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Side Effects of Fish Oil Supplements

The many health benefits of fish oil are widely known, but many people have concerns about the potential side effects of fish oil and if there are any to be concerned about.

Well the short answer is no. There are very few side effects of fish oil and those few are very minor. Of course, if you are allergic to fish, then you should probably stay away from fish oil supplements. But for the rest of us there is really nothing to worry about.

The most common side effect of fish oil is the slight fishy aftertaste or fishy burps some people after taking it. These generally go away within a few days of taking it. One of the ways to avoid this effect is to take your fish oil supplement right before you go to bed.

Very few people report slight abdominal discomfort or diarrhea, but this too goes away within a few days too.

Blood thinning can be an issue for people who take anticoagulants. The fish oil Omega3 acids do prevent blood clotting and may cause further of thinning the blood if you’re already taking blood thinners. Consult a doctor before taking fish oil if you take these medications.

While not really a side effect, you need to be careful about oxidation. Fish oil that is exposed to heat, light and air can become rancid very quickly. Rancid oils can be bad for your health and can stimulate the formation of free radicals. Make sure the fish oil you purchase is not past the expiration date, and always store it in a cool, dark, dry place. Storage in a refridgeration is a good solution.

The benefits of fish oil are so numerous and so important that the minor possible side effects are really not much to be worried about. These essential fatty acids are vital to your health and since our diets are already low in Omega-3, everyone really needs to take fish oil supplements for good health.

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