Weight Loss Exercise

Positive Outlook Helps Focus

How you think and handle your emotions and stress is probably the most important factor in your general well-being or happiness. This, in turn, directly impacts your physical health and your abiliting for losing weight. And, when you think about it, even if it wasn’t connected to your health (it is!) would it still not be of primary importance?

Positive Outlook Helps Focus

Positive Outlook Helps Focus

Positive Outlook Helps Focus

It is no simple matter to ‘be happy’ or ‘think positive thoughts,’ or ‘relax and go with the flow.’ I put these in quotes because they sound like cliches, which they are. Still, they are of utmost importance. That is, what you eat, how you breathe and your thoughts all impact each other. That is actually why I chose to mention this subject. Because it is both the most important and hardest to practice when losing weight,

I wanted to set the stage with other, more straightforward things first. After all, it is easier to simply stop eating a certain junk food and start eating something healthy or to start exercising than it is to change your focus in a more positive direction. Yet if you start with better nutrition and more exercise, it becomes a bit easier to get more positive in your outlook.

More and more people are starting to believe in the notion that we create our reality with our thoughts and emotions. The Law of Attraction has become a popular subject since the release of the book and movie, The Secret (there is considerable debate over this, but I recommend you see it/read it if you haven’t already).

Whether we physically create our reality this way is debatable though some interpret quantum physics in a way that supports this. However, it is much more clear and obvious that, at the very least, our thoughts and emotions some say ‘attitude’ largely determine our experience of reality. This includes our well being and happiness. So, it follows that, if we want to feel good and be happy, we do best if we think positive thoughts and feel positive emotions.

The problem is that life, in the form of events, other people, memories, news stories and other sources, often sends things our way that we don’t find pleasing. So we feel angry, sad, nervous or some other negative emotion. This, in turn, sends signals to our body and all its cells and organs that causes stress. What is even worse, is that these signals tend to be self-replicating. That is, negative or stressful states tend to perpetuate themselves, causing more such states in the future. Fortunately, the reverse is also true the more you can feel good or happy, loving, relaxed, euphoric- the more you can feel good in the future. The body, once again, absorbs these messages as well and this has a very healing effect.

One very important aspect to have a positive outlook helps focus and how to do it is:


I was almost going to devote a whole post to this, but I am trying to keep this brief. Living in the present means that you let of regrets of the past and worries about the future. No one, except maybe some meditation masters living on a mountaintop, lives in the present 100%. It is still a worthy goal, though. It is most important, naturally enough, to let go of negative feelings regarding the past or future, but even positive ones can be limiting if they keep you from realizing your potential in the present moment.

A person who is often nostalgic about happy times in the past has a belief that the best of everything is already over. If someone is always looking forward to some future happy outcome, they, too, are missing out. The problem with the future is that it never arrives. When what we think of as the future does occur, there is always a new future to look forward to. It is a fact of quantum physics that time as we believe in it is not real. It is an intellectual construct that makes everyday life easier to manage. It is not real in any fundamental sense. Keep this in mind when you find your mind wandering into the illusions of the past or future.

So the first step in thinking more positively is to set it as a priority in your life. There are many tools to help with this several in this report, especially breathing and the techniques in the following chapter- but the particular techniques you use are secondary to your basic commitment to do this. You simply cannot have well-being if you are not thinking good thoughts. Period

So if having a positive outlook helps focus why not start this right now and change you life?

Weight Loss Exercise

How to Avoid the Freshman 15

According to a recent study, college students start putting on pounds their first semester and continue to do so throughout their sophomore year. The notorious Freshman 15. The stress of entering a new school, being far from home and readily available junk food are just a few of the many factors that contribute to freshman weight gain.

Experts with the Top Trainers DVD set ( have provided tips to ease the transition and lose/maintain your weight.

Avoid the Freshman 15- Buddy System

How to Avoid the Freshman 15

Avoid the Freshman 15

Staying motivated may require some help from a peer. Partner up with a friend and put together a weekly workout routine. Scout locations. Utilize the space on your campus, check out the track, hills or find the gym closest to your quad. Partnering up with a friend helps keep your focus on the right track when it comes to staying in shape.

Avoid the Freshman 15- Dorm Room Moves

Late night and didn’t get a chance to make it to the gym? There are simple exercises you can do in your room to stay fit. Grab your iPod and begin by marching in place and keep it moving. Dance your way into shape. Throw in reps of jumping jacks, squats and lunges. If you are not much of a dancer, use your building stairs. Run or walk up and down the flight of stairs, while listening to your favorite playlist.

Avoid the Freshman 15- Fitness Night

Grab your group of friends and have a weekly fitness night. Hit the college lounge area with your favorite fitness DVD and workout, while having a great time with the girls. Try a different workout every week to keep it new and fresh. The Top Trainers DVD set is a perfect example. With 10 different featured trainers, you can challenge your body with Latin dance, Interval Training, Kickboxing, Ballet and Pilates and much more.

Avoid the Freshman 15- Stressed? Destress with Yoga

Exams, papers and endless books to read have you stressed? Drop the bag of chips! Fitness DVDs are the perfect solution for a quick session to distress. With less time required than a trip to the gym, unwind and relax in the comfort of your own dorm room. Instead of popping open a bag of chips, pop in a fitness DVD and manage your stress in a healthy way. Exercise helps eliminate stress. Try Ellen Barrett’s 45-minute Yogini class featured on the Top Trainers DVD set (

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to Avoid the Freshman 15 | Avoid the Freshman 15-

According to a recent study, college students start putting on pounds their first semester and continue to do so throughout their sophomore year. The notorious Freshman 15. The stress of entering a new school, being far from home and readily available junk food are just a few of the many factors that contribute to freshman weight gain.

Experts with the Top Trainers DVD set ( have provided tips to ease the transition and lose/maintain your weight.

Avoid the Freshman 15- Buddy System

How to Avoid the Freshman 15

Avoid the Freshman 15

Staying motivated may require some help from a peer. Partner up with a friend and put together a weekly workout routine. Scout locations. Utilize the space on your campus, check out the track, hills or find the gym closest to your quad. Partnering up with a friend helps keep your focus on the right track when it comes to staying in shape.

Avoid the Freshman 15- Dorm Room Moves

Late night and didn’t get a chance to make it to the gym? There are simple exercises you can do in your room to stay fit. Grab your iPod and begin by marching in place and keep it moving. Dance your way into shape. Throw in reps of jumping jacks, squats and lunges. If you are not much of a dancer, use your building stairs. Run or walk up and down the flight of stairs, while listening to your favorite playlist.

Avoid the Freshman 15- Fitness Night

Grab your group of friends and have a weekly fitness night. Hit the college lounge area with your favorite fitness DVD and workout, while having a great time with the girls. Try a different workout every week to keep it new and fresh. The Top Trainers DVD set is a perfect example. With 10 different featured trainers, you can challenge your body with Latin dance, Interval Training, Kickboxing, Ballet and Pilates and much more.

Avoid the Freshman 15- Stressed? Destress with Yoga

Exams, papers and endless books to read have you stressed? Drop the bag of chips! Fitness DVDs are the perfect solution for a quick session to distress. With less time required than a trip to the gym, unwind and relax in the comfort of your own dorm room. Instead of popping open a bag of chips, pop in a fitness DVD and manage your stress in a healthy way. Exercise helps eliminate stress. Try Ellen Barrett’s 45-minute Yogini class featured on the Top Trainers DVD set (

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