Weight Loss Exercise

Free Weights or Weight Training Machines

Should you do only free weights at the gym or use weight training machines? Something you need to keep in mind and never forget is that when you exercise, you are training for life. You still may spend an hour a day in the gym, although that will still leave another 23 hours or so for your muscles to function without using any fancy equipment.

Whenever you do any type of exercise, the movement of your body during the exercise is known as the range of motion. The more difficult the range of motion is, the more effective the exercise will be, because your body has to work twice as hard to perform the movement.

Bicep curls – Free Weights or Weight Training Machines

Take for the instance the classic dumbbell bicep curl. If you aren’t familiar with the exercise, it is performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forward, and a pair of dumbbells held down by your sides. You’ll contract your biceps to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder height, then repeat the exercise as many times as you wish.

Using that same movement for exercise on a bicep curl machine, you should sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, then perform the same movement as above to move the handles in an upward motion.

Now, looking at the muscle contractions in this exercise, you are contracting essentially your biceps if you are using the curl machine, and that is pretty much all you are doing. When you use the machine you are sitting down, which will limit just how much your shoulders give. The machine has several muscles used in this exercise limited to the biceps, as well as the muscles in your forearms and fingers.

Limited Range of Motion with Machines

Free Weights or Weight Training Machines

Weight Workout Machine

Most of the time, when using machine weights, you will always be limited as to what type of exercise you can perform. You must always follow a strict procedure, which is pretty much the same with free weights. Unlike free weights, machine weights offer a certain degree of resistance.

One of the best thing about free weights is the fact that you move a little chuck around to select the weight you want to use. Instead of dragging it over to your exercise area, you simply select it on the machine. When you are tired during a workout, this can be a blessing.

A lot of people argue in the fact that free weights are the best for your body. While this is normally true, many people out there feel that machine weights are the best. There are pros and cons with both machines, although free weights have been around a lot longer and have been proven time after time to achieve dramatic results.

Body builders for example, have used free weights over the years to build very impressive bodies. If you ask most of them about machine weights, they would probably laugh at you and tell you that you need to quit joking around.

Should You Use Free Weights or Machines?

In a nutshell, free weights will use more of your muscles than the weight training machines do, which makes them more effective overall. This doesn’t mean that the machines are a waste of use, as they offer some great advantages. In some cases, it is best to stabilize the muscles that are being used in a movement, which is where machines are the best to use.

The decision on which to use for you should be based on what you hope to achieve with lifting weights and where you plan to use the equipment, such as home or at a gym. Both systems are great for your body, although the free weights are best to use if you want the best possible workout, and always ensure that your muscles are getting the right workouts they need.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Pilates Abdominal Device

Pilates exercises focus a lot on developing core strength, balance, flexibility, and posture. Exercises that build the abdominal muscles and back help strengthen your core. While many Pilates exercises are done on the mat, there are some exercises that make use of Pilates devices to intensify the workout. Some of the most popular Pilates abdominal devices are the Swiss ball, Pilates Ring, and the Reformer.

Using a Pilates Ring for Abdominal Exercises

A Pilates Ring is an inexpensive device that can enhance your abdominal workout. Pilates rings are lightweight and flexible. They come in different sizes and provide varying degrees of resistance.

Pilates Abdominal Device

Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through.Check out my Six Pack Abs review now.

This Pilates device can be used in some abdominal exercises. To tone your stomach muscles and buttocks, lie on the floor flat on your back. Bend your knees and keep your feet hip-width apart on the floor. Place the Pilates ring between the knees. Position your arms on the floor slightly away from your sides with the palm facing down. Squeeze the Pilates ring between your thighs. Exhale as you squeeze and inhale as you release. Repeat 10 times. This exercise engages your abs and buttocks.

Pilates Abdominal Exercises with a Swiss Ball

A Swiss ball is another inexpensive device that can be used with a Pilates abdominal exercise. It increases the challenge of your Pilates workout.

To perform the Swiss Ball Saw with Hamstring Stretch, start by sitting up straight on a Swiss ball. Both feet should be flat on the fall, knees bent and in line with the ankles.

Hold your arms straight to your sides at shoulder level, palms facing forward. Rotate your upper body to the right. Straighten your right leg and reach your left arm towards your right foot. Bend forward from the waist. Sit back slowly, one vertebra at a time. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This exercise targets the muscles on the abdomen, obliques and lower back. It also stretches your hamstrings.

The Swiss Ball Pyramid is another Pilates abdominal exercise that uses a simple device to provide a challenging workout. In this exercise, your body moves from a plank to a pyramid position. The ball challenges your balance and core strength because your lower body is being supported by this movable surface.

To begin, lie face down on the ball. Walk your hands forward until the ball is under your shins. At this point, your body should be straight from head to toe. Keep your arms perpendicular to the floor. Raise your hips toward the ceiling. The ball will roll slightly forward. Your body will now form a pyramid, with your hips as the top of the pyramid. Lower your hips back to the plank position to complete the routine.

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