General Weight Loss Tips

Need Your Advice For Recovery Drink?

last year in january 2007 i was 240 at the end of the year 187 starting 2008 until april 9 i was162 but after a accident a gain 32 pounds. i decided to try to go back in shape again starting october even with my back pain cause by the accident.
My goal is to reach 140 doing cardio(ex:jump rope,dancing,taebo,walking,elleptical)5 times a week for a hour and weight lift 2 to 3 times a week. i’m used to this. good books are 6 days body makeover,i think power of 7???, but i just found burn the fat feed the muscle that i think will help me accomplish my goal because now i finally know, how to control my calories. I will do a carb cycling to lose body fat 3 days low carb 1500 cal. of % 40pro/30carb. /25fat and 1 day high carb 1860 at % maintenance level 30pro/55carb/15fat.
At 5’5” weight194 my daily calories is 2596 so i cut 1000 to it to be around 1596 or 1500 so supose to lose 2 pounds a week and want my basic calorie to left be 1200 so my body don’t run into starvation.
any suggestion for my recovery drink please i sometimes take lean body by labrada or Elite by proline. Also with a calorie range between 375 to 465.
Thank you.

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2 replies on “Need Your Advice For Recovery Drink?”

You could try making your own, with skim milk, protein powder, frozen fruit, and flax seed oil. The milk will give you calcium to prevent cramping, the protein powder will help build muscle, the fruit will give you some extra nutrients (plus make it a little better tasting) and the flax seed oil will help lower cholesterol and help your body work more efficiently. It’s about in the calorie range you’d want as well.

recovery shakes are for people who are trying to put on mass, so i would not recommend anything.

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