Weight Loss Exercise

10 minute workout

I always look for a quick workout and a 10 minute workout sounds great to me. This is a busy time of year for a lot of people and I am no exception. I slacked a little over the last couple of weeks with my workouts and here I am at 5:30 in the morning, when I should be sleeping sitting on the computer.

I am pretty happy though because I just got a workout in.

Nothing feels better than working successfully towards your goals and so I am pretty excited to be back on track. You could get on track to and if you are smart about it you can get in some short 10 minute workouts and feel like I feel this morning (although you may not want to get up this early for a workout).

How can you get any kind of workout in 10 minutes?

10 minute workout

10 minute workout

10 Minute Workout

Well Craig Ballentyne, the Turbulence Training guy, gave me this 20 page guide that gives you a four week plan of 10 minute workout plans to get yourself going. Not only is there 5 sample 10 minute workout routines but there is also 10 tips to safe workouts and a some stretches to get you all limbered up. The guide has lots of pictures to so that you don’t have to guess what the exercise should be like.

The best thing about the 20 page guide is that it is free.

Just click this link and the guide will open up the pdf right in your browser window, it is an Adobe Acrobat file.

This is a great deal (free is always good in my book). Let anyone that you think is interested know about it and we can all get in great shape by the new year

Take this 10 minute workout or one of the many in the book and see what you can do over the next few days.

  • 10 minute workout

10 minute workout

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