Weight Loss Exercise

Five Fat Burning Tips

People hate dieting because it deprives them of their favorite foods (read fatty and junk foods). When you start dieting, you will inevitably have tough times during the first few days when you reel under the pressure of hunger. Just think about it – you used to eat every now and then and now that you are dieting, you got to restrict your food intake.

Obviously your body is quite surprised at the change of food habits but hey, there are ways you can make sure you can diet for a long time without troubling your body! In this article I will give you five tips to lose weight effectively.

Five Fat Burning Tips

1. Remove Sugary Foods from your kitchen. Do a search in your kitchen as well as the refrigerator and make sure there is no food left there that has high sugar content. Sugar or sucrose easily converts into carbohydrates once it enters into body. And as a matter of fact, unused carbohydrates are easily turned into fat by the body. You therefore, as a rule, should avoid sugar and sugar-rich foods.

processed food bread2.Stop eating processed foods. Not only some of them are high on calorie count, processed foods also contain a lot of natural and unnatural preservatives. While natural preservatives won’t harm your body much, unnatural preservatives can cause acidity, stomach disorder and loss of energy.

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3. Start walking. Get off that couch and take a walk. Exercise is a vital component of weight loss, but if you cannot or won’t want to exercise, simply walking will help you burn calories. Brisk walking is good, but jogging or running will rid you of even more fat! Make sure you increase your daily activity level regularly. If you continuously remain seated on your couch, you won’t be able to burn fat.

4. Most people forget the simple advice that water is good for everyone, more so for those who are overweight. Make sure you drink lots of water everyday; it will keep your stomach full and keep you away from food cravings. Make sure you also drink a glass of water before meal so that you don’t end up overeating.

5. Dairy products contain a lot of fat, so you should cut down on their intake. Dairy products such as yogurt (unless it is of the low-fat variety), cheese, cottage etc, can cause stomach bloating and inflammation. Dairy products are also rumored to be the leading cause behind heart diseases.

As you can see, losing weight is not all that hard. Take your time to plan your diet, and then stick to it. That is the best way to lose weight fast.

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Foods to Help Lose Weight

As more and more scientific evidence points towards the health benefits of losing weight, people are increasingly altering their diets to achieve healthy bodies.  While maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is surely the most fundamental aspect of losing weight, there are some specific foods one can eat to dramatically improve weight loss results.  Here are five of them:

Foods to Help Lose Weight

1.  It may be so simple that you have overlooked it in your diet.  Water is the number one food you can use to help you lose weight.  Not only is water vital to all your bodies systems, but many times you can stave off hunger simply by drinking a glass.  Additionally, replacing just two cans of cola with water per day can shave off almost a pound of body fat per week!

cereal2.  Cereals high in fiber and low in fat are another very powerful group of foods that will help you lose weight.  Recommending low-fat foods for those trying to lose weight is not new — however, recent studies have shown that foods high in fiber tends to fill people up for longer periods of time than those foods lacking fiber.  By adding a high-fibe,r low-fat cereal to your diet, not only will you be delivering valuable nutrients to your body, but you will also be able to go longer between meals without feeling hungry.

3.  You may have heard of a number of different artificial sweeteners claiming to help you lose weight.  One in particular, xylitol, is a particularly powerful food that can help you with your weight loss.  A naturally occurring sugar alcohol, xylitol’s glycemic index is only 7% of that of table sugar.  This means that the energy contained in xylitol is released more gradually into your system then the energy contained in table sugar.  Add that to the fact that xylitol only has two thirds of the calories of table sugar, and you can see why it is such a powerful fat burning food.

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4.  Spicy foods containing capsacian can also help you lose weight.  You’ve probably noticed when eating particularly spicy foods that your appetite decreases.  Using this to your advantage, you will be able to eat less and still feel full.  There are also a preliminary studies suggesting that spicy foods actually increase your body’s metabolism, thereby burning more calories than normal.

5.  Candy bars can also help you lose weight.  No, I’ve not gone crazy.  It is important to reward yourself at times for staying on track with your weight loss diet.  The way to do this is to have small prepackaged portions of candy or chocolate available.  By using small prepackaged portions, you run much less risk of binging on your favorite reward snack.

Proper diet is the most fundamental aspect of a weight loss program, and you should strive to keep your diet as healthy and balanced as possible. However, by using some of these foods to help lose weight, your weight loss results are sure to skyrocket.

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BMI – What is the Body Mass Index?

Body mass index - or BMI

Body mass index – or BMI

When it comes to physical fitness, one often hears that term Body Mass Index or BMI. The BMI is a number that indicates your overall physical condition. This number is based on your height versus your weight and basically expresses your ideal weight based on your height. This number does not however take into consideration your overall physical stature or muscle tone.

What does Body Mass Index Measure?

It is important to realize that the body mass index is not a measurement of your percentage of body fat. There is a simple equation that you can use to determine your body mass. This equation is your weight divided by the square of your height. There is also a chart available that will provide you with a visual way to determine your body mass index.

This chart uses a graph to indicate where your weight is in conjunction with your height. Along the bottom of the graph is weight listed typically in pounds and kilograms. Along the side of the chart is your height in both feet and inches, and meters.

The chart is then broken into arched sections that are highlighted by different colors. The various colors indicate different weight classifications, these classifications include underweight, Normal, Overweight, and obese. These categories are then broken into subcategories including mild moderate and severe.

History of BMI

The body mass index ( BMI ) was first created in the 19th century as a formula but was not made popular until the 1970′s. This is considered a relatively reliable way to determine physical condition. However it does have some short comings, it may improperly express your condition based on several factors. If you are elderly than your fat percentage may very well be greater than your body mass index. On the other hand if you are athletic then your body fat percentage may be somewhat lower than your body mass index.

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This is particularly true in the case of bodybuilders and weightlifters. An example of this is that a weightlifter who is 6 foot tall may weight well over 260 pounds. The body mass index chart will describe this person as severely obese and be expressed as a 30 on the BMI scale, however this person may have a body fat percentage of less than half of that.

Is the Body Mass Index Good Science?

Overall the body mass index chart and equation is a relatively good guide of a person’s physical condition. You should not however let this replace a professional opinion of your physical condition that can only be determined by a physician during a physical. It is important to remember that if you do feel you are overweight and the body mass index indicates this as well, then you may want to consider a training program and a modified diet, it is a good idea however to check with your doctor before ever starting a new training regiment or a diet.

Body Mass Index Guidlines

Now that you know the fact here are the numbers. Simply divide you height by your weight and you will know the number and where you fit in the range.

Although the body mass index is not the only thing to tell your fitness it is still a really good estimation as to how heavy you are. BMI may seem like a great measurement but when you gain a lot of muscle it is less relevent.

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