General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 05: Theme Song

If your life was a television show, what would its theme song be? What music would be cued at the start of the show or when you entered a scene?

Think about this past year. Is there a song that you’ve heard that has really struck a chord, one that has spoken to you? Maybe there’s a song that goes along with your one word for 2011. Maybe there is a song that you’ve heard that instantly cheers you up or makes you think of a special moment that happened this year?

If you can find a link to a video or snippet of the song or the lyrics, please share it and explain why this song is your theme song and how it relates to your 2011.

How will you resound? Follow along here.

Lyrically, this song doesn’t mean a whole lot to me. Although I can relate to these lines: “Been down one time, Been down two times, I’m never going back again.” This song came on Pandora one day and was stunned at the guitar melody. It’s so simple and beautiful. This song makes me feel emotional and hopeful and creative all at once.