Weight Loss Exercise

Weider Total Body Works 5000 Gym Review

A home gym may be what you need to get started on your fitness program.  The Weider Total Body Works 5000 Gym is a very affordable entry-level gym for home use.

It uses body weight as the source of resistance and is very similar to other Total Gym trainers but it only costs about $150 while comparable home gyms can go as high as $600.

Weider Total Body Works 5000 Gym Features

  • Offers over 50 body-shaping exercises that build muscles and increase flexibility
  • Uses body weight for resistance
  • Adjustable incline with 7 levels
  • Comes with 4 adjustable power bands for up to 50 pounds of additional resistance
  • Unrestricted cable and pulley system allows great range of motion
  • Slide away technology and space saving design allows quick and easy storage
  • Includes workout guide
  • No assembly required
  • 90-day limited warranty; 30-day satisfaction guarantee

Health Weider Body Works w/ Mat Bundle, incline bench/wheels, flexible, comfort

Budget Home Gym

The Weider Total Body Works 5000 home gym is the best choice for people who want a good workout at a budget price.  While more expensive home gyms use weight plates for resistance, the Weider Total Body Works 5000 relies on body weight and resistance bands connected to a cable and pulley system.  The home gym’s incline bench can be adjusted to any one of 7 positions to provide the challenge or resistance that you want for your workout.

The Total Body Works 5000 home gym by Weider is simple to use.  It consists of a pulley attached to the glide board.  The user’s body weight provides natural resistance.

There are over 100 body-shaping exercises you can do with this home gym.  It can improve your muscle tone and firm up your body, increase overall strength, and improve flexibility.  The home gym also comes with a foot platform or Squat Stand, a pull-up bar, and resistance bands.

Both the squat stand and pull-up bar are key features of the Weider Total Body Works 5000, because they are not included in comparable yet more expensive home gyms.

Easy to Use

The Weider Total Body Works 5000 is a simple exercise machine that is easy to use, even for beginners.  It comes practically fully assembled and can be used right away.  A workout guide is included to help you with your fitness program.  You can also find tons of free videos showing exercise routines that you can perform on the home gym.

Space Saving Design

The Total Body Works 5000 folds away for easy storage but it’s not a small machine.  You must take off the foot rest and handle bars to fold it down completely.  You can then slide it under a bed or store it in a large closet but it’s better to keep your exercise equipment readily accessible so you won’t miss any of your workouts.

Workout Routines on the Total Body Works 5000

The Weider Total Body Works 5000 Gym makes use of a self-centering top cable and the user’s own weight to provide resistance for the workout.  Elastic bands can be attached at the bottom for extra resistance.  The home gym is easy to set up and the workout guide that comes with it helps you get started right away.

The exercises shown in the workout guide have pictures showing the starting and ending positions, including an explanation of which muscles you’re working.

There are many different exercises for your abs, arms, shoulders and legs.  The Total Body Works 5000 is best for upper body workouts but with the Squat Stand you can also use it to workout the lower body.

Advanced users may find this home gym inadequate for their needs but it is the perfect choice for beginners and intermediate users.  It’s great for toning the muscles and melting away extra pounds.

Value for Your Money

The Total Body Works 5000 gym is a great value buy in more ways than one.  Not only is the purchase price surprisingly low, but it’s also economical to replace.  Home gyms that are used on a regular basis are subjected to wear and tear. Eventually parts will have to be repaired or replaced.  Cost of replacement parts is low but you may want to simply get a new one because the purchase price is so affordable.

Pros of Weider Total Body Works 5000 Gym

  • Affordable price
  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Very little assembly required

Cons of Weider Total Body Works 5000 Gym

  • Resistance is limited and may not be suitable for more advanced users
  • Limited lower body workouts
  • Short warranty

What Customers Say

With a $149 price tag, the Weider Total Body Works 5000 gym is unbeatable.   Customers say it is sturdy, easy and fun to use, and can accommodate many different exercises.  The resistance bands are very easy to switch.  It’s also an affordable and convenient way to workout at home.

The main drawback found in the Total Body Works 5000 is the limited number of lower body workouts.  A few customers were also disappointed at the lack of an instructional DVD which would have been very helpful for working out.

The Weider Total Body Works 5000 gym may not be challenging enough for advanced or even intermediate users but it is the ideal choice for beginners.  If you are shopping around for an affordable entry-level home gym, you can’t go wrong with the Total Body Works 5000

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Weight Loss Exercise

Paleo Snacks on the Paleo Diet

Paleo snacks are part of life and on any healthy diet you are told to eat something every few hours. This is very true if you are following the Paleo Diet.

The problem is finding out what to snack on. You need to have snacks that are quick and easy to prepare and that fit in with the principles of the Paleo diet.

