General Weight Loss Tips

Is This Health Reason Why Muslims Dont Drink Alcohol?

I was reading Tom Venuto’s “Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle”. its a highly respected book among all bodybuilders and nutritionists. but here is what it says about fat and health matters that alcohol makes worse.
1. Alcohol has the second highest calorie density of all food types
2. Alcohol suppresses the body’s ability to burn body fat
3. Alcohol provides little or no nutritional value
4. Alcohol interferes with the absorption of nutrients
5. Alcohol is a poison
6. Alcohol dehydrates you
7. Alcohol has been associated with the development of numerous health problems,
and degenerative diseases including heart disease
8. Alcohol decreases natural testosterone production
i mean if these are the reasons why Islam has forbidden them to drink then God’s really smart.

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3 replies on “Is This Health Reason Why Muslims Dont Drink Alcohol?”

How many people are killed in drunk driving?
How many people are injured in pub brawls?
How many families are ruined by alcoholism?
How many girls are raped coz they were drunk?
How many crimes were committed because someone had too much to drink?
Alcohol in not only bad for your health, its bad for society…

no, its because alcohol makes u drunk and think blowing up buildings is the best way to demonstrate how peaceful ur religion is.

I’m not sure but it might be because it makes you loss control sometimes and its bad for u….. maybe just a guess

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