Weight Loss Exercise

Decca-Durabol Bodybuilding Supplements

The market for food supplements is huge, with millions of Americans spending over 40 billion dollars on body building supplements, vitamins, weight loss products, natural herbs and alternative remedies. Bodybuilders and fitness buffs, in particular, quickly reach a stage where intense workouts and ordinary meals are no longer enough to build the muscle mass and physique they are after.

There are numerous types and brands of bodybuilding supplements and one of the most promising is Decca Durabol Bodybuilding Supplements.

Decca Durabol Product Features

Decca DurabolProfessional and amateur body builders are always on the lookout for bodybuilding supplements that work quickly to help them build bigger muscles and increase their strength. Decca Durabol Bodybuilding Supplements has the following features:

  • Highly effective supplement for increasing muscle mass and strength
  • Quick results in as little as 2 weeks
  • Not toxic to the liver or kidneys
  • Improves collagen production and bone mineral content
  • No negative side effects

Product Description – Decca Durabol

Decca Durabol bodybuilding supplement is formulated to help you pack on huge muscles. It also stimulates the appetite and increases the production of red blood cells. Decca-Durabol is not an anabolic steroid, which is illegal in the United States and other countries. As such, it does not cause an imbalance of your testosterone levels. Unlike steroids, Decca-Durabol bodybuilding supplement has no negative side effects on the skin, scalp, and prostate.

Decca-Durabol offers only great benefits for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. It stimulates collagen synthesis and improves bone mineral content. Thus, this bodybuilding supplement is beneficial to people with connective tissue or joint ailments.

Unlike anabolic steroids, Decca-Durabol does not cause erectile dysfunction or damage to the cardiovascular system. When taken as prescribed, it is not toxic to the liver or kidneys.

King of Muscle Supplements

Because of its impressive effects on muscle mass and strength, Decca Durabol is often referred to as King of Muscle Supplements. Many bodybuilders who took the supplement reported gaining 15-20 pounds of muscles in a single month. Positive effects are noticed within 24 to 36 hours. Bodybuilders are able to have a better and more intense workout than before. Decca Durabol also stacks well with other bodybuilding supplements such as Dianabal-DBoll, Anadral, and Parabal.

How To Take Decca-Durabol

One bottle of Decca-Durabol Bodybuilding Supplements contains 60 tablets. For best results, you should take one tablet two times a day with meals. The supplement should be taken during your bulking cycle for a period of 8 to 12 weeks.

Why Do You Need Bodybuilding Supplements?

Bodybuilding supplements are additional nutrients consumed by professional and amateur bodybuilders involved in weight training or other sports. The purpose of bodybuilding supplements like Decca-Durabol is to increase muscle mass, improve the efficiency of their workout, and speed up their recovery. Body building supplements are different from anabolic steroids that change an individual’s hormone level beyond natural limits.

Unlike dietary supplements that provide essential nutrients which the body may not be getting in sufficient amounts from food, bodybuilding supplements are taken for the primary purpose of enhancing muscle mass. Some of the bodybuilding supplements taken by athletes and bodybuilders include protein powder, pro-hormones, glutamine, creatine, testosterone boosters, meal replacement products, and thermogenic products. Bodybuilders also take essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Protein is the primary food needed by bodybuilders. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of muscle fiber. Protein supplements are usually taken in powder form. Some of the most common varieties of protein are whey proteins, casein protein, soy protein, egg white, and hemp seed protein.

Bodybuilding Supplements vs. Anabolic Steroids

With the increasing popularity of bodybuilding not only among men but also in an increasing number of women, it is not surprising that bodybuilding supplements are now enjoying huge sales. Bodybuilding supplements provide high levels of nutrients that help build muscles faster. Some body building supplements may also affect the natural hormone levels in the body.

However, bodybuilding supplements are different from anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones sometimes used by athletes to increase their strength and muscle size. Steroids can be legally prescribed by doctors for the treatment of steroid hormone deficiency and diseases that result in loss of lean muscle mass, such as HIV and AIDS. Some people, however, abuse the use of anabolic steroids to enhance their athletic performance or improve their physique. The use of anabolic steroids for sports events is illegal.

