Weight Loss Exercise

Best Practices for Weighing Yourself

If you’re trying to lose weight then the very best way to stay motivated to meet your goals is to track your progress. The weighing scale is a great way to see progress, but you want to get accurate results. Here are some tips for weighing yourself the right way.

Don’t Weigh Yourself Every Day

scalesEven though you’re probably really excited to see results right away, it’s a bad idea to weigh yourself every day. Why? Because you might not always see a change. Worse, you could find that your weight has even increased from one day to the next. This will interfere with your training and your progress, because it stops you feeling motivated to continue.

Remember, just because the scale does not show it, your body can tell the difference. Eating more healthily and exercising on a daily basis does a lot more for you than simply lowering the numbers on that scale. It’ll make you look and feel better, not to mention the fact that you could be building muscle, which actually weighs more than fat!

Instead, try weighing yourself every seven days. Pick a day of the week and don’t weigh yourself on any other day. That way, you’re still tracking your progress, but you won’t be doing it to an obsessive level. You’re far more likely to see real results once a week than you are by weighing yourself every day.

Weigh Yourself When You Wake Up

A good time to weigh yourself is as soon as you wake up, firstly because you have no food in your stomach, so you’ll get a more accurate reading. Did you know that you also lose weight by expelling moisture as you sleep? This is another reason to weigh yourself in the morning. Note that when you do weigh yourself, it should be after urinating. You should stand on the scales naked, as the clothes you wear can also have an effect on the number on that dial.

In the morning, we’re also less prone to the circumstances that can make our weight fluctuate throughout the day. However, if you work on night shifts your body clock will be different. Also, if you’ve been drinking the night before you may seem lighter the next morning due to dehydration. Or, if you’ve been eating in the night, you may appear heavier!

The scales never show 100% of the true story, so it’s a good idea to combine them with measuring your body fat, and also being in tune with the way you feel. Weighing yourself regularly is a fantastic way to stay motivated, however, as long as you follow those tips above for the most accurate readings.

Weight Loss Exercise

How To Figure Out How Many Calories You Burn Each Day

Although there are a few reasons we become overweight, the simplest explanation is that we consume more calories than we burn off. Do this for long enough and youâ??ll pile on the pounds, unless youâ??re lucky enough to be one of those people with a super-fast metabolism!

If you want to lose weight, then you should definitely know how many calories your body burns on a daily basis. The idea behind dieting and exercise is to create enough of a caloric deficit so that your body starts burning off fat, and knowing how much your body needs to start with is an important step to figuring out how you are going to create a caloric deficit.

What Does Your Body Spend Energy On?

First of all, you should know what exactly your body spends energy on. For one thing, your body uses energy on metabolic processes, in other words, the most basic bodily functions that keep you alive such as breathing, blood circulation, excretion, and so on.

Besides that, your body additionally expends energy on simple things you do throughout the day, such as brushing your teeth, bathing, cooking, and so on.

If you are on your feet a lot and exercise frequently, then your body burns even more calories. Also, if you have a high amount of muscle mass, your body burns more calories for metabolism than it does if you have the same amount of fat.

How to Calculate the Number of Calories You Burn

To calculate how many calories you burn each day is difficult to do manually, so the best way to go about doing this is by using an online calorie needs calculator. Just fill in the short form in the calculator, and click calculate. You will then get an estimate of how many calories you should consume on a daily basis.

Alternatively, you can join a calorie-tracking site that calculates how many calories you can eat every day, select your activity level as sedentary, and then manually track in any extra exercise you do throughout the day. This way you will get a better idea of your caloric burn each day.

There are even gadgets you can wear all day to get an estimate of how many calories you burn. These can cost a fair bit but make a very worthwhile investment for anyone whoâ??s really serious about losing weight.

And thatâ??s all there is to finding out how much you burn every day. Itâ??s wonderful that you are committed to ensuring your body is in good health by keeping your weight under check. Good luck!

Weight Loss Exercise

5 Weight Loss Tracking Rules

Tracking your calories, exercise, or weight loss progress is a great way to ensure that you are on the right road to reaching your goal weight. However, you need to do it correctly to achieve the best results. Here are some rules you should always try to abide by:

1) Track Daily

First things first, if you are tracking the calories you consume and exercising, do it every day! If you start skipping a day or two you will be likely to get lazy and stop doing it altogether. Tracking is important as it helps you systematically keep track of what you are eating and helps you decide if that particular food or meal has a place in your diet.

2) Weigh Yourself Weekly

When it comes to weighing yourself, doing it once a week is adequate. Your weight fluctuates on a daily basis, and it may be disheartening if you weigh yourself every day and occasionally you see the number on the scale go up. Weighing weekly will give you a better picture of your progress.

3) Tell Someone

Stay accountable to your weight loss and tracking by partnering up with someone as their weight loss buddy, or by telling your friends and family about your approach to weight loss. This way someone will remind you to stay true to your goal and continue your efforts.

4) Get Help

In the same way, get some support from your friends and family. When you are feeling down or defeated, turn to them and express to your family so they can give you a motivational boost.

5) Be Realistic

Lastly, be sure to set a realistic caloric limit for yourself. For men, do not go below 1500 calories a day, and for women, do not go below 1200 calories. Eating too little can slow down your metabolism and hamper your weight loss efforts, and thatâ??s certainly not what you want.

Follow these five weight loss tracking rules and youâ??ll be on the right road to your ideal weight. Make healthy food choices and exercise regularly to increase your caloric burn and lose weight faster. Also, find a good calorie tracking website to automate your calorie counting, or even better, download an app for your tablet or smartphone so that you can track on the go.

As long as you stick to your calorie limit and maintain your willpower, there will be nothing that can stop you from achieving your goal weight. Keep your head up and good luck!