare il metabolismo anche in presenza di variazioni del regime alimentare;

– favorisce la diminuzione della massa grassa e l’incremento della massa magra, in quanto sollecita gli enzimi preposti alla scissione dei trigliceridi.


  1. Yerba Mate

La Yerba Mate viene utilizzata soprattutto sotto forma di bevanda dai popoli dell’America Latina ed è ricca di proprietà benefiche per l’organismo, in quanto ricca di caffeina, vitamina C, proteine, polifenoli e minerali.

Le sue proprietà principali:

– stimola il metabolismo;

– aumenta i livelli energetici dell’organismo;

– rafforza il sistema immunitario;

– migliora il rendimento mentale;

– favorisce la digestione e la diuresi;

– aiuta a bruciare le calorie in eccesso e diminuisce l’appetito.