Decca Durabol is not Deca Durabolin

Decca-Durabol should not be confused with Deca-Durabolin, also known as nandrolone. Deca Durabolin is an anabolic steroid and its use must be prescribed by a licensed physician. Deca, as it is also called, is favored by bodybuilders for bulking up and is often sold illegally for this purpose.


  • Decca-Durabol provides quick results
  • Not toxic to the kidneys and liver
  • Does not affect hormone levels in the body
  • Not an anabolic steroid
  • No adverse side effects


  • Does not provide a list of ingredients

What Customers Say about Decca Durabol

Although there are only a few reviews for Decca Durabol Bodybuilding Supplements, the comments left by customers show that they are happy with the product. Some people used the product on its own while others stacked it with Dianabal or other supplements. Most customers noted gains in muscle mass and strength within a month. They also say they are happy to recommend this bodybuilding supplement to others.

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Weight Training Supplements That Really Work

When you are into weight training and bodybuilding, you may feel the need to take weight training supplements to make your workouts more effective and develop big muscles faster. While there are many supplements that can enhance your performance and improve muscle bulk and strength, there are countless others that may be ineffective, unsafe, or even illegal. Choosing weight training supplements that work will give you the powerful physique you have always wanted in a safe and healthy manner.

If you want strong, lean muscles it may not be enough to do strength training exercises regularly. You must also consume the nutrients required to provide energy and help develop your muscles. Weight training supplements are essential for significant muscle growth or when you are undergoing intensive training. The dietary supplements listed below are proven to be effective and safe for anyone who is into sports, weight training, or bodybuilding.

Protein Powder

Protein is the building block of muscle, and your body needs plenty of protein and amino acids to increase muscle mass. During your workouts, the muscle fibers are torn and broken. To repair your muscles, your body must have a good supply of protein.

Body builders and fitness enthusiasts require at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight every day. It is often difficult to get the amount of protein you need from food alone. Protein powder is a convenient and inexpensive way to add high-quality protein in your diet.


A creatine supplement is best taken within one hour after your weight training workout. Your body produces creatine but only in small amounts. Creatine helps provide energy for explosive movements like heavy lifts. This weight training supplement improves performance in high-intensity exercise. It also enhances protein synthesis, reduces protein breakdown, and speeds up recovery rates so you spend less time resting between your workouts.

Creatine monohydrate powder is said to be the best creatine supplement. Take the creatine supplement according to the package instructions and do not exceed the recommended dosage.


The body needs vitamins and minerals for optimal health. If you lack an essential vitamin or mineral, your body may not be able to build lean muscle mass efficiently. Intense weight training can rapidly deplete nutrients in your body. It is therefore essential to take multi-vitamin supplements to avoid the risk of weakened bones, heart disease, nerve damage, and other vitamin-deficiency disorders. Choose a multi-vitamin that contains whole foods and natural ingredients.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s)

Essential fatty acids are good fats that are necessary for a healthy immune system, brain function, smooth skin, and digestive support. EFA’s also offer anti-aging benefits and help keep the circulatory system healthy. Essential fatty acids are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids made up of linolenic, linoleic, and oleic acids. Fish oil capsules are some of the best EFA supplements.

Final Words on Weight Training Supplements

There are many weight training supplements being advertised out there. Before you take any of them, make sure they have been independently tested for value, safety, and effectiveness. Athletes, in particular, should not take supplements that could fail them in drug testing.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

We all travel and I am always asking myself how to stay fit while traveling. Well trainer Jon Gallo has written this great article full of tips and I hope you find these travel fitness tips as great as I did

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

How to Stay Fit While Traveling – By Jon Gallo

Many fitness enthusiasts find it difficult to follow their normal exercise plan while traveling. Unfamiliar environments, tightly-scheduled business meetings, or lack of exercise equipment may hamper even a fitness fanatic’s best intentions for staying fit while on the road. Jon Gallo is a certified fitness trainer. When planning your next business trip or vacation, he offers the following tips for putting together an exercise program that travels with you.

If you’ve worked hard to establish a good fitness routine, going on a business trip doesn’t have to mean your healthy habits will be derailed. Here are some tips on how to stay fit while traveling. You can keep your momentum and endorphins flowing and maintain your fitness level when traveling. How? For one thing, keep moving. “Drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Airport food, sitting on a plane, jet lag – all contribute to bloat. The best way to fight it is to stay hydrated,” says Jon Gallo.

