Weight Loss Exercise

How did Tori Spelling lose weight?

How did Tori Spelling lose weight?

Tori Spelling

Many of us remember Tori Spelling as the duaghter of Aaron Spelling and as one of the stars of Beverly Hills 90210. More recently Tori Spelling has had a couple of TV shows and got married and had a baby.

As with many people when they have babies Tori Spelling gained a little more than she expected during her pregnancy and the tabloids ran with it. This week there was a little bit of a coming out for Tori as she had photoshoots with her husband and new baby and interviews where she showed that she has lost all of her baby . The system she used? Nutrisystem.

We have seen lots of B rated celebrities over the last few years doing ads for different weight loss programs most notbly of course has been Kirstie Alley for Jenny Craig who is probably more famous now than she was when she was on Cheers, as well as many others.

Tori Spelling and Nutrisystem

Most interesting to me in the Tori Spelling story is what is Nutrisystem and what does the diet program stand for?

Nutrisystem is a diet that looks at the Glycemic Index of foods and tries to have you lose with the GI Diet type of eating. There is some research that shows that the GI Diet is not very effective although the jury is still out. I have more importantly seen that most diets will work anyway as long as you strictly adhere to them as most people will see a little bit of success and then will quit and go back their bad habits and lack of exercise.

So now that we have seen Nutrisystem pass Tori’s lips we have to wonder if there will soon be a Nutrisystem TV ad campaign starring the “Inn Love” “Nortorious” star.

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