Diet Pills

Stacker 2 Fat Burner Capsules, Ephedra Free, 100-Count Bottle

Stacker 2 Fat Burner Capsules, Ephedra Free, 100-Count Bottle

Herbal Dietary Supplement. World’s strongest fat burner! (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)

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2 replies on “Stacker 2 Fat Burner Capsules, Ephedra Free, 100-Count Bottle”

I believe Stacker 2 is designed to assist you in your weight lost efforts, not do the work for you while you sit back and wait for the results! Just like any other drug, you can not exceed the recommeded dosages or there will be consequences. Read your vitamin bottle or a prescription, some medications have side effects just from taking them. Imagine overdosing on something like that!?!

You have to eat something first or you will feel light headed once it kicks in. I personally don’t recommend more than two pills a day. It’s all going to depend on how well it works with your body. You are supposed to exercise to use the energy the Stacker provides you.

I take it just once a day right before I go to the gym and that’s the only time I take Stacker 2. Since I go early in the morning, I pull the purple half of the pill off and swallow the yellow portion with it’s powder so I will feel it faster. (I put it in the back of my throat, that’s some really nasty tasting stuff!!)

I find that I get a better workout with it than I do without. It seems that the more I workout, the harder I want to workout and I can do more repititions and higher weights. I feel great all day and sleep well because I’ve been really active.

If I don’t workout and I take Stacker, I find that I can’t really concentrate at work because I want to do a million things at once. It makes my hands shake a little bit, I’m guessing that’s the caffeine. I’ve taken it before a night workout and I could not sleep until about 3 in the morning. I was miserable! Now I never take it after 4pm, so I can get a good night’s rest.

Stacker does curb my appetite a little, which I don’t mind at all. It also increases my sex drive and extends the time it takes for me to reach climax, which I don’t mind either!

Overall, I feel Stacker 2 is safe, when used properly according to your body’s instructions.

So I looked through the ingredients before buying this and realized it pretty much a caffiene pill, and caffiene pretty much has no effect on me. I’m not sure whether its because I’ve built a resistance to it, but I can drink 4 cups a day or no cups a day(I pretty much only drink free coffe at work) and I feel no difference.

But I thought I’d give Stacker 2 a try anyway.I started slow, with one a day with breakfast and didn’t notice anything. I upped it to two, one with breakfast and one before I hit the gym (usually around 5pm)and didn’t notice any energy gain but did notice a mild laxative effect. Which I suppose isn’t such a bad thing.

The trouble started when I started doing three like the directions said. The first two days there was nothing but by the third day I was waking up with mild headaches, which is a sure sign of caffiene addiction. I wasn’t too worried until I noticed that after I took a pill and before the headache faded my vision would blur a little. I’d have to concentrate to focus. Now that worried me. So now I’m trying to wean myself off the pills.

And how much weight did I lose? 0. For the 4 1/2 weeks I’ve been taking stacker 2 I’ve been basically hovering around 220 (my ideal weight is 194 but I’d settle for 200).

I guess its back to my original plan of upping my cardio.

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