General Weight Loss Tips

The Power of Believing

I have to tell you the first word that comes to mind with this blog post is “shewweeee!” and it’s not even a real word, but it describes my life at the moment. I’m in the place right before a new chapter is about to unfold. The exciting, scary, gray area when you’re sure something fantastic is about to unfold, but you’re not even sure it’s real yet. I keep pinching myself.

Tomorrow is the first day with my new business partner/program manager. She has been a creative friend for well over a year now. We first  bonded over making and selling jewelry and now we’re merging our talents. When I met her I knew we would one day work together. I didn’t know how or why, but it was a feeling that collaboration was inevitable. She will be working with me on design projects and a combined project 17 hours a week in my home office. Did I mentioned that she is a yoga instructor and a massage therapist on the side too?

I say all of this to say that a dream of mine is coming to life. I knew that I would eventually get to this point, these were thoughts that I put out in the universe many years ago. Probably while watching an episode of Designing Women, I’m sure of it. I wanted to own a business and work collaboratively with other creative women with lots of positive energy. I didn’t know the details, but I knew it was something I felt passionately about.

Tomorrow I will be able to say that I am a fully insured business owner with a project manager who works with me part-time. It’s insane. Truly crazy.

I believe in putting thoughts/dreams and goals into writing. I’ve been writing this goal every year since I was in my early 20’s. It didn’t happen over night and I had many experiences that  lead me to this very beginning stage. It makes me believe that I’m slowly getting to a better place emotionally and physically. I trust that I’ll not always weigh close to 300 pounds. Just like I knew that I would some day own a business.

It’s not that I put these thoughts out in the universe, as I call it, without the work to get here, but it helped that I always believed I would bring myself to this path. All of the days, months and years of experience were leading up to this point. This is how I choose to look at my weight loss efforts. I know, and truly believe that one day I will wake up at a weight that is comfortable and healthy for my body. I know  there will be a day when I step on a plane without anxiety of fitting in the seat or a day when I can be adventurous without worry of my weight.

When I was 15 years old I knew I would some day live in NYC. I didn’t know how I would get there or what I would do when I arrived, but I knew it was going to happen. And it did. Three years later, when I was 18, I met Josh on his way to the big apple. I also knew on that day ten years ago that I would one day marry him. I didn’t know how it would happen and I surely would not have expected all of the events that would unfold to get to this point, but I knew deep down that he would be my husband and it would be one of the best decisions I’d make.

So is there power in knowing? I can’t say for sure, but one day my next chapter will be that of a business owner who lost 150 pounds. I don’t just believe it, I know it.

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