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Stressful Retirement?

When you think of stress and what causes it, you first think of the workplace, don’t you? Other stressors come to mind such as family, financial, or health issues. But what many people don’t even realize is that retirement is right up there on the list of top stressful situations.

Retirement, for those not yet retired, is seen as a highly sought after goal and something to be enjoyed immensely without a care in the world. The reality of retirement can be a bit different.

Any change in lifestyle can cause stress, good or bad, until adjustments are made. Retirement is a huge change in lifestyle. The daily routine changes dramatically and can feel like “drifting” until new routines are in place. Whether the job was seen as a positive or negative experience, it still contained elements of a support system, including social support. If a retiree’s social group outside of the office is not strong, they will now find the need to get closer to friends and family.

Big decisions have to be made about staying put versus selling the family home. Should they move to a different state, either closer or farther away from the grandchildren? Try a permanent sunny location? Downsize and have 2 homes in different locations? Buy an RV and travel? Move to a retirement community? These tough decisions are enough to cause anyone stress.

Financial issues in retirement can be stressful. Retirees may have financially planned for retirement, but will they have enough money to do what they want to do, help their children, and perhaps fund some of the grandkids’ college education? What if there’s an economic recession?

Another big cause for stress in retirement is health issues, including sleep problems. Many people don’t sleep well as they get older and if they worry about it, the stress increases. Add to that the worry about a spouse or life-long friend’s failing health and their own health problem. Quality of life becomes a concern as well as how to finance medical problems and the potential need for a nursing home.

Retirement means more time to do what they want, including watching the news and reading the paper. As retired people spend more time with the media, they tend to worry more about the crime and violence in the world, the state of the economy, etc.

Ways to cope with stress in retirement are many. Before dealing with the stress, the retiree needs to first identify what is causing it. If it’s from taking in too much of the news, then they should greatly limit their exposure and do other things to occupy their time, such as reading a book or working on a craft project. If poor sleep is the issue, short cat naps are acceptable and can help recharge the batteries. It may be too late to start a financial plan, but it can certainly help to see a financial planner to put everything into perspective. This can relieve the stress and worry of imagined future events. The big change in lifestyle is a temporary stressor and should go away once a new routine becomes comfortable. Retires have some important lifestyle decisions to make, but if the path they take doesn’t bring them satisfaction, it’s perfectly okay to change course again.

Other ways to cope with retirement stress include learning how to relax by listening to music, trying yoga, practicing deep breathing, getting regular exercise, using muscle relaxation techniques, and getting involved in a new and stimulating project.

There are many stressful issues facing retirees today, but some of them are just temporary and will go away once new support measures and comfortable routines are in place. Just as it is important to learn how to cope with workplace stress, retired people need to learn to cope with any retirement stress to enjoy this new phase of their life.

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Top Tips For Stress Relief

Stressful situations are all around you; a deadline at work, an argument with a loved one, or a surprise bill in the mail all easier to handle if you have some tips for stress relief. These are considered temporary stresses and will come and go during your lifetime. To cope with any kind of stress, your best bet is to start off in “a better place”. By that I mean you should do things in your life to help you feel confident and good about yourself. That way you’re better able to cope with any stressful situations that come along, and you may even begin to calmly handle situations that previously stressed you out. Here are some tips for stress relief:

Top Tips For Stress Relief

Top Tips For Stress Relief

Top Tips For Stress Relief

Is your stress real or is it mostly created in your mind? Step away from the situation for a moment and ask yourself if you’re taking it too far and making a mountain out of a molehill. Sometimes it’s helpful to ask yourself, “What would Gandhi (or someone you admire who is laid back) do?” Calm yourself down and talk yourself through it as if you were having a conversation with that person you admire.

Sometimes you have to do something that you simply don’t want to do and this can make you feel stressed. If you must do this thing, don’t procrastinate because this causes the stress to build. Break the task down into smaller, manageable bites and start it. Sometimes just the act of starting can bring stress relief. When possible, get someone to help you or even pay someone to do it for you.

It’s also worth mentioning that poor time management can cause stress. Plan your tasks ahead of time so that you complete them without feeling rushed or forced. You may want to look into actively learning some time management skills.

When stressed, it can be helpful to talk to a friend who is centered, calm, and helpful. Chose someone who can help you put it all in perspective, not someone you can drag down with you. If you don’t know anyone like that, it’s okay to pay someone, i.e. a professional, to help you sort it out.

Can you change what stresses you? If you can, then take action to change it even if you’re afraid to. Taking action is a huge stress reliever. If you can’t change the stressful situation, then realize no amount of worrying about it will help.

Taking care of yourself is very important in preventing and dealing with stress. Learn how to do relaxation breathing, meditation, or yoga. Drink lots of water, get enough sleep, and eat healthy whole foods. Do what you can in these areas, but don’t stress about it if you’re not perfect.

Another big stress reliever is to volunteer and help others. This takes the focus off you and on other people with problems much bigger than yours. You feel good about helping, plus it puts your own worries into proper perspective.

Relief from stress can come from talking to someone who can help, taking care of yourself, taking action instead of dwelling on the problem, and helping others. By following these tips For stress relief you can learn to deal with the stressful situations that come your way.

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