Weight Loss Exercise

Procrastination and Missed Opportunity

I and many others have a problems with procrastination. There are a few ways to win the battle of procrastination but one of the big one is to look at the loss of opportunity when it comes to procrastination.

How Procrastination Hurts Us

One of the problems with procrastination is that when we decide through inaction that we are not going to do something then we feel no sense of loss. Often we can find other busywork to stop us from doing important things and make that procrastination seem not quite as bad.

The real way that procrastination hurts us though is when we have some kind of important opportunity that we miss in life. I am not talking about missed opportunities like buying a winning lottery ticket or finding the love of your life but more commonplace types of opportunities to make change.

Here are some examples of missed opportunities thanks to procrastination

Eating badly or not exercising today – Means that you will not be in a better place physically 1 year from now than you are today
Watching TV today instead of going out and meeting new people – means that you will be STILL watching TV a year from now

I know these are a little harsh and don’t think that I don’t procrastinate either. Or else there would be 10,000 posts on this blog instead of just under 2,000. My procrastination is painful to me everyday. I have missed a lot of opportunities and successes in life because of procrastination and it can really hurt.

How To Kick Off Change Today

Procrastination and Missed Opportunity

Fight Procrastination

Look at the parts of your life where things are going badly for you or at least not as well as you wish they were. Now think back to what you could have done a year ago, the changes you could have made and how much better today would have been if you would have done those things.

Now look at yourself a year from now. If you make those changes today then one year ago you will be a much better place, no matter how good or bad things are today.

Change they say is inevitable. The problem is that we as people do not have to change if we do not want to. Look seriously at yourself today and make those changes. Mark 1 week from now, 1 month from now, 6 months from now, and 1 year from now on calendars and see what you want to be on those days. What action do you need to take today and then tomorrow to reach these goals?

Finally take steps that matter. I am sure I have written this lots of times before but if you have a list of 5 things to do today no matter what then you are one day closer to your goals. If you look back on the last few weeks how many of those days were wasted because you got to busy and did not do those really important little tasks that over time make giant changes.

Remember most huge success a year from now can be traced back to small changes that are made today. Let us all know what changes you are going to make and why.

Procrastination and Missed Opportunity, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

General Weight Loss Tips

Do Something

I pulled this graphic from the Blog of Impossible Things (one of my favorites!)

This message resonates with me especially on days when my journey or path isn’t clear. I’m finding that my biggest obstacle in life is me, and being too much in my head. I can talk myself out of anything.

I recognize the feeling as discomfort. The same feeling I have when I resist the urge to eat more. It’s the same one that tells me not to act, not to participate, and not to make goals and dreams a reality. It can be small from putting off doing the dishes until tomorrow, or not flossing before bed, to not balancing my income and budget. It’s the slight twinge that pulls me back.

And so often I  have to stop thinking and just do. Getting out of my head is the best medicine for me. Sometimes I’m so afraid that acting without thought will be the mistake, but inaction is often even worse.

How are you getting out of your head today?

Weight Loss Exercise

Which Weight Loss Diet Is Right For Me?

Which Weight Loss Diet? It’s a bit overwhelming, don’t you think? There are so many weight loss diet programs being “peddled” over the internet, it’s enough to make you not want to try any of them! Of course, this only leaves you feeling miserable about your body, as well as stuck in indecision. Clearly, inaction isn’t the answer, either. So what is? This article will answer this question very clearly.

While our bodies aren’t so rigid that only one approach can work to get rid of stubborn body fat, there are unquestionably weight loss diet programs with much higher success rates than the others. If properly followed, the low-calorie lifestyle is among the most effective diet models of all time. But there are a few others that produce consistent, predictable results as well. Here is a list of the top 3…

Which Weight Loss Diet?

Which Weight Loss Diet Is Right For Me?

Which Weight Loss Diet

1. The Paleo, or “Caveman” Diet. This is basically the process of eating nothing but natural food, including fruits, vegetables, meat, raw nuts, sprouts, etc. You basically eat the way our ancestors ate… you know, back before obesity, heart disease, and cancer were all just a way of life. Also look into “the Diet Solution Program.”

2. The Raw Food Diet. Adhering to this lifestyle is akin to a person joining a Buddhist monastery. It is all or nothing, and you must commit yourself to it 100% – virtually turning it into a major part of your identity. This dietary lifestyle consists of consuming ONLY uncooked produce. Raw nuts, seeds, cold pressed oils, fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs will pretty much make up your entire diet.

Fresh squeezed juice is commonplace with this diet, as are blended sauces, dressings, and dips. I recently saw one that consisted of tomato, avocado, basil, and jalapeno. It was used as a dip for raw broccoli. If you want to go extreme, and lose A LOT of weight, this may be a lifestyle plan worth considering.

3. The Mediterranean Diet. This is a lot like the Paleo Diet, but with a more limited menu. This diet is comprised mainly of healthy fats, lean protein, and fresh produce. Chiefly, this weight loss diet relies heavily upon olive oil, fish, and crisp greens. I would say the intensity of this diet falls somewhere between the first two.

You really can’t go wrong with any of these 3 eating plans. By far the Paleo Diet and Diet Solution Program are the easiest to stick with long-term, while the Mediterranean Diet is considered by many to be the healthiest of these three options. Supporters of the Raw Food movement would argue with this, however, claiming that animal products and cooked foods lack the enzymes and electrical output necessary to live at the very highest level possible.

Whichever weight loss diet you choose, please take the time to discuss your choice with a health care practitioner you trust, just for extra piece of mind and maybe even some really good advice of which weight loss diet that can help you get even greater results.

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