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Avoid Prostate Cancer By Drinking Pomegranate Juice

The second-most fatal cancer for men after lung cancer, prostrate cancer may well be tamed by the humblest of juices, suggests a new study published in this week’s issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that tested the efficacy of the red pomegranate juice on mice. The gaining in popularity health drink was found to deter prostate cancer cells successfully in lab dishes and mice, suggesting a potential cure for the cancer.

Pomegranate Juice Beats Prostate Cancer

The pomegranate juice that is known for its rich source of antioxidants, that give it the deep color and act upon chemicals that damage cells and tissues to cause cancer, were found to shrink human prostrate tumors in mice. Dr. Hasan Mukhtar of the University of Wisconsin Medical School who led the study said, “Our study, while early, adds to growing evidence that pomegranates contain very powerful agents against cancer, particularly prostate cancer. He suggested that the results of the study provided a good reason, to test this fruit in humans, both for cancer prevention and for treatment”.

Though natural antioxidants have been widely believed to prevent cancer, little has expanded the knowledge of the specific chemicals that serve this purpose. Pomegranates, native to the Middle East, have been consumed for a wide variety of health reasons and as traditional medicines all over the Middle East and Asia and have proven to be rich in both anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

What Kinds of Research Used Pomegranate Juice?

Avoid Prostate Cancer By Drinking Pomegranate JuiceWhile earlier research had tested pomegranate extract on tumors in mouse skin, this study made a preliminary test of the juice on lab cultures of human prostate cancer cells and then on mice. The findings were dramatic, as the extract was found to kill cancer cells in a dose-dependent way, with higher doses being more lethal to aberrant cells. A similar reaction was noted in mice, as those given only water showed no regression of the cancer whereas the mice whose water was supplemented with 0.1% or 0.2% of pomegranate juice showed a regression that was higher with higher doses of the juice.

The doses were in turn chosen to be as close to the amount a healthy person might willingly to consume on an everyday basis. An examination of the mice’s blood showed that higher doses of pomegranate juice had lead to decrease in prostate-specific antigens (PSA) that serve as a marker for monitoring the progress of prostate cancer.

If America reflects any part of the globally applicable health risks of prostrate cancers, its 30000 prostrate cancer linked fatalities every year and over 230,000 diagnosed cases stand to gain a lot should the pomegranate extract be tested on humans and be made available in a packaged form commercially. The fruit which is generally available through most part of the year in parts of Asia and the Middle-East may even yield an elixir against other cancers if research permits.

Meanwhile the pomegranate growing regions still continue to enjoy the benefits of the wondrous fruit as traditional streams of medicine such as Unani (Arab origin) and Ayurveda (Indian origin) continue to use pomegranate juice, seeds and other parts of the plant to cure a wide variety of ailments.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

Is a Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss? There is very little question that a detox diet is just plain good for you. Freeing your cells and tissues from harmful toxins and restoring your body back to its optimal function simply cannot be argued against. But whether or not a detox diet is to be implemented for the purposes of weight loss is a different story… sort of.

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

The truth is, any time you decide to give your body the gift of cleanliness, purity, and renewal, anyone who would try to talk you out of it would be an absolute fool. And here’s the kicker. I have actually heard people suggest that this is a great way to get healthier and more energized, but shouldn’t be used as a primary means of weight loss. I couldn’t disagree more.

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

Body fat is a defense mechanism. It protects your vital organs, blood vessels, sensitive tissues, cells, and even nerves from acids and pollution within the bloodstream. The fat cells grab onto these dangerous chemicals, essentially trapping them and blocking them from doing damage to the body’s critical players. In football terms, fat cells are your body’s offensive linemen!

But if you’ve got weight to lose, then a detox diet can help the body start getting rid of these toxins, while preventing new toxins from entering. As a result, your body will no longer have any need to hold onto excess fat, and alas, fat loss becomes totally effortless, healthy, and substantial. On certain detox diet plans, you can SAFELY lose up to two pounds a day!

Of course, you don’t want to remain on a detox diet permanently, generally keeping 30 days as your absolute maximum. However, you can implement them several times within a given year. Many nutritionist recommend a 14 day detox once per quarter (4 times per year).

There are many detox diets to choose from, each with varying degrees of intensity and effectiveness if a detox diet plan good for weight loss. Perhaps the most extreme is a fast, where you will only drink purified water for the entire duration of your cleanse. There are other variations of a fast, such as a green drink cleanse and the Master Cleanse (aka the Lemonade Diet). Another popular and well-respected detox diet is the Raw Food Diet, which can actually end up becoming a permanent lifestyle plan if followed correctly.

Naturally, you will want to consult with your trusted health care practitioner, who will ideally be someone who is well versed in preventive, natural medicine as opposed to being a gung-ho pharmaceutical pusher who’s only interested in treating symptoms and ignoring causes. A doctor with a good balance of prevention and treatment focus is a great choice. Talk to him or her about whether a detox diet plan good for weight loss and see if they have any recommendations that will meet your specific needs.

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