Weight Loss Exercise

Advanced HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training

I have written about HIIT before but it is something that I really do prescribe to instead of just another workout alternative. The idea to me of getting a good workout is to workout hard for a short period of time and really work the muscles.

Lately I have been trying to concentrate even more on compound, or basic, exercises like bench press, squats, military press and rows.

Why do HIIT workouts?

The way that you do one of these workouts is to string all of your exercises together and do it as one long set with very little time between exercises. You do this one long set and then take a rest and then do it all over again.

Advanced HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

This is the exact method that Tom has talked about in Burn the Fat and is the way to have a quick but very effective and very intense workout.

I used to hate spending an hour training everyday and now I train my body in only 30-40 minutes instead. Nice time saving and I feel like I really worked hard after I am done.

Compound exercises are a very important part of high intensity interval training. The real advantage of doing the compound exercises is that you get to work your body as intended.

For your rowing you know that it is working mainly your back and biceps proton-pump inhibitors but the shoulders and forearms get a workout too and when are you going to really work your forearms?

Zen to Fitness has a great workout  that has details on 10 exercises that you would do in a circuit style routine and it is definitely a great read so check it out but remember that this is advanced and would be really tough to do so do not worry about this kind of intensity just yet if you have not done it before.

Prepping for HIIT workouts

One thing that I never mentioned before is the prep for a big circuit training like this. I always think of this as three sets of 6 or 8 exercises so each set is 10 or 12 minutes long and very difficult.

I always make sure that I work really hard for each of my exercises and take a quick gulp of water and quickly (5 seconds or so) refocus for the next exercise. This is really a difficult thing to do but the mental game of lifting as Arnold Schwartzenegger has taught us is 99% of your lifting anyway.

Having a water bottle for your workout is important not only for the water but for something else to focus on between the exercises.

Mentally it is a really good idea to stop one exercise and then be able to start the next exercise mentally fresh even when your body is tired and you are breathing hard.

If you do not refocus quickly between exercises then you will not be able to get good sets out later in the circuit at all.

Weight Loss Products

Integratori naturali: la Garcinia Cambogia pura

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Tra gli integratori naturali utilizzati per dimagrire, negli ultimi temi ce ne sono diversi che stanno prendendo il sopravvento. Prima di approfondire il discorso è fondamentale ricordare che non esistono prodotti miracolosi per la perdita di peso, ma che dimagrire è sempre frutto di fatica, di lavoro costante, di sacrifico.

Di ricette miracoloso in sostanza non ne esistono; anzi quella che funziona meglio è antica come il mondo. Uno stile di vita corretto unito ad una alimentazione sana, più che mai fondamentale per perdere peso, e ad una attività fisica da praticare in modo equilibrato ma costante.
Niente di stravolgente quindi. Stili di vita corretti e sani, questo è alla base di un meccanismo virtuoso che possa portare a perdere peso. Ma a queste abitudini possono essere affiancati integratori alimentari, sempre naturali e mai con additivi chimici, che vanno a supportare le operazioni velocizzando il processo di perdita di peso.

Tra i tanti integratori alimentari di questo settore usciti negli ultimi anni e al 100% naturali, vi è la Garcinia Cambogia. Probabilmente il nome non sarà nuovo per chi è interessato a questi argomenti. Si tratta di un prodotto naturale che deriva da un frutto tropicale presente nel sud-est dell’Asia.

Tante proprietà che fanno capo anche ad antiche tradizioni popolari, dato che la Garcinia Cambogia viene utilizzata da sempre nelle culture asiatiche e in particolare in quelle indiana e vietnamita. Queste proprietà parlano di grandi capacità di bruciare i grassi: la Garcinia Cambogia è un prodotto naturale che può quindi essere utilizzato come integratore nell’ambito di una dieta sana ed equilibrata.

In che modo agisce? L’integratore avrebbe una azione direttamente sull’appetito, limitandolo, così da ridurre anche il totale di calorie ingerite nel corso della giornata. La presenza poi di acido idrossicitrico, principio attivo in grado di ‘pulire’ il grasso in eccesso dell’organismo, aiuta a ridurre la produzione di colesterolo cattivo fungendo anche da lassativo naturale.

Tutte azioni che hanno una ricaduta diretta sulla possibilità di perdere peso. Non è un caso che oggi la  Garcinia Cambogia trovi largo impiego nelle diete e sia collocata sul mercato tra i prodotti capaci di supportare chi vuole perdere peso.

Una pianta sub tropicale dalle tante proprietà naturali che oggi viene venduta come integratore alimentare sotto forma di capsule. Un rimedio noto da tempo, in altre culture, se si pensa che nella cucina indonesiana, ad esempio, è un ingrediente base per molti piatti tipici.

Essendo un integratore che favorisce la perdita di peso, deve essere assunta ovviamente consultando un esperto e senza eccedere nelle dosi.

Weight Loss Exercise

Getting Motivated To Run Your First Race

Health magazine has these quick tips to help you get motivated to run a race. I know that it has been a goal of mine to run a 10k for a long time but pushing through that tough training and having my body heal between workouts is the tough part.

Need help in the motivation department? Sign up for a 5K or 10K. Suddenly, your exercise routine becomes ‘training’ and every workout has a purpose.

Plus, your competitive spirit is bound to keep you fired up and help you push past what you thought was impossible. Here’s how to ace the race.

Three Tips To Help You Get Motivated to Run Your First Race

Find your ideal race. If you usually do 1- to 2-mile runs, try a 5K (just over 3 miles). If you can comfortably do 3 to 4 miles, go for a 10K (a little more than 6 miles).

Find a race online at or by checking with a local running store (expect to pay around $25 to enter). Leave plenty of time to train; 8 to 10 weeks is ideal. Then tell everyone about it better yet, ask them to join you.

Getting Motivated To Run Your First Race

Get with a program. You can go to Training Programs to download one of my 5K or 10K race plans and a running log to track your progress.

Post the log on your fridge with a map of the race course for inspiration.

Prep for race day! That morning, eat a high-carb, low-fat breakfast (my favorite: peanut butter on toast with a banana) and drink 8 ounces of water at least 2 hours before the race starts to allow time for digestion.

Arrive at least 45 minutes early, so you have time to settle in and warm up with 5 to 10 minutes of easy-paced walking and running.

When it’s time to line up, aim for the middle (or back) to avoid getting mowed over by the quick starters. During the race, back off a little for the first half, then turn up the speed in the closing miles; you’ll run better, stronger, and faster (and look fabulous in that finish-line photo).

Once you cross the line, keep walking to cool down, and drink some sports drink or chocolate milk within 30 minutes to refuel your muscles. Then celebratehey, you deserve it!