Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise Back Pain Away

I am not the first person to try and exercise back pain away. According to past research and studies, nearly 80% of all Americans will experience some type of back pain in their lives. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons believes this as well, as they say 80% of us out there will encounter some type of problem with our back before we die.

Traditionally, the treatment for lower back pain is increasing core strength to increase flexibility on muscles that are tight, which will provide better stabilization of the spine and exercises to correct the imbalances of the muscles. The muscles that surround the spine will provide stability and support of the spinal column.

How to Exercise Back Pain Away

How to Exercise Back Pain Away

How to Exercise Back Pain Away

Every muscle between the hips and shoulders are included as well, as these muscles are referred to as the core muscles. Back pain can be a result of muscle imbalances caused by any of these core muscles. If the back of your thighs are weaker than the front of your thighs, there will be an uneven pull on the front of your spinal column. core strength training exercises into all of the exercises you perform, rather than doing just the traditional crunches and sit-ups. One such way is by breathing effectively.

Deep breathing will utilize your diaphragm muscles which will help support the spinal column and lengthen the spine, which is great for your lower back and supporting you when you walk or run. to reduce back pain and strengthen the core muscles as well. The tummy tuck exercise is a simple pelvic tilt that draws the abdominal muscles away from the floor. Do perform a tummy tuck, simply lie face down on the floor and squeeze your glutes to strengthen your spine.

Instead of pressing into your thighs, you should instead reach your tailbone down towards your heels. Perform 15 reps of each exercise and alternate them until you have completed a couple of sets.

on the floor and scoop your pelvis upward, as your rib cage should stay low to reduce any irritation to your spinal muscles. The bridge will help to relieve stress on your back and focus the muscle contractions into the glutes and the hamstrings.

Lower Back Stretches

Other exercises for lower back pain are the lumbar side stretch, hip flexor stretch, and calf stretches, as all three can help to alleviate pull on your spinal column.

Hip flexor stretch – When doing a hip flexor stretch, bring one foot forward in a bent knee, 90 degree angle, while your other leg is on the floor behind you with your foot pointed upwards toward the ceiling. The hip flexor stretch will help to open up the muscles of your back on the side of the spine near your hips. You can also squeeze your glutes as well to deepen the stretch with each breath you exhale. You should begin to feel a stretch in your back leg, in the thigh front and the hamstrings on your front leg.

Lumbar side stretch – This stretch will bring your legs wide with your knees bent while you sit or stand. Simply bring one hand down towards your foot on the inside of the thighs and your other hand behind your head.

The last stretch will open up your Achilles tendon, which is the most distant pull on the spine. For this, place an object under your foot and lean the weight of your body forwards. Maintain a fluid breath while you hold stretches for 30 seconds or so. After a while, you should begin to feel a stretch behind your knee and shin.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Can Vegetarianism Help People Lose Weight?

The number of obese people in the United States (and around the world) has increased dramatically in the past few decades. And as just about all overweight people know it’s not too  easy to lose that excess fat once you’ve got it. Many frustrated people turn to drastic measures such as going on a crash diet or getting liposuction and a tummy tuck.

However, there is no need for one to do anything so drastic. A much better choice for most people is to go on a vegetarian diet as it’s one of the simplest and safest things that a person can do to lose weight. Below are explanations on how a vegetarian diet can help with weight loss:

Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber

The average adult needs between 25-30 grams of fiber per day. Most overweight people are only getting 10 or 11 grams. Fruits and vegetables are rich in this nutrient. That is why people who follow a vegetarian diet usually have no problem getting the recommended amount of fiber.

Fiber helps promote a feeling of fullness. Studies have shown that people who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables actually consume less food throughout the day. Additionally, fiber also helps prevent blood sugar spikes. Blood sugar spikes often lead to food cravings and overeating.

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories

The key to losing weight is to burn off more calories than one consumes. Studies have shown that vegetarians consume fewer calories than non-vegetarians. Animal-based foods are typically very high in fat and calories. Eliminating meat, eggs and dairy will help one reduce his caloric intake naturally.

A vegetarian diet is low in sugar

Sugar is one of the main culprits behind weight gain. Studies have shown that sugar causes the body to store more fat. Vegetarians consume less sugar than the general population.

A vegetarian diet can help raise your metabolism

Metabolism is the rate at which the body burns calories. People who have a high metabolism will not only have an easier time losing weight, but they will also be more likely to keep it off for the rest of their life. Fruits and vegetables have been shown to have a fat-burning effect.

A vegetarian diet does not cost thousands of dollars!

Tummy tucks can cost anywhere from $5000 to $14,000. However, people who follow a vegetarian diet will lose weight naturally and will not have to worry about having to spend thousands of dollars on such a procedure.

Additional benefits

There are also a number of other benefits that can be reaped from following a vegetarian diet. Below are some of those benefits:

Live longer – Excess red meat consumption has been linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Because vegetarians do not eat meat, they can greatly reduce their risk of developing those conditions. In fact, studies have shown that male vegetarians can reduce their risk of dying prematurely by up to 50 percent. The mortality rate is 30 percent lower in female vegetarians. Researchers have also found that vegetarians live about three to six years longer than meat eaters.

Have more energy – People who eat a diet that is filled with animal-based products often complain about feeling tired and sluggish. Those who follow a vegetarian diet will notice that their energy level has increased. Plant-based foods contain the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to sustain energy.

Healthier skin and hair – Feeding the body the right nutrients is one of the keys to healthy skin. Fruits and vegetables contain the antioxidants that the body needs to reduce free radical damage. Many people who have become vegetarians have noticed that their skin is clearer and healthier. Additionally, plant-based foods also contain the nutrients that help promote hair growth.

Talk to your doctor

People who are trying to lose weight should talk with their doctor about going on a vegetarian diet. Eliminating animal-based foods will allow a person to lose weight safely and naturally. A vegetarian diet will also help increase energy, promote healthier skin and hair as well as help a person live longer.

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