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How to Cure Burnout

Lifestyles and busy days these days are leading millions of people to try to figure out how to cure burnout. Burnout is the term used for a state of exhaustion; mentally, physically, and emotionally. Who gets burnout? It can be young mothers or busy volunteers who try to be everything to everyone with no time left over for themselves. It can be employees who are doing the work of many with no end in sight or an employer who has a lot of pressure to show results. It can be you.

How to Cure Burnout

Burned Out

Take a look at these possible symptoms to see if you might be suffering from burnout:

Symptoms of being Burned Out

  • Apathy in all areas of life
  • Unsociable – unwillingness to socialize with others. Withdrawn
  • Chronically fatigued or exhausted
  • Poor sleep patterns or insomnia
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Possible depression
  • Anger
  • Low tolerance for others’ comments or behavior. Irritable and on edge. Overreact.
  • Physical symptoms – headaches, other aches and pains, constantly sick
  • Forgotten how to have fun
  • High level of criticism of self
  • Self medicating with food, alcohol, or drugs
  • Feelings of powerlessness and low self image
  • Do things out of sense of commitment, but begrudgingly
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety

If you recognize many of these symptoms of burnout, don’t brush them aside. It’s time for you to take positive steps the cure burnout. If you don’t, you may continue on with further physical or mental problems. There is no quick fix to relieve burnout, but there are steps you can take that will slowly guide you to a healthier, happier life.

First off, you need to explore what is causing your burnout and to figure out how to cure burnout you will have to address the source. Options then are to get away from the stress, minimize the number of occurrences or the degree of stress, or learn how to change your attitude towards the stress.

Best Ways to Cure Burnout

  • Take a vacation to distance yourself from the stress and to relax.
  • If your job is a bad fit or you’re to the point of feeling physically sick when you think about your job, you need to take positive action towards finding a new one. Don’t make excuses about the downturn of the economy, company layoffs, not qualified, etc., take action anyway.
  • Start saying “no” to others who demand more of your time than you are willing to give. There should be no guilt because if you don’t take care of yourself first, there will eventually be nothing left for you to give.
  • Learn to routinely treat yourself to relaxation, even if you don’t want to or feel too busy. Pick what works for you – a bubble bath, a good book, an all time favorite movie.
  • Rediscover a passion. Once upon a time you liked to do ______________. Start doing it again, even in small doses.
  • Seek help from a counselor, medical doctor, or mental health professional.
  • Burnout can happen when you’re overcommitted and overworked.

If you’ve taken a look at the list of possible symptoms above and feel like you have burnout, take the how to cure burnout steps now to get back on track and love life again.

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Migraines and Pregnancy

The link between migraines and pregnancy has been observed for quite some time now. Women without any prior history of migraines can suddenly find themselves experiencing splitting headaches. Migraines and pregnancy can be quite a difficult ailment to deal with. While pregnancy can contribute to migraines, typical headache cures can’t always be used due to the pregnancy.

Learning how migraines and pregnancy are linked can help in preventing these pains from occurring in the first place. If you do experience migraines while pregnant, you’ll also learn how to safely and effectively deal with them.

Linking Migraines and Pregnancy

Saying pregnancy is a drastic change can be quite the understatement. During this time, your body undergoes physical and chemical and hormonal changes. You can become quite sensitive to food or changes which didn’t give you migraines before. Your body will respond to changes differently now. While hormones can be a likely cause of this change, there are other several factors which contribute to migraines while pregnant.

Here are some common causes of migraines during pregnancy:

* Chocolate
* Dairy products (cheese, etc.)
* Coffee
* Dehydration
* Fatigue
* Stress
* Changes in weather

If you find yourself experiencing migraines during pregnancy, it can be helpful to keep track of when these episodes happened and what you were doing at that time. You can then make the connection between these occurrences and your migraines. Keep a diary or log to help you out with this. Check if the items above correspond with migraine attacks or headaches.

Remedies For Migraines And Pregnancy

For migraines and pregnancy, prevention of these headaches is always better than going for medication. Some of the best ways to avoid getting migraines are getting enough rest, eating right and regularly and drinking plenty of fluids. If you’ve kept a log of the likely culprits of migraines, you can also work to avoid these triggers or activities.

When these migraines occur, you should be ready as well to combat them. You can do this without taking medication. If you experience migraines, you should sit or lie down and rest. You may experience relief from applying cold packs to your head or affected areas such as the temples or the back of the neck.

Breathing exercises and relaxation techniques can also help. They can help circulate the blood better to lessen headaches and pains. Light exercise can be good for migraines as well. A soft and relaxing massage can also help, therapeutic or whole body massages however are not always advised.

Aspirin and other NSAID (not steroidal anti ?inflammatory drugs) may have side effects for pregnant women. Try to avoid these as much as possible. Acetaminophen, beta blockers and some anti-depressants are relatively low risk for pregnant women. All medication however should be doctor recommended during pregnancy.

Consult with your doctor for other remedies as well as ask about the therapies you are considering taking. Knowing more about migraines and pregnancy can help you have an easier and safer time during pregnancy.

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Are You Burned Out?

Burnout is the term used for a state of exhaustion; mentally, physically, and emotionally. Who gets burnout? It can be young mothers or busy volunteers who try to be everything to everyone with no time left over for themselves. It can be employees who are doing the work of many with no end in sight or an employer who has a lot of pressure to show results. It can be you. Take a look at these possible symptoms to see if you might be suffering from burnout:

Apathy in all areas of life.
Unsociable – unwillingness to socialize with others. Withdrawn.
Chronically fatigued or exhausted.
Poor sleep patterns or insomnia.
Weight gain or weight loss.
Possible depression.
Low tolerance for others’ comments or behavior. Irritable and on edge. Overreact.
Physical symptoms – headaches, other aches and pains, constantly sick.
Forgotten how to have fun.
High level of criticism of self.
Self medicating with food, alcohol, or drugs.
Feelings of powerlessness and low self image.
Do things out of sense of commitment, but begrudgingly.
Mood swings.

If you recognize many of these symptoms of burnout, don’t brush them aside. It’s time for you to take positive steps to stop the burnout. If you don’t, you may continue on with further physical or mental problems. There is no quick fix to relieve burnout, but there are steps you can take that will slowly guide you to a healthier, happier life.

First off, you need to explore what is causing your burnout and address the source. Options then are to get away from the stress, minimize the number of occurrences or the degree of stress, or learn how to change your attitude towards the stress. Think of some positive triggers that sound pleasing to you:

* Take a vacation to distance yourself from the stress and to relax.
* If your job is a bad fit or you’re to the point of feeling physically sick when you think about your job, you need to take positive action towards finding a new one. Don’t make excuses about the downturn of the economy, company layoffs, not qualified, etc., take action anyway.
* Start saying “no” to others who demand more of your time than you are willing to give. There should be no guilt because if you don’t take care of yourself first, there will eventually be nothing left for you to give.
* Learn to routinely treat yourself to relaxation, even if you don’t want to or feel too busy. Pick what works for you – a bubble bath, a good book, an all time favorite movie.
* Rediscover a passion. Once upon a time you liked to do ______________. Start doing it again, even in small doses.
* Seek help from a counselor, medical doctor, or mental health professional.

Burnout can happen when you’re overcommitted and overworked. If you’ve taken a look at the list of possible symptoms above and feel like you have burnout, take steps now to get back on track and love life again.

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