General Weight Loss Tips

Why Paleo

Thank you guys for the support on yesterday’s blog entry. After deciding to start a “no factory food week” and being introduced to Paleo, I thought it only made sense. Paleo is minimally processed (depending on what you choose to eat) and that is what appeals most to me. It isn’t “low carb” or meat heavy like the name shows it to be.

It’s not that I’m convinced scientifically that this way of eating is better because of our long ago ancestors, it appeals to me for it’s lack of crap. The thing that bothers me the most and something that I will have to deal with in the coming months is criticsm to trying something new. But here is what bothers me the most…

A sample day on Paleo (not unlike what today promises to be):

Breakfast: eggs and fruit

Lunch: some sort of mixed greens salad with roasted vegetables, olive oil and lemon dressing

Dinner: (we’re going to a cookout) grilled steak and vegetables, sweet potatoes

This is how I aim to eat no matter what I call my eating plan: counting calories, paleo, tomato, tomäto

Now if I announced I’M ON WEIGHT WATCHERS AGAIN, and decided to go the processed food route. No one would say anything.

Please help me to understand this mentality?

When I try something new that is different from what you do it’s not my way of saying, you’re doing it wrong. It has nothing to do with you. It’s my way I trying, again, to find something that I can do long-term to lose weight. How I lose weight has nothing to do with anyone else, but me. And when I’m successful, it won’t matter how I got there. When my blood test shows better numbers, when I’m less depressed, when I’m less foggy, when I don’t have to hide food or lie about food, when I’m not trying to stuff my feelings with food, when I can fit into an airplane seat without an extender or shop in any clothing store I like— that is what will matter the most. Not that I chose vegetables, meat and fruit. But, I can’t have all those precious things without making a real decision about how much and what I consume. A decision that is very hard for me to make when staring bread right in the eye when I know I can have it, but not too much. Maybe one day, but not today. I’ve known this for a very long time.

In my day to day life I noticed I was eating way too much processed foods. My sandwich thins, mayonnaise, pickles, meat that isn’t local, cereals, frozen meals, nutrition bars…I could go on. This doesn’t mean I won’t have organic-nitrate-free bacon or pure organic bars if I want it, but I want less ingredients in my life.

Just yesterday we switch our cat food to a more expensive brand. About a week ago I noticed one of our cats was (how shall I say) leaking. It was gross and smelly, so I took him to the vet. She told me that he needed more fiber in his diet. Fiber that he wasn’t getting from his very commercial (and cheap) cat food.

I looked at the ingredients of his new cat food and could pronounce every single ingredient: chicken, oats, sweet potatoes, kale…you get the picture. And then we went to compare it with his old cat food that was half the price and out of a paragraph of ingredients I could pronounce two: corn and soy. I was stunned. We decided it was cheaper in the long run to give them better food with less vet bills, so fancy cat food is where we went. This story is not unlike our own.

What is better for us? Not you. Not the guy down the street. But us. I struggle with my weight. I struggle with overeating. This is why I’m here. I’ve been here way too long to not be somewhere different. The food that consumes my thoughts the most are the same foods I shouldn’t be eating except on very rare occasions.

Allowing refined flours and sugars in my life doesn’t work for me. I want it to work, oh help me, if I could control myself around pizza, hamburgers (with the bun), cereals, bread and anything remotely sweet, I would have done it by now. I just can’t for longer than a few days. And then I’m consumed again.

I’ve been down a similar road before, yes, but this road is one with less meat, more vegetables, more fruits and more planning and creativity. This is not the time for sideways looks, questions, doubt… all I ask is this: if you don’t agree, keep it to yourself. Trust that I will find my way myself. Unsolicited advice does not look good on anyone, it says: you know better. you’re doing better. you make all the right decisions.

But do you know better for me?

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General Weight Loss Tips

What is Enough?

Yesterday’s breakfast was a banana nut muffin and hardboiled egg. Two breakfast items that I have ready for grabbing and eating in the morning. I love having healthy prepared food on hand for mornings that I just want to eat and not cook (most mornings). I almost always wake up hungry and this is enough food to keep me full until lunch time.

I’m always reminding myself that I can be full and satisfied on less food. By default, I always want to eat more. I hope over time my default will be “enough”. But, I have to remember that this is something I deal with and act accordingly. For now, I will want more muffins, more eggs…more. I don’t need it, I’m not hungry, it’s just a habit I’ve gotten used to. total calories: 270

I think about eating out and how most plates are filled with enough food for four meals. In a lot of ways we are conditioned to want more food. I find that I am scared of hunger. I’ve been known to order food on a menu that I think will give me the most food. Have you ever done that?

This meal was enough.

And around noon I was hungry again. It’s okay to be hungry.

Repeat from yesterday: boca burger on whole wheat with jalapeno cheese, spinach and a little mayo: 413 calories. Asian pasta salad, about 125 calories. total: 538

Mid-afternoon snack: muffin: 200 calories

More cranberry tea throughout the day:

Dinner was delicious. And honestly I was famished by the time I got to cooking.

One of my favorite quick and healthy meals. Spinach salad with 1/2 boiled egg, tomato, feta and vinaigrette dressing. Sweet potatoes cooked in the microwave until tender, sliced 1/4-1/2 inch thick and fried in a little olive oil on the skillet. Sprinkled with sea salt, garlic and cayenne. About 1/3 C rice noodles with grilled pork marinated in fish sauce, lime juice, garlic and sucanat. Total calories: 550-600

Another late night snack of a muffin: 200 calories

Total calories for the day: 1,758-1,800

No exercise! Boo to us! We really should have exercised before dinner. By the time we had dinner in us all we wanted to do was veg out. I ended up falling asleep on the couch to The Stand. I can’t make this stuff up.

We’re celebrating Easter with my family this weekend. My plan is to exercise before we hit the road this morning and again over the weekend. I want to be as active as possible. I’m even thinking about going to the rec. center for raquet ball.

I’m planning to make a big salad for easter dinner and fill up half my plate with it. I’m also going to make a carrot cake with natural sugar, whole wheat flour and lots of fruit and vegetables. And finally, I am reminding myself to drink lots of water, take photos and be mindful.

What are your holiday eating plans?

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