Weight Loss Exercise

Looking Younger Options… Other Than Plastic Surgery

For many people, having plastic surgery (going under the knife) on their face for pure cosmetic reasons is out of the question. The cost goes way beyond what some people are able to afford or want to spend, and it’s invasive surgery which can be scary as well as carry some risk. In addition, there may be pain involved and the recovery time can be inconvenient. Yet, the desire to look younger is still there and has lead to several, less invasive possibilities which are explored here.

Currently Botox injections are a very popular way to lessen wrinkles. It’s the purest form of Botulinum toxin type A and when injected freezes the muscle it was injected into. This means the nerve impulses can’t reach the muscles, the area “relaxes” and the lines appear to magically disappear. Botox injections are not cheap and the cost depends on the area injected.

Retin A, or Tretinoin, is more commonly used for acne in teenagers and adults, but it can also help with fine lines and wrinkles. It’s believed that Retin A helps increase blood flow to the skin and that, in turn, increases dead skin cell turnover. The result is more even skin color and fewer fine lines. Many anti-aging topical creams now include small amounts of Retin A.

A chemical skin peel with acids such as alphahydroxy acid does not slow down the aging process, but it can make the skin look better. The peel removes the damaged outer layers of skin revealing the newer skin underneath. There are different peels depending on the deepness of the wrinkles and/or other skin issues.

Collagen is a natural protein found in our bodies, including the skin, where it helps with elasticity. Collagen tends to start breaking down with age, and the skin begins to become saggy and wrinkled. Some women get collagen injections to increase the size of their lips, but it’s more commonly used for facial wrinkles. Human or bovine (cow) fillers are used.

Microdermabrasion is the resurfacing of the skin. It sounds like your face will be a construction zone, doesn’t it? But it’s a non-invasive and gentle removal of the top layer of skin – the dead cells, by blasting very fine crystals at the skin and then vacuuming them up. The end result should be younger-looking skin without any recovery time.

If you choose to have one of these procedures done, make sure you see a qualified practioner for the best experience. As with any treatment, there are risks involved and you should understand these fully before proceeding.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Natural Skin Care Recipes

You are probably aware of the dangers of many skin care products from the larger cosmetic companies, with their chemical ingredients that can harm your skin, cause illness and even cause cancer. You know that you need natural ingredients in your skin care creams and other products, but you might wonder if you can simply make everything you need, rather than buying natural skin care creams and products.

The answer is yes and no.

Some skin care products can easily be made at home, and you may find that you want to use natural skin care recipes for some of your skin care needs. However, there are ingredients you simply cannot access for your home recipes, and you will need to decide what you want and need from your skin care regimen, and what you’re going to do yourself and what you’re going to buy.

A few natural skin care recipes you might find useful from your own kitchen include the following:

Instead of spending big bucks on expensive moisturizers that contain harmful chemicals (many of which are banned in certain places around the world (i.e. by the European Union)), or even buying a natural moisturizer, make your own. The essential ingredient in most moisturizers is oil, and olive oil is a cost-effective substitute that feels great and which you probably already have on hand.

When you’re done moisturizing, give yourself a facial with honey and an egg yolk or two (NOT the whites). Simply blend it together, smooth a thin coat on your face and let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes to clean and tighten your facial pores.

One of my favorite natural skin care recipes is the simple exfoliating scrub of baking soda. Yes, baking soda. Simply scrub with it in the shower, scrubbing a little harder in areas with blackheads.

Deodorants are one of the worst offenders in terms of chemical skin care products; this is where you really need natural skin care recipes and I have one. Simply replace your deodorant with a mixture of one part vinegar and one part water. The vinegar will not irritate your skin and is an excellent deodorant. Don’t worry the vinegar smell disappears fast.

What you cannot accomplish through these recipes is boosting collagen and production. You can care for and nourish your skin, and that is important. If you’re looking for something to actually reduce wrinkles and reverse and prevent the effects of aging, you’re probably going to need anti aging skin care products.

But for general skin care needs, these natural skin care recipes can be a great way to avoid chemicals, save money and enjoy doing it yourself.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Could this be your answer?

I laughed out loud when I first looked at this terrible looking diet website. I initially I looked at the Fat Loss For Idiots website and wondered if the diet could be as terrible as the site looked but after clicking through a bunch of pages of information and seeing some very interesting ideas I found that the program was only $39.

As a fitness and health pro I know that there are no magic answers to weight loss so I was of course really skeptical but after looking at the amazing success people have had, and quickly in losing weight with Fat Loss 4 Idiots I have to admit that this is the best and easiest way that you can lose weight fast


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