Weight Loss Exercise

Men’s Health Spartacus Workout

Spartacus Workout, is it for you? Have you ever wondered how the actors in the popular television program, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, developed those sculpted muscles and well-defined abs and chest? They went through a specially-designed, high intensity workout program that burned belly fat and developed their muscles. The Men’s Health Spartacus Workout program is patterned after the muscle-building workouts of the actors in the TV program, and can help you boost endurance, burn fat, and get ripped abs.

Some people say that the actual Spartacus Workouts used to get the actors in shape are a hundred times more challenging than the routines in the Men’s Health version, but anyone who has picked up the Spartacus Workout Challenge will tell you that the exercise circuit is no walk in the park.

Framework for Men’s Health Spartacus Workout

The Spartacus Workout consists of 10 exercises carefully selected to collectively workout different parts of the body. The exercises are grouped together in a high-intensity circuit that will burn body fat, develop the muscles, and boost your endurance level. Each circuit has two stages with 5 exercises in every stage.

Mens Health Spartacus Workout

Spartacus Workout

The workout program is designed to be done three days a week. Perform one set of each exercise, called a “station”, in succession. Each station is allotted 60 seconds and you can do as many reps as you can, with perfect form. You can rest for up to 15 seconds between stations. Rest for 2 minutes after completing one circuit.

Exercises for Spartacus Workout

Exercise routines for Men’s Health Spartacus Workout consist of a variety of exercises that will challenge your heart, lungs and muscles. Some of the exercises include: Squat Pull and Thrust, Offset Reverse Dumbbell Lunge, Squat to Shoulder Press, Single Leg and Arm Dumbbell Row, Plank Walkup, Jump Squat, and Single Leg Deadlift with a Twist.
When using weights, choose a weight that is challenging for 15 to 20 reps.

Does the Spartacus Workout Work?

Designed by fitness experts Adam Campbell and Rachel Cosgrove to get the Spartacus cast in rock-hard shape, the Spartacus Workout is definitely effective and challenging. The great thing about this routine is that it burns fat while building muscle. You can also do the exercises with or without dumbbells, depending on your level of fitness and strength. This option also allows you to decide whether or not you should invest in additional equipment.

Soon after the release of the original Spartacus Workout, the Spartacus Workout 2.0 came out. The all-new Spartacus Workout 3.0 is also available these days. If you’re looking for a structured routine that will challenge your endurance and strength, give this workout a try.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Lower Your Stress With These Tips

Not all stress is created equal. You can feel stress from work, home, family, friends, and yourself, but you can also experience stress from winning the lottery and moving into your new mansion. Long term stress, however, can even contribute to health problems if not dealt with.

While it is normal to have some stress, most of us tend to have too much of it. Here are some suggestions for relieving your stress. What is relaxing to one person may not be so relaxing to another, so use the techniques that appeal to you.

1. Laugh – What makes you laugh? Your puppy, a funny movie, a comedy routine? Make some time to laugh; it can be an instant stress reliever.

2. Exercise – Perhaps a brisk walk in the park or a game of tennis with a good friend. Fire up those endorphins while enjoying nature or companionship.

3. Massage – See a professional. Better yet, have one come to your home. If you can’t afford it, get a 15 minute shoulder massage at the mall or coax your spouse into doing it.

4. Music – A fast beat can make you dance, and it’s hard to feel stressed while you’re dancing. At the other end of the spectrum, calm music will help you feel calm.

5. Discussion – Talk out your problems with the people who can help you solve your problems, whether it be your spouse who IS the problem or a professional who can give you coping methods.

6. Yoga – This combines several stress relieving modalities including breathing, meditation, and stretching.

7. No – Learning to say no to people and situations will help you to stop heaping so much on your plate. Step back and look at your 24 hours and decide where you want your priorities to lie. Weed out everything else.

8. Deep-breathing – Breathing deep can bring quick relief from an immediate stressful situation and allows you to focus. Plus it oxygenates the blood.

9. Entertainment – Let others take the stress on their shoulders as they entertain you. Get out of the house or office, and away from the stress and take in a movie, a nice restaurant dinner, a tour of the city, or a concert.

10 – Journal – If you don’t want to talk about it then write about it. Keeping a journal of your concerns and stresses will help you get a clearer picture of your issues and might help you come up with a plan to get to a place of less stress.

Even if you can’t remove all the stress in your world, you can certainly lower your stress levels when you try some of these tips.