Weight Loss Exercise

Facts about Atkins

As I have said in the past I am not a follower of the Atkins diet but no one can argue that many people swear by Dr Atkins and the Low carb revolutuon that it sparked.

In order to be healthy, look good, feel great and lead happy lives, a lot of people are now focusing on losing ; and are searching for ways to help them lose and keep it off.

Due to the lifestyle most people live these days, the refined and unhealthy foods people eat and also due to excessive eating, a lot of people are over and some are obese. Although there are several diets that have come and gone, very few diets have helped people to lost and help them keep it off indefinitely.

What is the Dr Atkins Diet?

Since the introduction of Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, low-carb diets are still a major topic of interest, with restaurants and food manufacturers changing some of their menus and developing some dedicated food categories to meet the needs for those following low carb diets and avoiding carbs in their diets.

Atkins style lower carbohydrate diet is one of the very popular diets that have helped people to lose weight. The most appealing aspect of the Atkins style lower carbohydrate diet, among other similar low carb diets, is that the foods you can eat are essentially the opposite of most other diets. With low carb diets, you eat a lot of protein and fats and very restricted carbohydrates.

In order to fully understand and appreciate the effectiveness of a diet, one needs to know the basic nutritional and medical principles upon which the diet is based, and how it works.

So, what are the basic nutritional principles of the Atkins style lower carbohydrate diet?

The Atkins diet is a high protein and fat and very low-carbohydrate routine. It put emphasis on meat, cheese, and eggs, while recommending reduction in consumption of foods such as bread, pasta, fruit, and sugar. The key advantage of the diet is rapid and substantial weight loss.

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