  • Use good body mechanics when you lift your suitcases up to the check-in counter.
  • Lift from your knees, not your back.
  • Be aware of your posture as you carry your bags.
  • Even though you’ve left behind your daily routine, try to eat three meals a day, maintain a balanced diet and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

How to Stay Fit While Traveling – Eating Tips

If you’re going to eat a high-fat meal, eat a smaller portion, or order an appetizer instead of a main course. Split desserts with a friend. Rest. If your schedule is shot and you’re not sleeping enough at night, take cat naps whenever you get the chance.  Stretch in the morning and evening, especially if you’ve been sitting all day. If you will be drinking alcohol at business mixers, drink a lot of water between events.  Pack snacks: bananas and apples, yogurt, protein bars. You can make meal replacement shakes in your room. You don’t need a blender, just a container with a tight fitting lid, large enough to shake the contents.

How to Stay Fit While Traveling – Workout Tips

To know how to stay fit while traveling it is critical to have a  workout plan. To find out if your gym reciprocates its membership with a gym where you’ll be traveling, log onto the International Physical Fitness Association’s Web site,, or ask at your home health club before you leave town. Jon Gallo says that, “Three to five days off from a strength routine can give your muscles a rest. But you wouldn’t want to go a week or more without serious exercise and a short respite for your biceps doesn’t mean you should ever let your cardio workout go.”

  • Ask your travel agent about hotels that offer fully equipped gyms, pools, and/or other fitness facilities.
  • Bring along a CD or Ipod with your favorite music and work out in the privacy of your hotel room.
  • Pack a jump rope for a go-anywhere aerobic session. Invest in “travel weights” -inflatable weights that can be filled with water or sand when training, folded and stored while on the road.
  • Plan active recreation during vacations -check out the local golf course, riding stable, and so on.
  • When site-seeing, forget the tour bus and walk. You’ll not only see more, but you’ll be sneaking in some extra activity.

For more fitness options, place in your luggage a Resist-A-Tube or any of the home exercise tubing, a stability ball, jump rope or exercise video. ”If you like classes, make your own class in your room,” offers Jon Gallo. If you work with a personal trainer, ask him or her to design an exercise plan before you leave town. When you’re sitting on a plane or in a conference room, take deep breaths occasionally, tighten your stomach muscles, then relax.

How to Stay Fit While Traveling – On Transportation

Travelers need to periodically flex and stretch the hamstrings and hip flexors, the muscle at the upper part of the leg that connects into the pelvis. For women who spend the day in high heels, a walk around the room toe-up, heel-down will stretch the calf muscles. Or, do toe raises by putting the heels on the floor and stepping up onto a telephone book. “Men often complain of being cramped when traveling,” states Gallo. “They need to stretch their lower back and legs.” He recommends the cat stretch. Get up on your hands and knees, arch your back for 15 seconds, then release. Repeat.

Jon Gallo points out that the more comfortable you are with operating fitness machinery at your home gym, the easier it will be to set up unfamiliar equipment when you’re on the road. And consider Thera-Bands, which you can buy online and at most sporting goods stores. Thera-Bands are heavy-duty elastic tubing, graded by color according to elasticity and tightness that you can use in resistance exercises. They are easy to pack and you can do a complete maintenance workout with them.


Air travel may be fast and convenient, but for many of us, it can be uncomfortable and restrictive due to cramped cabins and sardine-like seating. The following tips can help you make the most of your next airplane trip by helping you stay flexible and fit while you fly.

  • DEEP BREATHING is an instant-relaxer and can be done anywhere at any time. Try taking 4-5 deep, cleansing breaths several times during your flight.
  • RELAX YOUR SHOULDERS by bending forward slightly, hands on knees and “rolling” your shoulders in a circular motion 5 or 6 times. Repeat the “roll” in the opposite direction, then finish up by “shrugging” your shoulders up and down 5 times.
  • RELAX YOUR BACK by reaching overhead, holding elbows, and bending side to side. Repeat 5 times in each direction.
  • STRETCH YOUR LEGS by alternately lifting your knees toward your chest and bringing your body toward your knee to the count of eight.
  • RELEASE YOUR FEET by “drawing” the alphabet with one foot then the other.

These are great How to Stay Fit While Traveling tips that I hope that you can use this summer.

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

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