Paleo Snacks to Try

Paleo Snacks of Nuts and Seeds

Paleo Snacks of Nuts and Seeds

One easy paleo snack to prepare in advance is sliced vegetables. This can include celery sticks, carrot sticks, cucumbers, radishes and cherry tomatoes. Plus you can serve it with a low calorie dip or dressing. This type of snack is perfect for when you are at home on the weekend.

Or it can be prepared ahead of time and packed for work or school.

Eggs are another suitable snack choice for anyone on the Paleo Diet. You can prepare them as hard boiled eggs, slices of frittata or as egg muffins.

Fruits are quick and simple paleo snacks to prepare. Choose berries, slices of oranges, apples and grapefruit. These are easy to pack if you need to take your snack with you as well.

Small amounts of nuts and seeds can be packed into small containers and popped into your bag. They are easy to eat no matter where you are plus full of nutrients that help you get through a busy morning. As nuts are higher in calories it may be best to eat them as a mid morning snack. By eating nuts early in the day your body has lots of time to burn off the calories.

Leftover pieces of meat or seafood are wonderful snack choices. Just dice them up into chunks the night before and place them into a small container. By eating leftover meat you are adding protein to your diet which will provide you with energy during the day.

Chicken or turkey breast diced or sliced makes a good snack choice. So does canned tuna, peeled shrimp and slices of leftover meatloaf or meatballs.

Additional Paleo snacks tips

When having vegetables or meat as a snack it is nice to eat them with a dipping sauce. Some good sauces to use that won’t affect your Paleo Diet are salsa, nut butters, pesto sauces and guacamole.

Once you get into the habit of making snacks that fall in line with the Paleo Diet principles you won’t be lost for what to eat. Instead you will have tons of choices which are healthy and taste wonderful.

Remember eating paleo snacks is a good healthy choice and you should try not to go more than 4 hours without having some sort of snack. Now you won’t have to worry about what snack to make.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Finding Time to Workout

One of the biggest complaints that I hear from people getting started, or trying to get stated, in working out is:

“Where will I find the time to workout?”

We all lead busy days and often the time between the morning when we get up and the evening when we go to sleep goes by in a blur of work, family, preparing meals, finding and foraging for food and getting a little bit of downtime.

So where do we find that few minutes a day to workout? I think that I have a bit of an answer.

Get you priorities straight

First things first. Look at your day from the time that you awake until the time that you go to sleep. What are you doing in every 15 minute block?

You may think of this as micromanagement but really it is more important to look at your day and see little gaps and times when you are not batching your work.

Batching? Batching is where you get a bunch of things that are related and do them at once.

An easy example is that when you are cooking food, if you are cleaning dishes as you are waiting for the cooking to finish as well as emptying and then refilling the dishwasher then you can see how these related items done in the same place at the same time will save you a lot of time.

Besides batching, you may also find that you are spending time surfing on the internet looking at the same new stories over and over again during the day.

Get out of this habit and instead pick a time for news and surfing and do not go back to it unless it is part of the batching process.

How much time do you need

Everyone that does not workout a few times a week thinks that they have to find a couple of hours to workout. Everyone that works out efficiently knows that you can get a great workout in with only 30 minutes.

If you are looking for 2 hours to train then you will never find it but if you only need 30 minutes then it is easy to find the time.

30 minutes to workout is not enough for some people but as you care more about this part of your life you will use that time better and maybe let it creep up to an hour.

There is nearly no reason that any normal person not training for athletic events would need more than an hour to workout. In fact science says that even an hour may be too long.

Pick a downtime to workout

Either first thing in the morning or an hour after dinner are the best times to workout. Look at how early you are getting up. If you have a shower anyway in the morning why not have a workout as soon as you get up.

This is the best time to workout as you are not going to get distracted by life at 5:30, heck no one even knows that you are awake.

If you can not make it to workout first thing in the morning then you can try my method. I have dinner, clean up, hang with the kids for a few minutes, get the kids ready for bed and then I sneak downstairs for a workout.

My kids are terrible for going to sleep late  so this way they have downtime, I get a workout in and then either shower and then fight with them to get ready for bed or else sit down and watch a movie.

Decide why you are working out

This may be the first thing on the list or else the thing that gets you working out harder. I always have another big fitness goal. These goals are not things like winning the Mr Olympia or anything but smaller ones that may be vane.

I was lifting hard in the Spring so that I would look better on the beach in Hawaii. I am working out hard now to make up for the fact I am not riding my bike enough.

The thing is as the time of year changes and as your prioirites change you can get in great shape all the time by shifiting the reasons and types of workouts.

So there you have my simple ideas for how to get time, prioirtize and get yourself on the road, into the gym or into the basement to get a heart pumping workout that will improve your health for today and into the future.

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