Weight Loss Exercise

How Dangerous Is The Biggest Loser?

I just caught an article in the Guardian newspaper that talks about how dangerous the Biggest Loser TV show is for people that are morbidly obese or at lease sedentary with no fitness level because it would encourage them to exercise hard. (I have to agree with a lot of what the article said but still, lets let people exercise without fear)

These articles are super popular right now with Biggest Loser starting tonight.

These articles made me mad because discouraging exercise is in itself irresponsible…

Who’s The Loser? ‘Biggest Loser’ Workouts Questioned

Well I was a little shocked although I am not sure if I really should be. This is the time for the backlash against the Biggest Loser. The Biggest Loser has now been on for a few years and the ratings are falling so why not say that the show is irresponsible and dangerous to copy.

biggest-loser-10I have to disagree. I would like to point out what would happen instead of a heat attack to someone trying this out.

Let’s take some guy that weighs in at 400 pounds and has never exercised. We will call the guy Joe. Joe goes to a sports store, buys a pair of running shoes and then walks out and joins a fitness bootcamp.

What is going to happen? Joe is going to do a one hour workout, get really winded and feel sick and then wake up the next day feeling sick, sore and tired.

No workout today.

Tomorrow Joe goes back and works out, gets winded quicker and after the hour he realizes that he will never workout again.

The fact is that most people will not workout until it kills them. They will get too sore and tired first before it hurts their health

I feel for Joe, the workouts are tough, the chance of success if driven to hard to fast are low and he will try his best but this is not really what it is going to take to get in shape for him although it is just a short term workout system.

The real fact is that exercise is the single best way to improve your fitness level and therefore your health. The Biggest Loser is helping everyone to show that we set the bar far too low as far as pushing ourselves and improving our fitness is concerned.

We have to be aware that 6 or 8 hours of exercise under constant medical supervision is noting like what real people do for workouts.

But anyone, and I really mean ANYONE, can work their way from walking around the block to eventually getting into great shape just by pushing themselves a little harder from one day to the next – no 8 hour workouts necessary.

I have written before about what it takes to lose if you have a lot to lose and actually have a post about how to lose 100 pounds in a year that has gotten a lot of attention and a group of people supporting each other. It all comes down to exercise in lots of different ways as well as monitoring and improving what goes into your mouth.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Joining a Gym – What Is Important To Think About

Health Clubs and gyms, How do you decide which one to join? One of the great mysteries of a fitness plan is how to decide which health club, gym or fitness center is the right one for you.

Most people go around and ask people they know which on to join and over the year I have belonged to a half dozen of so health clubs or gyms.

The Decision to join a gym

Joining a gym - This is one decision that once you follow through with, and keep up your level of commitment will forever change your life and how you relate to people, food and exerciseCongratulations on your decision to join a Gym. This is one decision that once you follow through with, and keep up your level of commitment will forever change your life and how you relate to people, food and exercise.

There is initially on joining a gym or health club an excitement in the future and a real clarity of purpose.

I have never felt the excitement of being in a gym by doing any kind of other exercise.

Health clubs are a business and since you are going to be doing business with a Health Club you should be armed with information and the ability to make a decision based on what is important to you and not what is pitched to your by the health club salesman.

I want to be very clear here, the onus is on you to decide what you want and need in a health club and the nice lady or mans job is simply to have you join their club.

What I will do within this series is educate you on what is important to think about and after that you can make the decision yourself, armed with the knowledge that you need to take that health club sales pitch head on and rebut it.

The Process of Finding A Gym

In these next few articles I will help you to create a checklist of what is important when you go out looking for fitness center to join.

  1. Joining a gym– The Tour
  2. Staff in the gym
  3. Other factors of Joing a Gym

We will uncover staff and what to look for, membership hours, fitness equipment, health club amenities, classes worth taking or not and of course the price that you should pay and how to decide what is fair.

If you already belong to a gym, fine, this may allow you to reevaluate whether you are at the right place and if you do not belong to a gym you will probably be joining one soon and I hope all the information you will find will help you make an informed decision on what kind of health club is for you.

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Weight Loss Exercise

High Reps and Feeder Workouts

I ran across this video and just loved what Tim and Rich have to say about a couple of things. They are obviosuly really smart and in this 12 minutes or so there are some real gems of knowledge

High Rep vs Low Reps Sets

First of all there is the argument of high vs low reps sets. I myself love to do higher rep sets, not anything too high but more around 12 reps for my first set and 7 reps for my last set. Every sey for me is to failure.

The idea of doing slightly higher reps is that the blood flow is much more intense to the muscles and the overall mass that you are lifting is higher as well.

The opposite of course is to do just 3 or 4 reps for every set with as much weight as possible.


Feeder Workouts

The other great piece of info is Rich Piana talking about the idea of Feeder workouts. A feeder workout is just 3 super high sets the day after a workout on that bodypart.

An example is if you do a very tough arm workout, then the next day you would do 3 sets of 100 reps of curls. This will give you an awesome pump and drive all of the toxins out of those bicep muscles.

Rich Piana says that he did these kind of feeder workouts for Biceps and Triceps every night for two years and he credits it with making a huge difference to his arm size. This guy has giant arms to say the least so it seems to have done the job.

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