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How to Prevent Bad Breath

I received these great tips on how to prevent bad breath and halitosis prevention from Margaret Mitchell and though I would share them with you.

We have all had that embarrassing bout of halitosis that we just can’t seem to shake and we always jump to blame it on the onions covering our lunch burger, but what’s really causing your mouth to stink?

Prevent Bad Breath

How to Prevent Bad Breath

Prevent Bad Breath

Dr. Margaret Mitchell, DDS, reveals that bad breath has many causes, several of which people don’t usually suspect.   There are also many simple solutions to the problem.  So forget about the onions and garlic – the source of your bad breath is likely hiding elsewhere.

  • Your tongue – Your tongue, especially the top back, is a serious source of halitosis.  Bacteria love to linger on the back of your tongue and it’s a location where food can easily get trapped and rot, causing odor.  What’s a great way to remedy this problem?  Use a tongue scraper – it will save you tons on gum and mints.
  • Your gums – Gums can be a breeding ground for bacteria, especially when food gets trapped below the gum line.  The longer it sits down there the more it causes your breath to stink.  How can you avoid this problem?  Maintain good dental hygiene regimen and make sure you get regular cleanings.
  • Dental problems – Anything from a rotting tooth to an abscess to unclean dentures can turn breath really nasty.  For the more serious dental problems it is extremely important that you regularly see your dentist for cleanings and maintenance.
  • Medical problems – Sometimes bad breath can actually signal that something more serious is going on in your body.  Bad breath can be a symptom of the cold and flu, upset stomach, reflux, and oral disease or cancer.  If you notice your breath is persistently unpleasant pay attention to what your body might be telling you. Make sure you also always see your physician regularly.


Dr. Margaret Mitchell is a nationally renowned cosmetic and general dentist that has been practicing dentistry for over 20 years. Originally fromElk Grove Village,IL, Dr. Mitchell got her start by opening her own practice immediately after graduating from the University of Illinois Dental School in 1988. Dr. Mitchell’s patients often comment on her engaging and social personality, which allows them to go to the dentist without the anxiety traditionally associated with such a visit.

Prevent bad breath using these tips above and by being aware.

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How good is Cold-FX for avoiding a cold?

With cold and flu season right around the corner I just read an article or two about a product called Cold-fx which is supposed to be a great cold remedy. There is a study taking place seeing if there are any good health benefits with Cold-fx. I myself never have taken cold-fx but know many people that do and the kicker is that they never seem to get sick!

With savvy marketing and the help of some high-profile sports figures, an Alberta company has propelled a natural health product to known-quantity status as something that may boost the immune system’s ability to stave off colds and influenza.

But to date only small studies support CV Technologies’ assertions that Cold-fX can help one stay healthy through Canada’s long cold-and-flu season.
Now the company is putting the claims to the test. It announced yesterday it will conduct a study of 720 healthy senior citizens in Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto to see if those who take the product over six months – at either standard or high dose – are less likely to contract respiratory infections than those not receiving the supplement.

“At the end of the day the outcome will be: Did Cold-fX prevent infections in this population or not?” one of the researchers, Dr. Andrew Simor of Toronto’s Sunnybrook and Women’s Health Sciences Centre, said.

“The company has some preliminary data, in elderly nursing home residents and also in some younger adults to suggest that it might actually work in preventing respiratory tract infections. It’s very exciting preliminary data, but that’s all it is. These data need to be confirmed in good, rigorous scientific studies.” said Simor, an infectious disease expert.

How good is Cold FX for avoiding a cold?One alternative to Cold FX is Immunitril.

Immunitril is made to give the same kinds of benefits as Cold FX and includes many minerals as well as Arabinogalactan, Echinacea Purpuria Leaf, Elderberry and more. Its prime qualities are:

Promotes Healthy Immune System Function
Supports the Function of White Blood Cells
Increases Healthy Digestive Microflora
Anti-oxidant Protection Against Cellular Damage

And it is to be used IMMEDIATELY when first signs of sickness occur to prevent onset of common cold or flu.

Drugs aren’t allowed on the market without that rigorous efficacy testing. But Cold-fX is a natural health product, an extract of North American ginseng. Natural health products can be brought to market without the type of efficacy testing the company is now in the process of doing.

For the study, only seniors living in the community – in other words, not those in nursing homes – will be enrolled. All must have had a flu shot, because influenza vaccinations are recommended for people in this age group, the researchers said. Participants will be monitored closely for respiratory infections.

How good is Cold FX for avoiding a cold?

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