General Weight Loss Tips

Carry On

pbpanini Carry On

Yesterday’s breakfast was a peanut butter and jelly panini with a serving of Noosa raspberry yogurt, almond slivers and strawberries. I’m loving this yogurt and I only have one serving left! noooooo. The panini was really good, though messy. I found these panini flat breads over the weekend and just cut it in fourths, spread peanut butter and jam on the middle and toasted in the skillet for a few minutes.

soup Carry On

I made another batch of soup from yesterday and had a large bowl of it for lunch. This one was just as good and now I have leftovers for today. I’m looking for a tomato soup now, preferably without a lot of cream, does anyone have a recipe?

blueberrypancake Carry On

For early dinner I had two pancakes made with Bob’s Red Mill Whole Grain Mix. I added a handful of frozen blueberries and topped with butter and agave maple syrup. Blueberries make the best pancake mixers!

bananasoftserve Carry On

For late dinner I had peanut butter and chocolate banana soft serve. Just two frozen bananas, 1 T peanut butter, 1 T cocoa pureed in the food processor. Just like soft serve! Best invention ever, thank you internet.

No exercise yesterday. I have no real excuse. Felt under the weather, down, wonky knee…the usual. Will exercise today, no excuses.

I’ve been losing weight and it feels really good. I’m doing my best to just put my head down and keep going. So often, in the beginning stages of losing weight,  I start getting excited. I start thinking, I’ve got this. And then I get confident and I stop doing what I’m doing to reach my goals, and I quickly go from I got this to what the heck just happened? I get in my head. So I’m just trusting my process, in that trust comes record keeping.

Along with this blog, I keep a detailed journal by my side. I write down everything. And I’m doing this so I can go back and see what worked and what didn’t. I’m using it for those weeks when I don’t lose weight, or when I lose a lot of weight. So I can see exactly what’s going on. Sometimes weight gain is just a salty meal or not keeping an accurate record. And so many times I’ve let those little things upset me when the scale shows a bump and think, why try? And that’s crap. Forest for the trees!

I don’t want to use this expression, but it’s fitting for how I feel: Keep Calm and Carry On. Just trusting that I’m doing the right thing and that yes I’m losing weight and that yes I have to do this everyday and no it’s not killing me, and yes I can have what I want, and no I can’t have everything I want and yes I can make switches and I’m okay. I know that if I want a blueberry pancake for dinner, I’m going to eat vegetable soup for lunch. And I can do that and still lose weight. I’m losing weight. Whew!

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General Weight Loss Tips

Mental Notes

I woke up yesterday and enjoyed a small slice of leftover quiche with a glass of orange juice. A total of 395 calories. For a mid-morning snack I had an orange juice frozen pop (Josh wanted me to mention that he made these all by himself- a tricky method of pouring orange juice in a popsicle mold) at 55 calories For lunch I had a whole wheat flat bread panini with three slices of center cut bacon, 1/2 oz. cheddar cheese, tomato and mixed greens stuffed inside. This was incredible! So satisfying and only 395 calories. Snack: 1 serving nut and rice crackers with one wedge of laughing cow cheese: 165 calories 1/2 serving cashews- 80 calories Bowl of Indian lentils (and chickpeas) with onion and a cup of rice- about 550-600 calories Another orange pop: 55 calories Glucosamine chews: 70 calories

Total calories for the day: 1,765

I’ve been making some mental notes this week for myself, for future reference.

I’m still eating what I enjoy and love to eat. I’m full and satisfied with my choices. I’m not stuffed, uncomfortable or bloated- I’m just full.

Do it anyway. I feel my mental crazies picking up and I hear myself thinking “what if I continue to eat like this and stop losing weight?” Obviously I have no clue as to how the body loses weight.  I’m reminding myself of this: I’m eating significantly less food which will result in weight loss, trust in the process and do it anyway. I guess deep down I’m afraid I will get to a point where I weigh a lot less and in order to maintain that weight I have to eat much less than I am now. That is a very long bridge from now and I will deal with it when I get there. I’m finding that this fear of hunger, future hunger is sabotaging. As crazy as it seems (after typing it out) I’ve noticed a pattern of thoughts where I think “I can never eat this little, forget it” and before I even give myself a chance I give up. I give up out of fear of what doesn’t exist. I’m acknowledging this and continuing.

Getting by on less. I think the biggest part of losing weight for those of us who have been overeating or binging for so long is letting it go. Letting go of too much, letting go of stuffing, letting go of mindless eating. I think that is why Atkins is so appealing, you can eat as much meat and vegetables as you want. There is a safety net. I’m finding slowly (very slowly) that the desire to overeat is less appealing than the desire to feel healthy and comfortable. One feels good for about 10 minutes, and leaves me feeling like crap. The other causes about 10 minutes of being uncomfortable (putting the fork down) and hours, if not a lifetime of feeling much better.

The scale is moving. Even after four days, I’m seeing results that I wasn’t seeing with exercise alone. This is very encouraging. I keep telling myself: you’re doing what you need to do to reach your goals. And I am, and I’m allowing myself to trust in that.

************ We’re headed off to DC tomorrow morning for a weekend extravaganza with the blog girls. Lots of food, sight seeing and other nutty things. I will still take photos of my food while I’m gone, eat what I enjoy, yet remain mindful of not over-stuffing myself.

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