Weight Loss Exercise

Women’s Weight Training Tips

Muscle building and strength training is a great way for women to lose weight and tone up. Building muscle has many benefits. Building muscle will increase your metabolic rate and burn fat faster. Also, as women age, it is even more important to do an activity that is good for the bones and weight training is one such activity. So it’s important in incorporate both muscle and strength training into your exercise routine.

Women’s Weight Training Tips

1. Three times a week. Just like in any other kind of exercise, it must be done at least three times a week in order to make it more effective in delivering your desired results. Three times is the ideal number because more than three times would not allow proper time for your muscles and your body to recover and heal.

2. Weight-Cardio intervals. The key to an effective workout is having intervals. You can’t live on jogging or weight training alone. A successful workout should be comprised of both. Women require more effort in maintaining their physique or in burning fat as compared to men, and a proper workout consisting of both weight training and cardio is necessary. Cardio and weight training work hand in hand to burn fat, speed up the metabolism, and increase endurance and resistance.

3. Gradually increase amount of weight over time. Once your body gets used to a 5 pound weight it will not be as effective. The point of slowly increasing your weights is to challenge your body. The number of reps and sets can be easily adjusted to accommodate your capability to lift a certain weight level as well.

4. Stretch and cool down after weight training. In order to avoid cramping and to help your muscles relax after working so hard it’s important to stretch the whole body and have a proper cool down after weight training.

Studies have shown that lifting weights builds up your bones, increases your metabolism, reduces body fat, and improves balance. When you start a weight lifting program it is important to set goals, learn proper technique, be consistent, work all of your muscle groups and always be patient with yourself. Building muscle takes time usually 4 to 6 weeks before you start to notice any changes. Use these women’s weight training tips to help you get started on your journey today to become fit and healthy no matter what your age.

Weight Loss Exercise

Benefits of Weight Training Exercises

Once confined to bodybuilders with huge muscular physiques, weight training is now gaining acceptance from men who want to bulk up their body and women who want toned muscles and stronger bones. People who go to the gym or work out at home find it beneficial to add weight training exercises to their fitness regimen.

While fitness experts recognize the importance of cardio workouts, the consensus in physical fitness these days is to include strength training for overall fitness. Cardio workouts increase the oxygen levels in the body and helps burn fat.

However, weight training exercises are also important if you want to firm up your abdomen, thighs, arms, and hips. Cardiovascular exercises can cause your body to sag, but when accompanied by weight training exercises you will have a wonderfully toned and firm body. Strength training exercises offer the following benefits:

* Improve your muscular strength and endurance- Weight training exercises will make you stronger and help your muscles work longer.

* Improve functional capacity and ability- Working out with weights will improve your coordination and balance and help you avoid injuries. For example, you’ll find it easier to climb stairs and reduce the risk of falling.

* Lower blood pressure- People who lift weights experience normal blood pressure levels.

* Prevent osteoporosis- Studies show that strength training exercises lower the risk of osteoporosis especially in women. Lifting weights will help make your bones stronger.

* Increase your resting metabolic rate- Weight training exercises help raise your metabolism. Because muscles burn more calories than fat, if you have more muscles your body will burn more calories throughout the day.

* Improve psychological wellbeing- When you exercise, you will feel good about yourself. This will increase your confidence and self-esteem.

* Reduce lower back pain– People who exercise have less body fat and stronger core muscles. This helps minimize the risk of lower back pain.

Choosing a Weight Training Exercise Routine

For all-around physical fitness, your workout program should include exercises for cardiovascular endurance, strength training, and muscular endurance. You should also include routines to enhance your body’s flexibility.

Weight training exercises for men and women differ slightly. Women usually work out with lighter weights and lesser sets. Also, men go through weight training exercises to bulk up while women prefer to tone their muscles without putting on too much bulk.

You can do weight training exercises at home if you do not have access to a gym. When working out at home, you will need basic exercise equipment such as dumbbells, weight bench, resistance bands, etc. Some weight training exercises like leg extensions and lateral pull-ups require exercise machines that you can find in a gym. You may want to buy some exercise equipment for your home gym, or do other weight training exercises that will work out the same muscles without the use of an exercise machine.

Weight Loss Exercise

How to Lift Weights Properly for Strength Training

Ever wonder how to lift weights properly? Lifting weights is the best way to build muscle mass, gain strength, and improve your physique. However, strength training puts a lot of stress and pressure on your body especially when you begin working with heavy weights. Regardless of whether you are lifting heavy or lighter weights, it is vital to do so correctly. Before doing any strength training exercise, it is important to learn how to lift weights properly.

Always warm up before you begin your strength training exercises. Walking or jogging on a treadmill is a good way to limber up your muscles to avoid injury. There should always be a gym instructor or fitness professional present when you exercise. A gym instructor can show you how to do each exercise properly, what equipment to use, and how to use it.

How to Lift Weights Properly

How to Lift Weights Properly for Strength Training

How to Lift Weights Properly

Knowing how to lift weights properly will reduce the risk of injury and provide a more effective workout. The following tips are applicable when doing strength training exercises:

  • Choose a weight that allows you to perform 12 to 15 repetitions when you start out. Add more weights as you gain strength.
  • Control the weight and lift slowly from the original position. Return to the starting position slowly. Although you may be tempted to do so, do not allow the weight to drop quickly to the starting position. The downward motion is just as important as the upward motion. Both are necessary parts of lifting and will work your muscles in both directions.
  • When lifting, use your muscles to complete the motion and not momentum. Do not arch your back or rock your body to get the weights up. If you have to swing your body to lift weights, you may be trying to lift too much weight. Reduce the load and learn how to lift weights properly.
  • Move the weights through the full range of motion for the exercise. You should feel your muscles stretching and contracting fully with each repetition.
  • Don’t forget to breathe continuously while lifting. As you lift the weight, exhale through your mouth. Inhale through your nose as you lower the weight. A lot of people hold their breath when lifting weights. This is a dangerous practice as it can cause your blood pressure to spike.
  • Use a spotter when doing exercises where you may accidentally drop a barbell or dumbbell on yourself. Part of knowing how to lift weights properly includes making sure there’s another person close by to monitor you when you are working with free weights. You’ll be able to push yourself harder if you have a spotter who can help make sure you do not injure yourself as you make that final rep.

You always have to remember to be careful, mindful and focussed when lifting weights properly. Strength training can transform your body when done right.

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