General Weight Loss Tips


I’m here today a little more tan and relaxed than I was a week ago. We spent the week at the Beaches resort in Turks and Caicos (in the Caribbean) where I ate, read, and swam in that rotation for about six days. We were totally cut off from cell phone service and internet for almost a week and it was fabulous. I thought I’d start twitching without the internet, but no offense to my beloved Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, My Fitness Pal and blog, but I didn’t miss it at all. Being totally unplugged is oh so nice and is making me think that I should do it at least once a week.

Vacation taught me to spend more time outside, to unplug, to sit and read and to embrace doing nothing. I also need to make jerk chicken very soon. I thought my trip would be spent eating sushi, but the jerk chicken won my heart. I love you jerk chicken. Let’s be friends.

And finally, can I just say that it feels good to have this year’s big looming dates done and over with? I’m horrible at losing weight for an event. I thought getting on a plane and stripping down to a bathing suit in front of people would inspire more weight loss, but it only stressed me out and made me panic. Stress+ panic does nothing for my weight loss. Combine that with a trip to the doctor who basically said in no uncertain terms “if you don’t lose weight, you will get diabetes”. I’m on it doctor. For reals.

I joined Zumba the week before I left and loved it. Our local gym offers it three days a week (monday, tuesday and wednesday) and I plan to be there for each one. Combine that with calorie counting, and strength training and I feel good about my direction.

Breakfast this morning is one of my favorites: 3/4 C whole, plain organic yogurt, all fruit blackberry jam, fresh blueberries and a little Ezekiel granola.

Weight Loss Exercise

The Raw Food Detox Diet

Interested in trying raw food without wanting to go raw for the rest of your life? A raw food detox diet may be the answer.

The raw food detox diet is reported to have many benefits. People who eat 100% raw food all of the time have said that they notice improvements in many health conditions. In addition, most people who were overweight will lose weight on a raw food diet, although this does depend on what you choose to eat.

The Raw Food Detox Diet

Raw Food Detox Diet

When detoxing, as you probably know, most people have some side effects. They may include headaches, joint pain, nasal congestion and other symptoms. This happens because many toxins that were previously stored in fat cells in the body are suddenly released into the bloodstream for processing and excretion.


Because of this, it is best to follow a raw food detox diet for around 10 days. You can expect symptoms in the first 5-7 days. After that, you may begin to feel more benefits. Of course, you should have medical supervision before beginning any diet.

What To Eat On A Raw Food Detox Diet

Here are some suggestions for your daily menu on a raw detox.

Raw Food Detox Breakfast

Green fruit smoothie.

Mix any fruit in the blender with some lettuce or spinach leaves for a classic delicious green smoothie. Adding the greens makes it more nutritious. You can also use celery or cucumber with most fruit. One of my favorites is pineapple and fennel bulb. Use up to two types of fruit and one vegetable: you will not want too many different flavors.

Or: Banana, half avocado and raw cacao powder smoothie.

This is a more filling option. The addition of cacao powder can give you a huge energy boost to get you started in the morning.

Raw Food Detox Lunch

Any combination of salad vegetables, plus a handful of raw nuts or seeds.

Be adventurous with your vegetables: you do not need to stick to only the standard salad. For a dressing you can use extra virgin olive oil and live vinegar, or blend tomato juice with avocado or nut butter.

Or: grated or finely chopped carrot or butternut squash with nut mylk (or nut butter mixed with a little water) and a handful of pumpkin seeds.

Raw Food Detox Dinner

The choices are endless when you have a little more time to prepare a meal. Check out any raw food website or cookbook for a huge variety of delicious recipes. Repeat your favorites by all means, but make sure to change it up from time to time with new recipes.

What Not To Eat On A Raw Food Detox Diet

Of course, if you are following a raw food detox diet, you would not eat anything cooked. This includes anything that has been processed or heated before it reaches your kitchen, such as dairy products which have been pasteurized. It also includes hot drinks like coffee (which is anyway produced from roasted beans).

To be sure, and also to increase the effect of the detox, many people decide only to use fresh whole fruits and vegetables in a raw detox. This means no dried foods and no oils or added fats. Some even cut out nuts. If you are going to do that, however, you should not do it for more than 10 days. Nuts and seeds contain many essential fats and minerals that are vital for a longer term raw food diet.


The Raw Food Detox Diet
This is my recommendation for a cheap and easy book to learn the essentials of the Raw Food Diet. Whether you want to start today doing Raw completely or if you just want to test out the Raw Food waters this book is a must. This specific easy to use Raw Food diet will help you lose weight, look younger, and have great energy. Learn more about Raw Food here now.

So Try out the Raw Food Detox Diet today and see if it makes you healthier and happier

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General Weight Loss Tips

Pepper Steak Over Rice

Last night’s dinner is one of my favorites! I use the sauce from PW’s recipe and marinate with (ribbye) steak. I cook the peppers and onions in 1T sesame oil until tender. Remove from pan. Add steak + sauce to skillet with 1 C. chicken broth (low sodium) and let cook until meat is done. Add vegetables back in. Cook for about 5 minutes. Serve over rice. (Oh! I also use white wine instead of sherry.)

It tastes just like it’s from a chinese restaurant, but a lot better. I calculated the pepper steak alone at about 350 calories per serving (makes 4 total) plus 160 for 3/4 C rice. Served with salad and viniagrette dressing a a little feta; Total calories: 580

For the day: 1,690

I did not earn my sticker yesterday because I didn’t exercise. After dinner, I worked on more projects and just passed out in the bed. I know. Today I am going to exercise before dinner. I notice that exercise really helps me with depression, I feel so much better and clear after a workout.

I’m feeling dehydrated so far today and am working on lowering my sodium intake for the day. So far I’ve only had 1/2 a banana and 1 C of orange juice, plus lots of water.

I’ll be back this evening with my food post and exercise report. Have a wonderful day!

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