Weight Loss Exercise

Surgical Weight Loss: Options, Benefits and Risks

While regular exercise and a healthy diet is recognized as the ideal way to maintain a normal weight, there are some individuals for whom weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is the only option remaining. People who are morbidly obese and have tried and failed to lose weight using conventional methods are turning to surgical weight loss as a solution. Bariatric surgery is recommended only for people with severe obesity; that is, with a body mass index above 40. Weight loss surgery is also offered to people with BMI between 35 and 40 if they also suffer from obesity-related health problems such as diabetes or sleep apnea.

Surgical Weight Loss Options

When diet, exercise or weight loss medications are not enough to reach and maintain a healthy weight, people who suffer from severe obesity can resort to a number of surgical options for weight loss:

* Gastric Bypass. A gastric bypass allows you to lose weight in two ways: first, by limiting the amount of food ingested and second, by reducing the amount of nutrients you absorb from your food. This is done by creating a smaller stomach pouch which is attached to the lower part of the small intestine. The smaller stomach holds less food so you feel full sooner. Also, fewer calories are absorbed because the food bypasses a portion of the stomach and small intestine.

* Lap Banding. This surgical weight loss procedure uses an adjustable band inserted in the stomach to give a feeling of fullness and limit the amount of food consumed. The lap band can be tailor-made for the patient. It is also adjustable after surgery so that you can eat more or less food as needed.

* Gastric sleeve. This type of stomach reduction surgery is one of the newer options for surgical weight loss. It makes the stomach smaller by removing up to 85% of the stomach, leaving only a narrow, banana-shaped tube. With a smaller stomach, you will feel full even with less food. This weight loss surgical procedure is safer compared to gastric bypass because it does not rearrange the digestive anatomy. It may also be safer than lap banding since no foreign objects are introduced into the digestive system.


* Quick and effective weight loss. Most patients start to lose weight immediately following surgery. In general, patients lose weight rapidly within 6 months to one year. Weight loss often continues until two years after the surgical procedure., and few patients regain it.

* Improved health conditions. A number of studies found that weight loss surgery can return blood sugar levels to normal in patients with type 2 diabetes. There is also an improvement in obesity-related health conditions such as sleep apnea and high blood pressure.

* Psychosocial adjustment. As patients reach a more normal weight, their self-esteem and self-image also improve and they are better able to function in society.


* Side effects. Patients may experience vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, and dizziness.

* Nutritional deficiencies. Surgical weight loss may be accompanied by nutritional deficiencies including anemia and osteoporosis.

* Complications. After weight loss surgery, some patients may suffer from complications such as abdominal hernias, infections, gallstones, or breakdown of the staple line used to make the stomach smaller.

* Lifestyle changes. Bariatric surgery often requires permanent lifestyle changes for significant and lasting weight loss.

Surgical Weight Loss: Options, Benefits and Risks

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Lower Your Stress With These Tips

Not all stress is created equal. You can feel stress from work, home, family, friends, and yourself, but you can also experience stress from winning the lottery and moving into your new mansion. Long term stress, however, can even contribute to health problems if not dealt with.

While it is normal to have some stress, most of us tend to have too much of it. Here are some suggestions for relieving your stress. What is relaxing to one person may not be so relaxing to another, so use the techniques that appeal to you.

1. Laugh – What makes you laugh? Your puppy, a funny movie, a comedy routine? Make some time to laugh; it can be an instant stress reliever.

2. Exercise – Perhaps a brisk walk in the park or a game of tennis with a good friend. Fire up those endorphins while enjoying nature or companionship.

3. Massage – See a professional. Better yet, have one come to your home. If you can’t afford it, get a 15 minute shoulder massage at the mall or coax your spouse into doing it.

4. Music – A fast beat can make you dance, and it’s hard to feel stressed while you’re dancing. At the other end of the spectrum, calm music will help you feel calm.

5. Discussion – Talk out your problems with the people who can help you solve your problems, whether it be your spouse who IS the problem or a professional who can give you coping methods.

6. Yoga – This combines several stress relieving modalities including breathing, meditation, and stretching.

7. No – Learning to say no to people and situations will help you to stop heaping so much on your plate. Step back and look at your 24 hours and decide where you want your priorities to lie. Weed out everything else.

8. Deep-breathing – Breathing deep can bring quick relief from an immediate stressful situation and allows you to focus. Plus it oxygenates the blood.

9. Entertainment – Let others take the stress on their shoulders as they entertain you. Get out of the house or office, and away from the stress and take in a movie, a nice restaurant dinner, a tour of the city, or a concert.

10 – Journal – If you don’t want to talk about it then write about it. Keeping a journal of your concerns and stresses will help you get a clearer picture of your issues and might help you come up with a plan to get to a place of less stress.

Even if you can’t remove all the stress in your world, you can certainly lower your stress levels when you try some of these tips.

Weight Loss Exercise

Organic Lip Gloss

Organic lip gloss is a natural alternative that is becoming more popular. Regular lip products contain many synthetic and harmful chemicals. Although the gloss is applied to the lips, people do not realize that they are eating it throughout the day and are actually ingesting all of the harmful chemicals inside the gloss. Organic products are eco-friendly and safer. Multiple manufacturers have started to make organic lip products, so there are many choices in great shades.

What is Organic Lip Gloss Made Of

Organic Lip Gloss

Organic Lip Gloss

An organic lip gloss is usually made with ingredients that have not had any contact with pesticides. In addition, most organic products will not have synthetic ingredients derived in laboratories. Many lip glosses on the market which are not labeled organic have petrolatum. They have ingredients derived from petroleum which have been linked to cancers. In addition, traditional lip products may have alcohols, aluminum and silicon. All of these chemicals have been linked to cancers and other health problems.

Instead of harmful chemicals, organic lip gloss may have natural oils like sunflower oil or beeswax. You can also find gloss with jojoba oil or lavender oil. Some products will have vitamin E which is essential for the human body and provides moisturizing benefits. You may also find glosses with shea butter, vitamin C and other natural ingredients. These vitamins and oils are not linked to cancers or other health problems.

FDA Not Regulating Harmful Lip Gloss Products

Unfortunately, the FDA has not stopped companies from putting harmful things into lip products and does not oversee these processes well. They have been criticized for years for allowing lead in lipsticks and other products. However, this has not stopped companies from continuing to place toxic chemicals in cosmetics. Lead, aluminum and cadmium are a small sample of the toxic metals that end up in your cosmetics. This is why choosing organic products is important for your health. Since the industry does not regulate traditional products well, it is up to the consumer to research and evaluate all of the makeup options.

Organic lip gloss is a safer alternative that can still look beautiful on your lips. Many people falsely believe that organic products are not available in multiple colors. All of the colors you can find in traditional lip products can also be found with organic ones. Also, there are different delicious flavors available. In addition, they will last just as long as traditional glosses without you placing dangerous synthetics and chemicals on your lips. Organic lip gloss is easy enough to get if you look.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Could this be your answer?

I laughed out loud when I first looked at this terrible looking diet website. I initially I looked at the Fat Loss For Idiots website and wondered if the diet could be as terrible as the site looked but after clicking through a bunch of pages of information and seeing some very interesting ideas I found that the program was only $39.

As a fitness and health pro I know that there are no magic answers to weight loss so I was of course really skeptical but after looking at the amazing success people have had, and quickly in losing weight with Fat Loss 4 Idiots I have to admit that this is the best and easiest way that you can lose weight fast


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