Weight Loss Exercise

Great Reasons to Love Dieting

It’s easy to write a list of 12 reasons to hate dieting. There isn’t an overweight person who couldn’t easily make it a list of 100++ things to hate about their diet.

Coming up with twelve things to LOVE about dieting can be as challenging as the diet itself. Yet that’s a list that might inspire.

You should love dieting because Great Reasons to Love Dieting

1. You no longer have to use a safety pin to hold the waist of your slacks together.

2. When cleaning under your car seat, there are no candy wrappers, take out boxes or any other embarrassing evidence of nutritional indiscretions.

3. When you wake in the middle of the night, you don’t have to silently scream at yourself for stupid food choices the previous day.

4. You  make it through a restaurant meal and DO NOT pick at the breadbasket (inhaling the aroma doesn’t count – right?).

5. Someone says “Have you lost weight?” and you can honestly smile and say, “Yes, thanks for noticing.”

6. You’re at the grocery store checkout counter and resist buying two (yes, 2!) candy bars to “tide you over” on the ride home.

7. You happily walk to the mailbox, instead of sending one of the kids (even though the mailbox is only 100 feet away).

8. When you want to sit on the ground to plant some flowers, you can actually get down – and back up again (without looking like a beached whale).

9.You make all the right restaurant food choices and those with you do not

10. You now make the effort to get off your duff and move – from running the vacuum to weeding the yard.

11. When you are in a clothing store, you can look at the next size down rack.

12. You feel good about yourself because – for so many years – you did not.

Now consider this:

Weight loss can yield long-term heart and vascular benefits.  Even a modest weight loss, such as 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight, is likely to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars. Less weight lowers the risk of high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure (two major risk factors for heart disease).

Overweight people are also at  increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Losing just 10 percent of body weight improve your body’s ability to use the insulin it makes. For those who already have Type 2 Diabetes, they can decrease their symptoms and prevent future complications.

And – with less weight, you feel great both mentally and physically.

Think about it: when you lose 5, 10, 100+ pounds, you will have an even longer list of reasons why you love dieting.


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