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Borderline Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes is a chronic disease wherein blood sugar levels are elevated. This can happen when the body does not produce sufficient insulin, or if cells in the body do not respond to insulin. If you have not been officially diagnosed with diabetes but your blood sugar levels are chronically slightly high, you may have pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes. Pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes is cause for concern. If you are experiencing any of the borderline diabetes symptoms listed below, it’s best to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of Borderline Diabetes

* Frequent need to urinate. Frequent urination, especially at night, can be a borderline diabetes symptom.

* Constant fatigue. If you feel constantly tired all day, you may have pre-diabetes.

* Constantly being thirsty. One of the common borderline diabetes symptoms is excessive thirst, even after drinking plenty of water.

* Unexplained weight loss. If you are losing weight without any change in your diet or lifestyle, you may be experiencing one of the main symptoms of borderline diabetes.

* Slow healing of wounds. Abnormally elevated blood sugar levels can impair the immune system. If wounds or scratches heal slowly, you may be displaying a borderline diabetes symptom. Frequent infections of the urinary bladder, skin, or gums and vaginal yeast infections in women are also symptoms of borderline diabetes.

Diagnosing Borderline Diabetes

If you suspect that you have diabetes or borderline diabetes because of the symptoms you have, consult a doctor as soon as possible. A simple test for blood sugar levels will show if you have pre-diabetes,which is the proper medical term for borderline diabetes. Individuals with fasting blood sugar level of 100-125 mg/dL and 140-199 mg/dL for postprandial blood glucose may manifest borderline diabetes.

Borderline diabetes may be diabetes in its early stages and should be considered a cause for concern. Failure to obtain the right diagnosis and treatment can lead to damage to the nerves, cardiovascular system, kidneys, and vision.

It is estimated that over 79 million people in the USA suffer from pre-diabetes.

What to Do

If you are diagnosed with pre-diabetes, your doctor will probably advise you to make lifestyle changes to stop diabetes in its tracks. Diabetes is often caused by lack of exercise, being overweight, a diet high in carbohydrates, and a family history of diabetes. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help prevent pre-diabetes from getting worse.

People with borderline diabetes symptoms should not self-diagnose or self-medicate. Only a doctor can tell you if you do have pre-diabetes, and prescribe the right treatment for your condition.

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Knowing The Types Of Migraines

There are different types of migraines that people suffer from. While most involve headaches and throbbing pain or nausea, there are still other with their own symptoms which are classified as migraines. Knowing the types of migraines and their symptoms can help you get a better diagnosis and the proper medical care.

Types of Migraines

We can start of by discussing the two basic types of migraines, Migraines without Aura and Migraines with Aura. The common symptoms of both types of migraines are headaches or pain on one side of the head. This is usually accompanied by dull throbbing pain at the side of the head or the temples, neck pain and nausea.

Migraines with Aura differ in that those who suffer from it experience sensory phenomenon such as seeing jagged or wavy lines or lights in front of them. Tunnel or impaired vision is also observed. Some also perceive funny or unusual odors. This symptom gradually diminishes and is replaced by the usual symptoms of a migraine.

Most of the other types of migraines usually fall under either of these two main groups. Some migraines may have different kind of pain such as in the location or duration and intensity of the migraine attack. Some types of migraines do not have headaches at all, only the other symptoms are experienced.

Other Types of Migraines

Silent Migraine ? this type of migraine is associated mostly with the occurrence of aura but the absence of headaches as a symptom. Common indicators are mostly the observation of waves, lines and colors in what we see. Nausea and other physical illness may also be felt.

Basilar-Type Migraines ? usually characterized by loss of vision or partial blindness while the migraine attack is occurring, it differs as there isn’t any motor loss that occurs with the migraine attack.

Hemiplegic Migraines ? characterized by occurrence of aura, nausea, vomiting and loss of motor functions or paralysis. Episodes are rather severe and are prolonged.

Retinal Migraines ? characterized by temporary loss of vision, usually in one eye. Lights, spots and other visual disturbances are also felt.

Ocular Migraines ? migraine symptoms include increased sensitivity to light, vision problems and hearing difficulty. Disorientation and confusion as well as slurred speech have also been included as symptoms.

Status Migrainosus ? a migraine type without aura. The headaches are very severe and can last for well over a day or two. Dilation of blood vessels inside the brain is the main culprit and should be addressed immediately to prevent the occurrence of stroke.

Transformed migraines ? these are described as migraine attacks that get worse in frequency and intensity over time. It is suspected that the cause would be overuse of typical medication for headaches and migraines.
Getting Treatment

To better treat your migraine you should definitely consult a physician. Describe in detail what your symptoms are as well as how often and what you were doing. Migraines can be first treated using analgesic medicine such as NSAIDs, aspirin and other pain relievers, these can usually take care of the pain symptom. However there are some migraine types that need to be addressed directly and specific medication should be administered.

Ask your doctor for more information about the types of migraines and how you can get treatment for your specific case.

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