Weight Loss Exercise

Use Small Victories to Fuel Success

Small victories are all that are needed to get to big success. I know that this may make sense from the outside but if we dig in it makes ever more sense.

Use Small Victories to Fuel SuccessI heard a story yesterday about the swimmer Michael Phelps. Phelps when he was training for year would have a very meticulous schedule. He would wake up and have a certain meal for breakfast. He would warm up doing the exact same warmup for the exact same time. Then it was time to get ready to swim and he would listen to an unchanging playlist on his ipod to get him ready. He would step up on the starting block, then step down, and then step up again, and get ready to race. The race itself is just the end of the whole process.

All of these little bits of very scheduled routine are actually building small victories, the schedule that has these little things involved will help your mind see them as victories which will give you the courage and belief that you can make bigger wins.

We all like to have a routine. A routine means that you don’t have to think about what is next because it is but if you think about the way you start the say. Get up, get showered, breakfast, brush teeth, leave the house, go to work. This routine is all a way to look at the easy and routine way to start your day. Why not make little changes that will start little victories yourself first thing in the morning.

Here are a couple of Small Victories to Try Now

As soon as you wake up, instead of dread or thoughts of tiredness, just think of five things that you are thankful for from yesterday or that you will have today. Start on the positive.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

Or while standing at the kitchen counter and pulling out a piece of paper while you are getting breakfast ready. spend 60 seconds making a list of the most important things to get done today.

And one habit I have really made over the last few months in my morning routine is to listen to podcasts instead of the news on the radio. We get hit by news all the time but I learn in the car on the way to work instead and it gets my mind flowing.

Small Changes Can Have a Giant Effect

When you make these little changes in the morning, these small victories then when bigger things happen, like having to really push your workout, turn down cake or going out for lunch in the office, then these positive small victories are going to have made a big difference to your willpower and success

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Weight Loss Exercise

NHL and NHLPA Close to a Deal to End Lockout

I have been seeing several sources saying that there is a deal imminent to end the 113 day lockout by the NHL and to get the players back to the rinks to start the NHL hockey season.

This is the second lockout in the last few years as the entire 2004-2005 season was lost and part of the next season as well by the failure to get a deal done back then as well.

Lots of NHL Contract Sticking Points

NHL and NHLPA Close to a Deal to End Lockout


There are a few big sticking points this week including player pensions, salary cap, length of contract, and the resolution of how much Hockey Related Revenue (HRR) is and how much each side would get. At the end of this last contract the players were getting 57% of revenue and the agreement is widely expected to be around 50% this time.

This weekend the players and league are meeting with mediator Scot Beckenbaugh to hopefully get some real negotiations done after they have stalled several times over the last few months. Apparently this is really helping things.

Issues Agreed on or Close Today

Today the NHL and NHLPA are getting closer with the NHL proposing a total salary cap of 62.5 million  and the NHL expecting to settle at around  64.3 million which is last yrs cap limit.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

Another sticking point was length of contract and it looks as though the NHL and the players association has settled that at 10 years, which would be nice and bring a few years of stability and labor peace.

There was talk last week that the league was hoping to start the season on January 19th with a shortened 48 game season instead of the regular 82 games, now the talk is that 52 games is possible.

What do you think? Will this NHL-NHLPA deal finally get done? Let us all know!


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Weight Loss Exercise

Fruit Will Make you Beautiful

beautiful fruit

1. Eat small meals: If you currently eat two or there large meals, split them into five or six smaller meals. Eat each of these small meals every two or three hours.

2.  Exercise religiously: It takes hard work to gain anything in life and exercising is the hard work you need to do to lose weight. There is no second opinion about it; if you don’t exercise regularly, you wouldn’t achieve permanent weight loss, no matter what diet program you follow.

Exercises not only help you burn fat during the workout session but also after it. Besides, exercises build muscles for you, and muscles help you burn fat even when you are resting. As such, you don’t need to depend on your diet program alone for weight loss. Even if you quit dieting at some point of time, you still won’t gain weight if you eat right and workout regularly.

3. Eat right fats and carbs: It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the right and wrong carbs and fats. The wrong fats and carbs are contained in junk and fast foods; these “bad” carbs and “bad” fats are what made you overweight. Instead of consuming them, try to have natural fruits and vegetables for carbs, and fishes and olive oil for fats. You would be happier that way.

4. Increase your protein intake: When you increase your protein intake and combine that with regular workout, you would build more lean muscles than you would without protein. Keep in mind that muscles not only strengthen your body but also help you burn fat; therefore, you should make sure to build lean muscles on a continuous basis.

5. Increase your water intake: To ensure that your muscular tissues don’t become weak at any point of time through dehydration, you should drink adequate water daily. An adult needs to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Water keeps you hydrated, strengthens your muscle tissues, detoxifies your body and also boosts your metabolic rate. A boost in metabolic rate would in turn accelerate the weight loss process for you.

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