General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 07: Achievement Unlocked

What goal did you set for yourself and achieve this year? Did you achieve something you didn’t think you could? Did you win an award? Did you set a record? Did you finally get your VCR from 1985 to stop blinking 12:00? C’mon, share it! Today is your chance to brag and get a resounding round of interweb applause.

Congratulations! You did it! How will you resound? Follow along here.

My biggest public goal from the beginning of the year was my no-sugar rule which lasted a whopping five months. I wrote several private goals last year and one of them was to write more. I wrote a lot privately this year. I worked on stories and worked through feelings. Another goal was to keep up with blogging and change the look of my blog. I did both and plan to change it again in the near future. I wanted to travel and I’m happy to say that happened in a lot of fun and unexpected ways.