Weight Loss Exercise

Alcohol And Exercise

Alcohol and Exercise are linked, but not in a good way. On Friday afternoon after you leave work, you probably think about going out and having a few drinks with friends to relax and wind down. Even though you may think you deserve to go out and have a few drinks, there are some things that you should certainly keep in mind.

Like any other day, tomorrow is going to be a day for exercise, and since you are exercising on a regular basis, a few drinks of alcohol won’t really hurt anything, right? Before you decide to rush out to the local bar, there are a few things below that you should think about before you make your choice about going out to drink some alcohol.

Alcohol And Exercise

Alcohol and Exercise
Alcohol and Exercise

Research has proven that even small amounts of alcohol will increase muscular endurance and the output of strength, although these types of benefits are very short lived. After 20 minutes or so, the problems will begin to surface.

All of the negative side effects associated with alcohol will easily outweigh any possible benefits that it can have. No matter how you look at it, alcohol is a poison that can really harm your body if you aren’t careful.

The negative side of alcohol can reduce your strength, endurance, aerobic capability, recovery time, ability to metabolize fat, and even your muscle growth as well. Alcohol will also have an effect on your nervous system and brain.

If you use it long term, you can cause severe deterioration of your central nervous system. Even with short term use, nerve muscle interaction can be reduced which will result in a loss of strength.

Alcohol and Blood Cell Damage

Once alcohol reaches the blood cells, it can and probably will damage them. With alcohol users, inflammation of the muscle cells is a very common thing. Over periods of time, some of these cells that have been damaged can die which will result in less functional muscle contractions.

I found one study that showed that alcohol consumption even with a regular exercise regiment would reduce testosterone secretion

Drinking alcohol will also leave you with more soreness of your muscles after you exercise, which means that it will take you a lot longer to recuperate.

Alcohol will also have many different effects on your heart and circulatory system as well. When you drink any type of alcohol, you may begin to see a reduction in your endurance capabilities.

Anytime you drink, your heat loss will increase, due to the alcohol simulating your blood vessels to dilate. The loss in heat can cause your muscles to become quite cold, therefore become slower and weaker during your muscle contractions.

Drinking alcohol can also lead to digestive and nutrition problems as well. Alcohol cause a release of insulin that will increase the metabolism of glycogen, which spares fat and makes the loss of fat very hard. Due to alcohol interfering with the absorption of several key nutrients, you can also become anemic and deficient with B type vitamins.


Alcohols Effects on Liver and Kidneys

Because your liver is the organ that detoxifies alcohol, the more you drink, the harder your liver has to work. The extra stress alcohol places on your liver can cause serious damage and even destroy some of your liver cells.

Since alcohol is diuretic, drinking large amounts can put a lot of stress on your kidneys as well. During diuretic action, the hormones are secreted. This can lead to heightened water retention and no one who exercises will want this to happen.

If you must drink alcohol, you should do it in moderation and never drink before you exercise, as this will impair your balance, coordination, and also your judgement. Think about your health and how you exercise – and you may begin to look at Alcohol and Exercise from a whole new prospective.

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Weight Loss Exercise

3 Keys to Getting Fit with Home Weight Based Workouts

There are some who think they cannot get fit unless they hit the gym regularly.

They think that one can become fit only when surrounded by an assortment of flashy workout equipments and a huge crowd jostling with each other in the battle of fitness.

Then there are others like me who think that true fitness can only be achieved in one’s own home, since no other place could be more comfortable, warm and peaceful.

Home Weight Based Workouts

Getting fit with home based weight workoutsPersonally I have more than one reason to prefer home-based weight workouts. You see, I am a guy who prefers to workout at flexible hours to me.

I cannot hit the gym everyday at a set time because of my busy schedule and hectic lifestyle. Therefore, a home-based workout suits me best.

I can workout even while watching television or listening to my favorite music on my cell phone. And yes, I hate crowds.

As a matter of fact, many gyms work on outdated fitness principles and philosophy. Just like science, the principles of fitness also changes with time, but very few gyms are able to keep themselves up to date with the knowledge.

Even if you hire a personal fitness trainer, there is no guarantee that you would learn all the latest and greatest fitness tricks from him.

I have been fortunate enough to discover two easy ways to get fit and healthy in no time, all the while staying within the comfort of my home.

I am going to share those three tips with you in this article.

1. Save time by doing high intensity workouts: Many people are afraid of doing high intensity workouts because they feel these workouts would break their bones or worse, kill them outright.

Then there are others who believe that doing low intensity workouts for a long period of time is much better than doing highly intense workouts for a much shorter period. I would say that both groups of people are wrong.

Many people start weight based workouts by learning to have a long workout with lots of sets and lots of breaks, this leads to a more low intensity workout that will not push your body hard enough and . But, if you really want to get fit, then low intensity workouts won’t be able to help you.

This is the reason why I recommend that you select only workouts of high intensity, and lower your rest periods. This would ensure that you get fit in the shortest time possible.

2. Set time-specific goals: Another way to get fit quickly is by setting your actual workout session against a very tight schedule and increasing your rest period.

This is one unique workout method that I can guarantee is not taught in many gyms. Under this method, you can pick up any three high intensity workouts you choose, and do each one of them for 30-40 seconds.

After you are done with one workout, rest for about 10-20 minutes. What you are doing here is: you are giving very little time to your workouts compared to your resting periods.

When you are racing against time, your workout regimen would look much more exciting and challenging than ever. Keep in mind that a human mind gets bored with routine jobs, but would any day pick up something challenging and interesting. This principle equally holds true for workouts as well.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Womens Weight Training Tips

Womens training tips such as muscle building and strength training is a great way for women to lose and tone up. Building muscle has many benefits.

Building muscle will increase your metabolic rate and burn fat faster. Also, as women age, it is even more important to do an activity that is good for the bones and training is one such activity.

So it’s important in incorporate both muscle and strength training into your exercise routine.

Womens Weight Training Tips

Women's Weight Training Tips
Women’s Weight Training Tips

Three times a week. Most important Womens training tips is that just like in any other kind of exercise, it must be done at least three times a week in order to make it more effective in delivering your desired results.

Three times is the ideal number because more than three times would not allow proper time for your muscles and your body to recover and heal.

Weight-Cardio intervals. The key to an effective workout is having intervals. You can’t live on jogging or training alone.

A successful workout should be comprised of both. Women require more effort in maintaining their physique or in burning fat as compared to men, and a proper workout consisting of both training and cardio is necessary.

Cardio and training work hand in hand to burn fat, speed up the metabolism, and increase endurance and resistance.

Gradually increase amount of over time. Once your body gets used to a 5 pound it will not be as effective. The point of slowly increasing your weights is to challenge your body.

The number of reps and sets can be easily adjusted to accommodate your capability to lift a certain level as well.

Stretch and cool down after training. In order to avoid cramping and to help your muscles relax after working so hard it’s important to stretch the whole body and have a proper cool down after training.

Studies have shown that lifting weights builds up your bones, increases your metabolism, reduces body fat, and improves balance.

When you start a lifting program it is important to set goals, learn proper technique, be consistent, work all of your muscle groups and always be patient with yourself. Building muscle takes time usually 4 to 6 weeks before you start to notice any changes.

Use these womens training tips to help you get started on your journey today to become fit and healthy no matter what your age.

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