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How To Stop A Migraine

Wanting to know how to stop a migraine is a big deal for those that suffer from it. More than just headaches, migraines cause different symptoms which can be very debilitating and painful. By learning how to stop a migraine, you can save yourself from having to suffer.

Determine first if you do have a migraine and what kind of migraine it may be. The usual migraine symptoms are a throbbing pain on your temples as well as pain in one side of the head. This can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as loss or impairment of vision, nausea and even impairment of motor functions.

Once you have established that you do have a migraine, you can take the necessary steps to prevent and alleviate migraines.

Steps on How to Stop a Migraine


Prevention can be the best way to stop a migraine. Migraines are often triggered by external factors such as:

* Stress
* Weather Change
* Food Triggers
* Fatigue and hunger
* Hormonal imbalance

You can start by living healthier, eating fresh foods and getting more rest and sleep. Exercise regularly as well.

Food triggers suspected of causing migraines are those foods that are rich in tyramine. Tyramine rich foods are mainly those that have been aged and fermented. This includes ham, sausages, cheese and other similar items. Chocolate and caffeine have also been linked with migraines. Caffeine sensitivity however is very subjective. Some experience migraines from taking too much or withdrawing from caffeine. Stick to fresh ingredients and try to avoid preservatives and additives as much as possible.

To help you keep track of the possible triggers of migraine, keep a migraine diary. Whenever you suffer from a migraine attack, list down what you ate and what was happening to you at that time. This will help you link the causes of your migraines and avoid them in the future.

Ask your doctor about how to stop a migraine using preventive medicine for migraines. Medicines such as beta-blockers (heart medicine), anti depressants and anti seizure medicine have all had good effect with stopping migraines. If your migraines persist even after lifestyle changes then you may want to try these.

Analgesics and Medicine

When migraine attacks do happen, there are also several options for you to take. The primary medicines are analgesics such as NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Naproxen, aspirin, etc.) These help relieve the pain caused by migraines. Triptans can help with dealing with pain and nausea as well. Ergotamines are often used as another option.

Managing Your Migraine

Always consult with your doctor first before undergoing any therapy or medication. Some medicine may have side effects which can also be harmful for you. To help you ease into migraine prevention, take relaxation classes and undergo lifestyle changes.

Migraines can be very painful and can stop you from doing normal every day things. They can also increase the risk of other diseases such as stroke. Knowing how to stop a migraine is very important if you want to live a long, healthy and pain free life.

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Migraine Neck Pain – More Than Just A Pain In The Neck

Migraine neck pain is both a symptom and a trigger of migraines. It is in fact a very common feature of most migraine attacks. While neck pain is common for people with migraines, they don’t associate it with migraines right away. This leads to misdiagnosis and the problems with migraines and neck pains don’t get any better.

Knowing Migraine Neck Pain

Migraine neck pain is most often described as ‘a tightness’ in the neck. Some can feel it at the base while some describe migraine neck pain as coming from the neck and going up towards the head. This is usually followed by a migraine headache where they may experience the symptoms of a migraine such as aura and pain. Nausea and dizziness can also follow.

Migraine Neck Pain   More Than Just A Pain In The Neck

Migraine Neck Pain

While neck pain can be common symptom of other ailments, if it is linked with a migraine then migraine treatment is the most appropriate response. Treatment using muscle relaxants, tranquilizers and other pain relievers can prove ineffective. These treat only neck pain and not the migraine.

What To Do About Migraine Neck Pain

Avoiding Neck Pains

Stress and posture have a lot to do with migraine neck pain. Whether the neck pain starts the migraine attack or is a symptom of it, you can benefit a lot from preventing neck pain. Relax your neck muscles by adopting proper posture, especially if your work requires you to sit in front of a computer. Adopt an ergonomic workstation setup so you aren’t tense while sitting down.

Practice proper breathing and relaxation techniques. You may want to attend classes on how to avoid from being too emotional or stressed while at work. Go for therapeutic massages or spas once in awhile.

Medicine for Migraines

For your migraines, you can take several types of medicine. Aspirin and other analgesics are the usual recourse to lessen the intensity of a migraine. While these can work, some medicine may have side effects which may not work well if you have other medical conditions.

Other medication such as anti-depressants, anti-epilepsy and heart medicines have been found to have good effects in preventing migraines. While they do not stop headaches or migraine attacks, they can lessen the frequency and intensity of migraines.

A Final Word on Neck Pain and Migraine

Migraine neck pain prevention and therapy is just one part of the solution. To completely solve migraines, you need to learn what the other triggers of your migraine attacks are. Food as well as other factors can play a role in triggering a migraine. Keep a log of what you do and eat each day so you can see if what you’re doing or eating is the reason for the migraine.

Whatever the course you may take it is important to consult a doctor. Both neck pain and migraines are serious ailments and can also be signs of other conditions. Describe neck pain fully and in detail, especially if accompanied by migraines. This makes the diagnosis of your ailment much easier.

Remember that you need not suffer from migraine neck pain if you act on it early and take the right steps.

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